ITT: Admit your darkest Veeky Forums secret
ITT: Admit your darkest Veeky Forums secret
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I had a cuck dream last night
i'm addicted to hypnotic mindfuckery
i dont actually like working out but i keep doing it because i hope somewhere along the line itl help me loose my virginity and i dont even think i vant to loose my virginity because im afraid i wont feel motivated to keep lifting after that
>fall for no fap meme
>start jerking off using other methods
>cum hands free and almost black out from pleasure
>taste my own semen
>do it regularly now
>want to fuck traps
things i would have never imagined i'd do. thanks Veeky Forums
I make fun of manlets here on Veeky Forums even though I'm a manlet myself. You faggots need to stop being so insecure.
I employ 3x8-12 bodybuilding training and I'm bigger and healthier for it.
>I jack off into the gym sink before I shower
>I don't eat meat
>I hate >the Press
>I think I'm getting into feet stuff
I fuck ugly girls for test boost
They usually fall in love with me after a while and I feel like a total cunt, but I need pussy 2-3 times a week to stay afloat
Sometimes they ask stuff like "why do you always turn off the lights?" or "you don't look at me that much?", it's clear they know I'm just using them
I can't stop tho, I'm too autist to get a hot girl
I recently lost my virginity at 20 by fucking the shit out if my thicc half-samoan/russian cousin with my ultra conservative uncle and aunt in the room next door
wtf dude
>thicc half-samoan/russian
wow get me some of THAT
The thought of kissing or fucking dudes repulses me, but if I see an attractive male I can't help but admire. I've never had a thought about a man romantically, but I find certain male faces are just so much more aesthetically pleasing to my eye than hot chicks. I don't know what is wrong with me
what does that even mean
Due to some shit that happened as a kid I don't know if I'll ever be able to connect to some one emotionally and that honestly kinda scares me. I don't want to be alone forever
your simply acknowledging the superior gender bro
im dead serious
I'm addicted to Veeky Forums. All I do when not working out is browse this shit.
>juicing fruits and vegetables
>put a cucumber in ass
I regularly beat my meat to nipple fucking hentai.
If you put sexuality aside, men are far more aesthetic than women
what is the degree of your cousin-ship? If it's third you're clear. Second-degree is cutting it close.
I love women so fucking much, but I can't stand them
I've been doing this too lately
t-thanks Veeky Forums
I'm closeted bisexual
Probably gonna lay low about it for the rest of my life since people are so fucking stupid about things like that.
honestly if you aren't directly related, son parent brother etc you aren't closely related enough to cause significant increase in bad genew, unless you have multiple generations of first cousinery
but if first cousin it's really not biologically bad, just socially
>cum hands free
t.cousin fucker
Try audio hypnosis
You can find some great shit [spoiler]Reddit
I only started lifting so I could lose weight to fit in to my fursuit.
I once blacked out in shower after putting the water heat to almost max and having edged for 1,5 hours before the shower.
Although I have zero interest in men I find dicks to be more aesthetics than vaginas, which look for most of the time absolutely disgusting.
My past couple encounters/relationships with women have made me feel like i will never attract a girl that i find truly attractive. Anytime i look at a girl now i assume they will never be interested or will latch and cling to me for dear life and never leave me alone.
It's not for squatting, I use it for sexual pleasure.
prostate orgasm
My gay roommate has a different hand wash bottle
I mix my cum into his soap
>Although I have zero interest in men I find dicks to be more aesthetics than vaginas, which look for most of the time absolutely disgusting.
No homo but same desu, unless theyre tight and shaven. The ones that flap out disgust me
I'm 6' tall, but I get jealous of manlets because they make easy gains. My height has never done anything positive for me.
user, that's degenerate. You're better than that.
somebody call this mans parents and say hes been sending nudes (hes like 14 or 15)
>Misspelling 'lose' twice in one sentence
I hope you die alone
Why do I think this sounds like code for something.
i know that feel, bro
I want to stop squatting and deadlifting or at least stop getting my numbers up so my legs don't get bigger
I hate it but I want long defined legs liek I have right now, as that hercules statue. I dont want them to become tree trunks
>my first cousin
I made Joseph Baena.
i ohp and didli with a womin barbell.
