>upping fiber intake due to consistently creamy shits that take 50 wipes to fully clean >just discovered research demonstrating negative relationship between dietary fiber and testosterone
What do? I don't want my T to sink but I don't want to have to deal with the messy wet shits anymore either.
Matthew Brooks
[Citation needed]
Alexander Martin
*BBBRRRAAABBBBLLLLBBBBTHHHHBBBBsllppstttttspppbbrrrrrrrbbbblllp* >oopsie tehe X3 >guess you're gonna need to get in the shower >w
Christopher Lewis
based off of your excellent selection of an image, I would say that you have plenty of testosterone and nothing to worry about. also, that sounds like bullshit.
Parker Allen
fiber ain't gonna help anyway eat a low fat diet for a while and see or keep up the fiber but stop drinking coffee if you eat a balanced diet nothing is gonna affect test levels enough to matter
Joshua Rivera
High-fiber diets may lower testosterone levels, according to a study conducted by researchers at Helsinki University Central Hospital in Finland. Scientists found that healthy middle-aged men changing from their regular diet to a low-fat, high-fiber diet experienced significant decreases in testosterone levels, according to research reported in the March 1983 issue of "Journal of Steroid Biochemistry.”
Results similar to the previously mentioned study were also reported in the June 2005 issue of the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.” Researchers at the Harbor University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center and Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute investigated the effects of a low-fat, high-fiber diet on healthy men. Subjects followed a high-fat, low-fiber diet and then switched to a low-fat, high-fiber diet for eight weeks. Testosterone levels were measured before and after the study. Scientists observed that subjects experienced a small but significant decrease in testosterone levels while following a low-fat, high-fiber diet.
Where does fiber come in? A study found that dietary fiber positively correlated with SHBG levels. The study used data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), which involved 1552 men between 40 and 70 years old. After controlling for age and testosterone, the study found that fiber intake and SHBG were positively correlated meaning that as the consumption of fiber increased so did the levels of SHBG. This means that there is less free testosterone and therefore lower muscle and bone growth.
fat consumption from what i've seen has an even stronger correlation. i've never drinken coffee before in my life.
i'm thinking normal fat diet w/ probiotics is the way to go but i need answers from people who understand this shit more than i do.
Kevin Allen
>*May* Meaning we have one tiny clue or piece to this giant puzzle of the human body and while we're pretty sure it means something somehow we have no idea where it goes or how to certainly replicate our results due to the many varying conditions possible.
Wyatt Bailey
i understand there's nothing conclusive and may not be for a while but life goes on regardless and i have to make the decisions i feel are most optimal to my success. every piece of research out there points in the direction of a possible link between fiber consumption and lower testosterone.
the strongest evidence to the validity of this was the linkage with shbg levels, which will bind more and more free testosterone the more of it there is.
Parker Mitchell
If only there were some way to put more testosterone in our bodies
Xavier Butler
Dude you will never stand on solid footing if you are constantly chasing the next study. All things in moderation. Eat big, get big, eat lean, get lean. Lifting, sports, and other cardio. And then you die no matter what. You are over thinking this.
Grayson Evans
Hudson Torres
Sounds like that it's the low fat part more than anything.
Dominic Bennett
Queefs don't sound like that.
Kayden Scott
it's the low fat part for sure, there are links between high dietary cholesterol and higher test levels
Joseph Allen
This meme is getting lazier and lazier
I really hope SIR leaves it out of this year's comic
Jeremiah Gomez
>you have to choose between shortening your life span or becoming more beta as a man
god i fucking hate our biological process sometimes. think i read something about monounsaturated fat being the best compromise on this issue though, i will have to look into that more.
my genes are fucking ass in addition to a terrible nutritional lifestyle growing up so i dont have a lot of margin for error.
additionally, i dont really have the means to gauge my current t levels and never have so i need to play things as safe as possible to make sure it's not quietly sinking without my knowledge.
Julian Walker
Did you know that high anxiety and cortisol levels have also been linked to diminished test? >What is catch 22 You're fucked big time my man.
Lincoln Morris
>afraid of eating fiber >thinking eating fat and dietary cholesterol as part of a balanced diet lowers your life span just die now
Nathaniel Wright
easy buddy. i am a dumb braincel and i haven't really tackled dietary planning until recently.
i'm just trying to figure this all out but i know the basic tutorials will not cover microdetails like this.
who says i have high anxiety or stress? Veeky Forums projecting?
autistic micromanaging, if thats what youre implying, doesnt have to equate to "high anxiety/cortisol"
Tyler Carter
so its the fat, hormones derive from fat/cholesterol
Benjamin Sanchez
>I really hope SIR leaves it out of this year's comic There is no need of him putting it in, if he draws a comic like the one for this year it will be a piece of shit on its own
Caleb Moore
at a bare minimum, free testosterone does seem to actually be limited by the fiber intake though. higher sex hormone-binding globulin levels.
Carter Lopez
>lower fat intake >testosterone slightly drops
Lincoln White
Seek medical treatment to get rid of the underlying problem instead of masking symptoms by eating lots of fiber.
Jayden Wilson
If you are having to follow every latest study because you are that paranoid about your test levels, which I might add you have no evidence of there being something wrong with, then yeah you are exhibiting clear signs of high anxiety. You are so deep in denial you don't even see it. I want you to think hard now on all the other strange little habits you have to help you drive away your unbased fears. And I'm not "projecting" I have family just like you, it's how I noticed the symptoms so quick.
Luis Morgan
why dont you learn to read you stupid fucking ass, last study had nothing to do with fat consumption:
Where does fiber come in? A study found that dietary fiber positively correlated with SHBG levels. The study used data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), which involved 1552 men between 40 and 70 years old. After controlling for age and testosterone, the study found that fiber intake and SHBG were positively correlated meaning that as the consumption of fiber increased so did the levels of SHBG. This means that there is less free testosterone and therefore lower muscle and bone growth.
no indication there is a medical problem yet, my diet has been lousy up to this point and one would think revisions there should at least be tried first.
Jaxon Foster
This year's was short but it wasn't bad. At least he's adding quality content.
Austin Gray
I'd take the messy shits desu, rather that than low T. Speaking of messy shits... *brrrrrrruuuuuummmmmfmfmffpffppfpfpffff* *SPLORT*...teehee s-sorry user.
Evan Evans
its hard to imagine high anxiety/cortisol levels when ive never come close to a panic attack or when ive never felt any physical response to troubling events or had any severe emotional response.
the fact is that to stop the poop issues, i'd probably be taking a bowl of bran cereal per day, maybe twice a day. if that will negatively affect my test, i'd say it's something important to know, and definitively NOT anxiety or anything like that.
Jaxson Walker
I'm sure bran cereal will actually lower your test because you have to be such a fucking pussy to think that will actually fix your diet or your shits.
My gains EXPLODED when I stopped eating like a spoiled 5 year old and really went in on the fruits and vegetables.