First time browsing Veeky Forums in a week, thought I was free :(
time spent lifting
op cmon
5'10 (and three quarters) / 175lbs / 18
3 years. The first two were spent not knowing what the fuck I was doing and being a curlbro.
5'11, about 80kg
Currently bulking
Ignore the yellow shit on my arm, it's cream for my eczema
Eczema's under control now if you were wondering
5'10", started off as 110lbs skelly (small bone structure, you'll notice if you look at my 6" babby wrists), presently 140lbs after 7 months lifting.
Also I'm aware my arms look like shit, I do deadhang pullups, bar dips, bench and hammer curls (no cheat reps) but I'm not getting even a hint of j00cy delts or biceps compared to the better looking development of my pecs, core and back.
What mode am I? Am I out of DYEL zone?
20 years old
body achieved by pull ups, dips and playing sports
What sports senpai? Myron
competitive dick sucking
soccer, wrestling, basketball with the neighborhood nigs,
Thats a good mix
do you play pick up basketball shirtless? (no homo)
yes especially when the light skin nigresses are watching
>tfw oil driller
5'11 175
mah nigga
dont the male apes get mad?
also p-post moar if you dont mind
>been lifting for 3 months
>6'3 194lbs
Started out on 173lbs
You look pretty thin given the 3 years
Mirin shoulders
No pic to show because I've got nothing worth showing, but I was wondering if I'm making okay progress after three months. 5'11, 205 lbs, 19% bodyfat.
Deadlift - 150 lbs to 260 lbs
Squat - 150 lbs to 225 lbs
Bench - 120 lbs to 155 lbs
I run cross-country and track so staying lean is crucial
how long lifting, routine? mirin
doing my pre season routine for soccer, see
been lifting 4 years
> 2nd week of cutting
Rates? Hoping to hit around 230 and then stay lean throughout summer.
5 10
joocy nips
Week 3 of dirty bulk. So far so good. Think I'll go one month and do a cut. How am I doing Veeky Forums?INB4 Shitty tattoos
shitty tattoos
BTW 6'0" 206 lb
.>small penis
post when finished cutting
I'm not someone who normally hates on tattoos, but im wondering what made you think it's a good idea to get that ridiculous neck hoop tattoo
I actually like it. It has a lot of meaning to me. Not the best artist but I still like it. Thats why I said INB4 tattoos.
as long as you like it then
it helps that you're thicc
Only about 3 months on SS, got 225 bench, 290 squat, 145 OHP and 350DL.
Not sure how much longer I want to do this bulk, feeling pretty fat
Everything looks good. Chest could use a bit of TLC. You may look into switching to something with higher volume.
I've deloaded everything but my bench, but that's getting to its limits.
Might start adding incline, but I am also looking at getting off of SS in at max a few months too.
Do ss
Should I cut? I'm 164 but I want to be 175 lean. So I'm thinking bulk to 185 and cut.
172 lbs
keep bulking or cut?
This is what I looked like about 12/18 months ago, but I was injured for 5 months last April. Lost a lot of mass during that time, trying to get back to where I was.
>very good very respectable amount of size
>hidden under a ton of fat
I dunno, what do?
you should start going to gym before you try either
At 5'10 with bad bone structure, I'd personally say 150 at 12-15% body fat you're no longer dyel.
How to get big---->get strong
How to get strong---->get big
Lift heavier weight fagg0t. Post routine plz
I'm 6'2" 177 almost through week 2 of dieting and lifting, when did you start seeing results? I'm definitely sticking with it but I'm a curious.
>5 hours ago
Fuck, nevermind
Dirty Bulk for almost a year and a half - started lifting at the same time I started bulk. 5'6 190lbs
started at 152lbs
strength training
hell of a bulk
u look strong af
gj dude
Nah you dont look 5'11"
As of this year I'm staying around 3000kcal until I attempt a cut around april. At one point I did only do cardio and eat dirt and oatmeal and was down 80lbs from starting weight, so I know how to eat like a fatass
Right enjoy the months of starving yourself or swallowing DNP as a punishment for your gluttony
5'10 170 12% and dyel myself but everyone's bone structure is diff.