I really don't care about strength at all, I just want to look like Michaelangelo's David. Powerlifters and bodybuilders make me sick.
I used to be a bodybuilder until I broke my back, neck, and shoulders in a nasty seizure brought on by epilepsy.
Now I work out just enough to stay trim and am a shadow of my former physical self.
>thicc half-samoan/russian
Can you post some pics, because thats beyond the realm of exotic muh man...
I only got fit thanks to a car accident and a never ending supply of Percocet. I was 380lbs @6'2 when a 18 year old girl driving moms SUV and texting t boned me in my shitty Pontiac. Besides all the temporary stuff like concussions and what not I have damage to my neck. Lost 50lbs in 6 weeks from not wanting to eat due to pain and the side effects of narcotics and post concussion syndrome. Once I started to recover instead of falling back into the same fat fuck habits I was doing that got me fat I figured i'd at least try and eat better. Researched a bit and via slim fast powder, multivitamins, and 2 lean meals per day I consume about 1500cals/day.
Started jogging 6 months ago, 3 months ago I started lifting. I take about 10 perks worth of Oxycodone a day to give me the motivation to keep doing. I can do leg workouts back to back days and feel mostly fine thanks to the Oxy. I'm currently at 220lbs, trying to get down to 190lbs then will adjust diet to maintain weight but build mass.
Basically this girl hitting me was the best thing to ever happen to me just thanks to it jump starting me on weight loss. the 150k settlement is just icing on the cake.
She's my first cousin (8 years older). I've no parental sibling and my parents are super busy all the time so she was like my older sister (packing lunch, helping homework, bedtime story etc)
Moved to US at 13 years old, came back home winter 2016 and she's acting all surprised and squeezing ny arms/shoulders etc etc
>oh user such strong shoulders
>i love me a man with strong shoulders
She's true high test (not borderline fatty like Veeky Forums prefers) played competitive indoor volleyball her entire adult life. She's now retired as a nurse that works out occasionaly but that leg+booty gains still solid there.
>post pics
Islander tats so nah
I was feeling guilty at first afterwards but everytime i remember how she's basically asking for it walking around the house in volleyball shorts and groping me every chance she gets idgaf desu
Not attracted to dudes but am attracted to penis.
Fucked a few t-girls, sucked a few guys off but only at glory holes where we don't make eye contact or talk
pics or lying
I don't love my partner and they don't love me but we need eachother so we stay together. We are honestly more like best friends with benefits.
It's unsaid but i know we both think it.
>now im hooked on the oxy
>best thing to ever happen to me
Uhm please dont jump on the tar train bro.
blur the tats you retard
Does the neck damage make doing any other exercises painful?
I got kicked out my town for getting found in bed with a girl of the opposite race
I don't actually lift.
I squat in the curl rack
COME ON fagot, blur the tats, idk you HAVE to give us something.
You cant say something like a thic samoan rusky high test hybrid and excpect us to be all fine and dandy without pics.
I mean WTF dude thats like torture.
That is fucking terrorism muh man...
When i was like 7 years old, i used to get naked and play with this other little boy. We never fucked, or even touched eachothers dicks. But ive always wondered if im subconsciously gay or if it was just kids being little faggots
At least she wasn't the opposite species
Fucking Christ these BLACKED photos always make me laugh like a retard
Especially this one
I don't wipe down the equipment after using.
LOL what a homo
Guy or girl?
I know saying "I can stop anytime I want" is a meme but I really can. I do tests were I go off the Oxy for a month at a time. Only change is working out everyday as hard as i'm used too is impossible thanks to the soreness.
