>not eating sweet potatoes
Why aren't you eating these BASED tubers, Veeky Forums?
>not eating sweet potatoes
Why aren't you eating these BASED tubers, Veeky Forums?
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I prefer potatos.
Fuck your hipster roots
cos toobars cors kansar
everything causes cancer
stop breathing cause you might develop cancer
I do.
Hardly hipster, my family has been eating them for a long time as pretty much all my ancestors grew them.
tastes fucking awful
But user I regularly am. They grow in my garden.
what's the actual difference between sweet potatoes and regular potatoes? Don't tell me shitty things like 'one is sweet and the other is not' I'm asking you in nutritional matter
Cook em til they're real soft then mash em without the skin in butter and garlic
Supposedly it's a more complex carb so higher glycemic index that white potatoes and they also have a lot more fiber. I eat both no discrimination here.
>hipster roots
These are basic unless you live in some loser country. Potatoes don't raise test levels for days.
sweet potato has a lot of beta carotene (which is why it is dark orange inside) and other vitamins.
can't stand the taste
Give me regular potatoes
So you think it's better to eat foods with higher GI and sugar content? and there is literally 1 (one) gram of difference in between fiber contents
I prefer carrots for that
I eat sweet potatoes and chicken for lunch every day. Super easy super fast. Can make it in 10 mins
>No discrimination here
Nope I was just staring a couple of differences I knew of. Dost thou readeth?
Carrots are yuck
That picture looks like the kind of guy that tells you carbs make you fat. It's always the fat people.
Sweet potato proteins help prevent cancer cells from spreading
I find it so weird how people could have such varied taste.
I mean surely our tastes should have evolved to enjoy the same flavours given that the same minerals and vitamins are vital to us all.
I love carrots. Good for you, sweet tasting and if you eat a bunch of them raw you get something solid to chomp on and work the masseter.
For me it's more of a texture thing. I generally don't like mushy/soft fruits and veggies with a few exceptions. For some reason, mushy foods make me gag
Already do
>Fuck your hipster roots
Sweet potatoes are based. You have literal shit taste
>Potatoes don't raise test levels for days.
Do you mean Potatoes do? Because they do
Agree there. Stuff like pumpkin is gross, so soft even when roasted. Though surely the carrots are being overcooked to shit if they're mushy.
I juice them
Rich in potassium, b-vitamins, magnesium, folate, and higher GI. Same amount of protein per ounce I believe.
Basically nutritionally superior in every way
Sweet potatoes are cheap during the winter. Get em while you can
Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Nope. See Also higher GI isn't healthier. White rice has a higher GI than brown rice, does that mean it is superior?
Baked sweet potatoes+Butter+Cinnamon or Brown Sugar= PURE SECKS
Go back to /fat/
Go back to /dyel/
>Why aren't you eating these BASED tubers, Veeky Forums?
Because they're expensive as fuck.
The cheapest ones cost six times as much as the most expensive bio potatoes you can find.
Carrots are crunchy.
>Also higher GI isn't healthier
It is for building muscle.
If you want a proper BMI of 32-34, you'll need high GI foods after proper exertion.
Where do you live? Where I am, they are 99 cents a piece, and they are in season.
Fat "powershitter" detected.
>without the skin
Carrots are GOAT. Cut em up and eat them like fries.