I'll just become a fat manlet power lifter
Manlet Gains at work
Been lifting for about a year now. Went from skelly cross country runner to joocy squat master.
5'10 180lbs, twenty pound difference between photos
lookin nice and full tbqh
traps and shoulders are solid
It's all coming together nicely now. It's nice being stronger than the guys I get with. Never skip shoulder day...
bro those legs cant be fucking real
Wow totally forgot to post picture I'm a bit drunk rn
>wearing weed clothing
fucking dropped
>being stronger than the guys I get with
do you meet guys at a cancer ward ?
lol it's a pajama/home gym shirt. I'd never wear that shit in public
You'd think so, most guys are fucking dyel faggots that are embarrassing to be seen with
kek. start going out with Veeky Forumsizens if you don't mind the autism
I'm autistic too so coo
Trex or dyel
5'5" 140lb
Back pic
you thirsty for attention aint ya?
Post your tits on another board and drop the link will ya...unless you packing some runny fried egg looking shit, then you can keep it.
Lol every single guy in this thread posts the same shit as me yet when it's a woman they're "thirsty". I bet you're the kind of guy that thinks all women are self centered when they don't want you. Stay bitter, stay a slave for the pussy
you gotta remember you're in Veeky Forums user
All women are whores, my gf is a whore, my sister is a whore, they're all whores. Even my gay best friend is not as much of a whore as the holiest of whores.
What's a good app to put 2 photos side by side?
I am tho
>keep bulking or cut
>6'2 172 lbs
5'9, 18, 6ish months lifting
Any progress? You still look skeleton mode but you cute
Lel no, you're just trash
Heres a comparison.
>tfw people that have been going to gym for a few months look way better than me after going to gym for over 2 years
I hate my shitty genetics
>body achieved by pull ups, dips and playing sports
Nobody asked mate your body is shitty.
>tfw no gf
Lets break this down for you, since being middle class murrica you are entitled but not too bright:
1. No, most post one pic and leave it at that, you felt the need to engage and post more as well as spout about being bigger than the twinks you hook.
2.No, not all women are self centered, just the majority, and all women want me, even the ones that don't, that's what chloroform is for.
3. Great statement that holds less water than you during your period.
sounds like a fatty excuse
>tfw no gf
>let me post pics of myself on a predominantly male board with my ass
>secretly want to be the gf
its easy to admit user, no shame in being a degenerate faggot.
>no ass
You start seeing a difference after 2-3 weeks, but then you will probably look yourself in the mirror and you will always look small to yourself. I see the results now but i still feel weak and small.
Dat adonis belt mayne fuckin hell. Do you isolate abs or is that exclusively from compunds?
Escape from skelly mode is immenent keep it up lad
101kg @ 186cm. Been permabulking for a bit over 2.5 years starting at 75kg.
>90kg OHP x1
>115kg Bench x1 (pls no bully)
>225kg squat x1
>140kg DL x 12 because back is too cooked to go heavy
>tfw you have a room full of redunant clothes that you may one day fit into if your fat ass will ever do a cut
What kind of routine are you on? My gf wants to start lifting next week. 5'5" ~110 lbs, on the skinny side of normal. I made a routine similar to SS because she wants to get stronger more than anything.
Also she's very nervous, any way I cam help with that?
Cutting at 1700 kcals/day
R8 h8 m8
Sorry forgot stats
6 1 223 38
shave your armpits
Husbando Mode
cutting and lifting heavy, i guess i'm getting some noob gains yet. been lifting for a month, last time i lifted was 2 years ago
When people tell me they like soccer all i hear is "I like sucking on fat black cocks"
well, time to stop thinking about fat black cocks then
2 years bodyweight from skinny track runner.
About to hit weights for the first time soon.
Best routine for aesthetics?
all i want is bicep veins
5'8 165
Forgot pic
you're a big boy
stop bulking though
Read the fucking sticky.