To be 100% honest I'm more worried about lapsing back onto the junk(food). Every time I pass my old eating places it takes all my willpower to not go in. One time I did go in and order my usual . Fully intent to go home and eat a fucking entire pizza and order of mozzarella sticks. The girl behind the counter kept looking at me funny as I waited for it to be cooked. She asked me if I came in a lot, told her I used too but went on a diet and working out. The look on her face when she remembered what I used to look like, she came around the counter and was just looking at me and telling me how different I looked. And this is after a jog/workout so i'm all sweaty and dirty and this chick is looking at me like i'm built as fuck. Not saying she was super hot and she was trying to fuck or anything like that. She seemed legitimately happy for me. When my order was ready I was walking out with it still intent to eat when she said "Well keep it up Arnold". I know she was just being nice but that gave my willpower back and I tossed the pizza in the trash.
But if it was the old man that sometimes work in that place? Might have fell off the wagon right there and then.
To be honest nothing in my neck bothers me. The damage still shows on MRIs and i'm told it should hurt but I don't feel anything in my neck.
both, I'm bi.
No nigger he was asking which one you are
Wew, that's dark and so rare...
I'm constantly going between thinking I'm completely fucked up person who wouldn't know where to start when talking to a therapist and thinking I'm perfectly normal person who has it mostly figured out and should stop feeling sorry for myself so much
You're not tall, you're pretty average. Don't blame your height for your lack of gains.
I lift for her. And even if I make it, I still won't get her.
Doinked a girl on her birthday when she became legal, been attracted to jailbait ever since. It makes me so fucking weird around women, I feel like they know.
I came inside of a pregnant girls mouth.
I always think people, even my close friends are laughing at me behind my back,
Laughing t how i'm a NEET now while they're all in college Even got kicked out the group chat, probably because I don't talk that much on it but there are people who never talk at all but are still on it. Never invited to events, If i'm lucky i'll run into a few of them and maybe join them for a meal or something but there's this underlying awkward vibe,
I really don't think I have a friend.
That means a baby absorbed your gender fluid. I've reported this thread to the FBI
>for her
Never gonna make it.
Get new friends.
Wouldn't matter if I did.
I unironically listen to german rap.
>Fucked a few t-girls
What's it like? Thinking about doing that.
This. He stuck something up his ass and fucked himself until his prostate pushed all its goo through his dick.
>This is way the secret is dark, and stinky
Stop being a downer man. At the end you have only yourself to push through shit. What matters that you do something and stick with it and don't make it about other people primarily.
Yeah... those guys are not your friends.
>I legit gone to sleep sober since October and that was like one of day when I was busy and I got high, before that it had been two straight months.
I know my liver is fucked, I just can't stop myself. I've drunkenly pissed my bed 3 times. I just feel like I'm slipping away.
>I don't love my partner and they don't love me but we need eachother so we stay together. We are honestly more like best friends with benefits.
the dumbest thing you could EVer do to yourself
rather live a miserable life than find someone who's worth living with?
Guy obviously.
>It's unsaid but i know we both think it.
literally "i don't wanna be alone so i stick with this girl" the post
c'mon you're better than that you deserve more than that
Lol, my older brother is in this exact same relationship. He has 3 kids with this chick with a baby on the way. They fucking hate eachothers guts, our families hate that their together, but theyre too chicken shit to end the relationship and start all over again. Their relationship is a countdown to a homicide. Youre putting yourself in a black hole dude.
>but theyre too chicken shit to end the relationship and start all over again. Their relationship is a countdown to a homicide. Youre putting yourself in a black hole dude.
I fucked my best friend's ex gf one month after they broke up. I was desperate, she was bitter, and we were both very drunk.
Every day I wonder when he'll find it.
I haven't gone back to the gym in a steady routine in over a year. Now I go once every two weeks and lost all motivation
I don't even lift
It's amazing what people will do when they fear change.