I FUCKING HATE OVERHEADPRESS, what alternatives can I do to replace this bastard workout? Seated dumbell press?

I FUCKING HATE OVERHEADPRESS, what alternatives can I do to replace this bastard workout? Seated dumbell press?

enjoy the strain on your lower back doing seated press

>not keeping a neutral spine

>implying it makes difference

Why, because it's hard? No being good at something is no reason to hate it. Just grit your teeth and do it, it will get better.

You can do dumbbell presses, seated presses or lateral raises.

In my opinion, I never like all 4 main movements at any given time, but my tastes change.

Stop overhead pressing for a while and try picking it back up later and see how you feel.

Taking a break will rid you of any fatigue and you'll make some easy gains once you come back to it.

2 reasons:
I have all the equipment I need at home for compound lifts apart from ohp, so I have to sit on the bench and stand up lifting the bar up to begin doing it
and it's not fun at all

if you had all the equipment you'd have some sort of squat rack. just clean it off the floor if you don't,

Push press

> not cleaning-and-pressing the first rep
are you fucking serious?

If you have the equipment to do squats, you can OHP. Or just clean the bar to start your sets.

I absolutely suck at OHP but for me it's still great fun and one of my favorite lifts.

>not enjoying the deadlift clean before every set of ohp

It is like two for one, a great fucking deal m8

not op but i hate them bc my core strength is shit. i can ohp 115 for 3x5 but my back will bend

Just do more of it. Don't progress with weight until you can do that cleanly.

How the FUCK can you not like The Press™

There is nothing more fucking intense than pushing heavy shit over your head and feeling your core and delts burn as you reach closer and closer to the sun until it is burning your beautiful wax wings as you go spiraling down to the ocean

Fuck you OP


use the squat rack then, are you retarded?

Ohp is the best lift there is you faggot

I've always found the concept of keeping forearms vertical AND having elbows in front f the bar to be counterintuitive. Look at the image. Elbows in front, forearms aren't vertical, they're at a 45 degree angle.

Why is the advice to keep forearms vertical if that's not the reality of it.

Dude, you gotta tone down with that pre workout.

I hate it because I don't make any progress in it unlike deadlift and squat. I'm switching to seated dumbbells for now, see if I progress. Then go back to barbell.

>Hating the OHP

Why you gotta be such a bitchboy OP? Also good tip is to keep your stance a little wider than hip width, it helps

use lighter weights

try variations to break through your plateau, push press, dumbbells, z press

bradford press user


Variations do help quite a bit. I love OHP but I'll admit that it can be really demoralizing cause it is hard to progress on it.

Always remember that core strength is really important for OHP. I actually stalled because my core was so weak that I ended up just bending my back and losing all that power

Overhead press is the best exersise though. I just wished it hit chest more because I fucking hate bench press with a fury but since I never do it my chest is beginning to lack.

OHP is amazing, you're a pussy

why not standing? it's really easy to power clean dbs into position and ohp them.

My shoulders are my best muscle group and I've literally never OHP'd

seated dumbbells all day

> 57.5kg
> finish reps
> 60kg
> Fail after third rep

>you need equipment for ohp
>not cleaning the bar

You pussy faggot.

this is what i have to do in order to The Press™

>take off 40 kg from barbell
>unrack from bench
>put it in floor, load 30 kg more
>walk 10 meters, cross a door with the loaded bar and go to the hall because my room ceiling is too short
>clean bar

what's your excuse again

>hating OHP and not bent over row
Bent over rows feel like its going to fuck up my back if I dont do it perfect

I know this feel. ohp is the only lift where if you add just 2.5 pounds to each side it feels like you actually added 25 pounds to each side

>I absolutely suck at OHP but for me it's still great fun and one of my favorite lifts.
Brother, I...


>That back pop as you lift up past your face
>That stretch and relief when you reach the top

Just do dumbbell rows you can go plenty heavy on them without worrying about your back. Also can hit a fuller ROM. Rows is one exercise where a barbell is never needed.

just buy fractional weights. they're indispensable for progress on The Press and Bench.

no point not using good form, just keep the weight low. if it's ~15-20 kg less than Bench should not be a problem.

OHP absolutely destroys my wrists and I can't tell why. I keep them from bending, done different width grips, can't do it without tons of pain afterwards.

I will consider it thanks user. Too bad my pleb gym has dumbells which weight cannot be changed

>finally hit 1pl8 3x5
>think I'm ready to go up
>what's another 5lbs anyway right ;^)
>can't even get it over my head

What the fuck

use a proper grip that is explained on SL5x5.

otherwise go thumbless. I feel much more comfortable with that.

Klokov Presses are so much better

you don't need an overhead pressing variant really, if the only goal is aesthetics and not strength in that particular range of motion

all pressing hits the anterior delts, with involvement increasing with incline until you have an OHP which hits the most anterior delts

no pressing really hits lateral or rear delts that effectively, you are better off doing lateral raises and rear delt raises for that

If you bend your wrists and keep your forearms vertical your elbows will be forward if the bar.

Seated dumbbell press is fine.

I find the least strenuous back/neck position is to have the bench adjusted to one level below vertical, so its more than an overhead press angle, but not enough to fuck your shit up.

Fuck you OHP is the best

clean and press your first rep you lazy fucking cunt

in fact just hang clean and press period

Military press

>hating the best exercise ever created
hang yourself op

>I have all the equipment I need at home for compound lifts apart from ohp,

OHP only requires a barbell...

>He fell for the "dont ohp in the squat rack" meme at his home gym

Whatever it takes kek.

I thought I had it hard because I just have to walk it out to not hit my ceiling fan. I do have to go in another room to use a mirror for form checks