If you sumo deadlift I hope you die in your sleep tonight
If you sumo deadlift I hope you die in your sleep tonight
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Is he using three different clips?
Undefeated UFC LHW and the GOAT
>youngest person to become champ (age 23)
>slaughtered 4 former LHW champs in a row
>Submitted a roided out Vitor Belfort
>out wrestled a short stocky Olympic wrestler despite being a tall and lanky
>dat hitch
still alright tho
What is the big difference between conventional, sumo and le behind the back besides people being fucking memers. Sumo feels great for me, conventional feels scary as fuck.
Impressive considering all the cardio he does.
Would have had 10 consecutive title defenses but got fucked over by USADA due to tainted supplements
Conventional ftw
Are sumo deadlifts in converse shoes the way to spot a Veeky Forumsizen?
Its basically a way for people to shorten ROM in competition
sumo feels more posterior chain dominant to me. how well you do with either depends on your levers, imo. i have super long femurs compared to my arms and have a hard time getting comfortable in a conventional stance.
that said, there are people who are legit built for deadlifts, and the records are all held by conventional pullers.
lel, yeah brah it must have been those "tainted GAT supplements". Or it could have been Sadik pinning his asshole every other day.
gr8 b8 m8
>not wanting to switch up your conventional dl and activate dat dere posterior chain
wew lad
Why is Candito so autistic looking.
Progressive overload brah
Been seeing gains ever since I switched to sumo, kept having trouble with conventional. Gone straight from 120 to 160kg with no issues. My body is just built for it.
>all the record holders pull conventional
Objectively untrue, records have been set with both stances
well, eddie hall deadlifts half a ton using a conventional stance. i just wish people would stop implying pulling sumo gives you an advantage. if that were true, he'd be smashing his own records with a different stance.
>tfw fat
>tfw weaboo
>tfw lift in anime and Pokemon shirts
>people at the gym started calling me 'Vast-oise' (because Blastoise is a Pokemon and I am Vast) and 'Blubberasaur (like Bulbasaur)
>thought we were friends and it was playful banter
>one of the guys reccommends Sumo squats
>start doing them
>few days later
>one of them pats me on the ass and says 'THE SUMO IS THE HEAVIEST IN HISTORY'
>makes a Japanese face by pulling his eye face
>people around me laugh
Hate sumo squats.
>mfw stocky females at my gym are sumo deadlifting next to me
>mfw they bounce the bar
>mfw they are only lifting the bar about 1 foot before they drop the bar and bounce it back up again
>mfw one keeps giving the other form tips
what are squats?
just tell the one who makes fun of you most to fuck off. most of the time these people think you're in on the joke too because you're probably laughing with them/letting them make fun of you.
He has to use conventional because that's what strongman rules dictate. He may or may not pull more if he switched to sumo.
Kys OP
>'Vast-oise' (because Blastoise is a Pokemon and I am Vast) and 'Blubberasaur (like Bulbasaur)