Childhood is wanting Geralt mode

Childhood is wanting Geralt mode
Adulthood is realising Letho mode makes more sense

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there is no way Letho mode can be achieved natty by average male

>implying witchers are natty

No shit you retard, Decoction of the Grasses gives you all the gainz

How do you unlock witcher mode? The mutations are godly.

>inject hgh directly into biceps
>24 hour arms
>50 scoops

>Kidnaps qt3.14 redhead.
>Doesn't raep.
Letho is a fucking beta.

>Wasting your time looking like Letho or any strong man

>Not wasting your time by sculpting your physique like pure perfection.

bitch please


I want him to flex that bicep and hang from it


How many scoops does letho take



Would like to see the replies to that post.

I lift to attain CHIM

>literal mutants

So alpha he qt3.14 redhead to further his goals without falling to the hedonistic temptations of a sorceress

Yenn vs Triss, the battle begins.


Why is Veeky Forums so fucking funny today

No contest, Yen all day every day

Disharmonica: Nice trips.

Triss, Yennifer is a bitch and cucks Geralt. Triss is cuter and high test.



>cucks Geralt

Yen is objectively the best waifu. Triss ACTUALLY had to resort to fucking underhand magic to tempt Geralt, Yen just needed dem dere tiddays. Triss willingly hid Geralt's past from him when he had amnesia. Also that fucking "Yeehaawww Geralt" accent of hers is literally bottom tier. Trissfags have the worst taste possible, worse even, dare i say, than Shanifags.

>Triss ACTUALLY had to resort to fucking underhand magic to tempt Geralt
Because a Genie literally is keeping Geralt and Yen together

I like Shani, but Triss is mah bitch

If going by book canon, and even then it was Geralt's choice wasn't it? If going by game canon then there was a whole quest surrounding that.

Triss is a cunt mang. Yen is a badass bitch with an attitude who is amazing in bed. Only secret betas look from ass-licking, back-stabbing subs like Triss.

Yen is literally the only woman on the planet that makes Geralt genuinely happy. No Essi Daven, no Triss, no Shani, etc...

Also, game fags don't realize that Yen is a fucking unbelievably OP sorceress.

Book stuff. Geralt is generally an ultra beta around Yennifer.

The only reason Yennifer fell in love with Geralt is because of genie magic. Their love is not real. Triss has her faults but her feelings for Geralt are her own.

>lifting to attain CHIM
>not just attaining it

You're entirely wrong man, Yen genuinely loves Geralt. They make each other happy but they're incredibly awkward at showing it. There are many examples in the books that showcase this

iirc I was in the original thread, most of replies we're along the lines of top kek and what not, one user called him out for being a faggot and picking Triss over Yen
But yeah, user definitely won the internet that day

>finally bought witcher 3 a few months ago
>haven't really played it because I know i'll have to choose between yen and triss
>made it as far as the var Attre twins quest
>tfw found out you get cucked by them

How often does Yen make an appearance in the game, though?

I've read some of the books and I like Yen from them, but if she ends up being a background character in the game, doing her own thing somewhere far off, while I'm hanging around Triss a lot more then I reckon I might be going with Triss

Both get a decent ammount of screentime and each have their own sidequests, but Yen is more relevant to the main story.

Well in TW3 you can break the djinn's spell and then decide whether or not Geralt still loves Yennefer, while she does confirm that her love remained after breaking it.
[spoiler]I know the games technically aren't canon, but it's the closest thing to an answer we'll ever get[/spoiler]

>he didn't always want letho mode

Both are shit and manipulated Geralt in their own way.
Yen cheats on Geralt in the books and its heavilly implied that Triss cheated on him during the first game.
Geralt is much better off raising the best girl by himself and fucking random village sluts.

Adding more women is always a mistake
Games should have been just hunting monsters and drinking with all your brahs in kaer morhen

>beat through main game + both DLC's in like 3 days

Holy shit talk about poopsocking

you forgot when Yen blames Geralt for not recognizing her when he has fucking amnesia, which she knows.

>he doesn't like banging random village babes wit no strings attached.

If you break the magic though yen tells Geralt she wishes it happened sooner and you literally live happily ever after

nigga are you gay? Geralt fucks everyone in all games. Why would a pimp like G care about his waifu cheating? I bet you think all girls are virgins or something.

Waifu do not cheat, nor do you cheat on your waifu. End of story.

You can fuck the other mages but go with yen in the end. It affects the ending. Trust me you want yen for reasons.

You wasted it. You didn't do the side quests and treasure hunts

This. With the exception of blood and wine the side quests are almost universally more interesting than the story itself.

Blood and wine is almost the inverse with its main story being more interesting than most of the side quests

I like Yen and picked her in 3, but I have a thing for short haired red heads so Shani always holds a special place in my heart.

Hearts of stone had abetter story and villain an baw or the main game. Baw was comfy as fuck tho

not posting that lean natty limit

Yes, but she didn't love him before the spell.

lmao no legs
how are you supposed to lift keening and sunder with NO GAINS

Do drugs, all of them. If you survive you are become a witcher, that is actually how they do it

What a fucking boring way to play. Do you need your mom to make choices for you in real life too? Make your own damn choices and stop being a fucking pussy, get immersed

Childhood is wanting to look like a video game character.

I simply don't want to lock myself out of the best content, since I won't be going for another playthrough any time soon. I know its counter to the "proper" role playing experience, but fuck off.

>I simply don't want to deal with my choices, and the consequences that go with it.
Don't play RPGs then. Did you act like a juvenile buffoon in TW2 when making a choice between Roche and Iorveth ?

No, I played through TW2 twice. I just don't have the time to go for another run of 3, so its giving me some momentary pause.

I'm still going to play the damn game and make a choice eventually. All I was asking is if there's more content with Yen, since I like her from the books. If I go with Triss instead, because I thought there wasn't much content with Yennefer and it turned out there was, I'd probably end up regretting it. I've heard you can fuck up both ends and I have no idea when the triggers for each relationship happen.

The triggers are very obvious don't worry, especially if you read the books.

>dyels thinking anyone who's been lifting more than 3 years wants to stay natty

yen is a bitch, cucks geralt with the emperor and comes with a child as baggage
triss is loyal and also has dat firecrotch

sauce on the image?

"Yennefer cosplay by Zefira" on imgur. Nothing explicitly lewd there though.

>Adulthood is wanting to look like a video game character

thanks f a m

I thought I was the only one mirin Letho

It took me 140 hours, you fag.

>Why would a pimp like G care about his waifu cheating?
Because he was about to kill the cuck wizard who made him a cuck too knowing that he couldn't beat him.