/PLG/ - Powerlifting general

Welcome to /PLG/ - Powerlifting General.
Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!

>ass n tiddies edition

Post progress, PR's, meet videos, schmexy lifts, or anything strength training related!

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source for pic?


For teapot.

how do I stop having pointy nipples that poke out of my shirt

I had them at 20% bodyfat so I cut to 14% and still have em

Dark coloured thick cotton shirts

But how to get rid of the source problem?

cut your nipples off

not possible? You have beautiful nips,.embrsfr them.




scissors my dude

Other people suck

Why don't powerlifters just work on ankle flexibility and strength instead of blowing money on these autistic shoes? Is it because they're lazy and don't play sports or is there another reason I'm missing?



Time is money
Sometimes the price of paying for shoes out weighs the cost of man hours spent stretching and purchasing mobility tools.

As well as, imagine having peek ankle dorsiflextion, and then wearing heels for an even bigger advantage.

I'm Paul, the king of the Nipples. You'll just have to learn to accept it, as I have, or cut them off with a knife.

Some of them yeah

The shoes help some people get into a better bottom position. I'm pretty sure most powerlifters can squat just fine without em but prefer not to. Also why's it so hip to rag on powerlifting in the powerlifting general thread?

No pls

I will not cut them off ree

I suppose I'll learn to accept it

H-hey guys anyone talking about lifting lately?

Sure tell me how the lifts are going

Two reasons for me. One, I feel really stable. The sides dont give out, solid bottoms that dont compress, and good traction to stop slipping on my gyms shitty linoleum. Second, theyre way cheaper than using other shoes. Mine cost me 45 bucks on sale. Compare that to if I were to start destroying my running shoes or chucks and it's cost effective in a few months. I still like chucks for deadlifting, but they have holes in the sides and bottom now.

I understand why people take form shortcuts in competition. But I see people wearing them just for reps, what's the point????

There is no more satisfying lift than rounded back deadlifts

>when her sign lights on

I know this feel oh too well

For the same reason Weightlifters wear the same shoes - Ankle flexibility isn't infinite. Even the people with the best ankle mobility in the world still wear weightlifting shoes.

Well I have a meet Saturday. Lifting has been going pretty well. I'm gonna open at 152.5/102.5/190 if I'm feeling alright that day and hoping to hit 175/117.5/210.

I squatted 155 the other day and it didn't look eye-gougingly bad, so it's progress.

How are your lifts going?


Losing a bit more weight will help get rid of pointy nipples, chances are your body puts on fat on the chest first if you're having issues. If you still have them at 12% then wardrobe change

So my upper right back muscles are still not 100%, and i'm unsure if the gym will be open today due to a holiday

should i take pre workout and go to the gym anyway? I was planning on starting my new advanced novice program today.

Perhaps i should not take pre-workout and go just to check it out...

Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

>nipple piercings

Dropped like the two nukes in Japan desu

You're overcomplicating everything. Just go pick up heavy shit a lot.

None of those arguments are valid when you consider the option of lifting barefoot, or even just wearing some shitty beaters.


USAPL I hope. What weight class?

I'm doing well, deadlift has made insane progress since I actually started training it, bench is moving nicely, hopefully will hit 120kg soon. And my squat is inching closer and closer to that sweet 200 mark...

I have to sign up for a meet soon, and cut 5lbs. Good luck with yours

What muscle, what kind of pain? A strain? A microtear?
Go lift, do lots of light rows with strict form to get blood pumping to heal the scarred tissue.


where did this meme come from

You literally need 10% of your maximum ankle flexibility to squat to parallel, yeah maybe if you're klokov going to hamstrings below calves then I can see why but I've literally never seen anyone do that IRL.

>Even the people with the best ankle mobility in the world still wear weightlifting shoes

If they wear weightlifting shoes then they don't have the best ankle mobility in the world, lol...

Are you actively pushing your hips back during the descent?
Cause no way your ankle mobility is this limited o_o

My lower back doesn't hurt if I round my back
It doesn't hurt if I hyper extend my back

But when I lay in bed and and like tense it, it hurts????????

who is this semen demon?

Yes I feel stronger when I try to sit back. My ankle mobility is actually pretty decent, but squatting heavy like that feels awkward and is much weaker. Maybe I should just deload and stick with it for a while to see how it goes..

Of course USAPL. Right now I'm around 86kg but I don't really want to cut to still be non-competitive. I'm just gonna try to get the biggest total I can.

Yeah you should definitely do a meet, they're tons of fun!

>If they wear weightlifting shoes then they don't have the best ankle mobility in the world, lol...

You sure?

>squat to parallel

Powerlifters and weightlifters need to squat below parallel.

Your mattress is probably too soft.
Sleep on the floor or get a new one.

This mattress meme has to end

Fucking Brazilians...

>weightlifters need to squat below parallel
incorrect, it is optimal to squat below parallel but not necessary

I've had 1900 cals and have a big Sheiko session stating in 40 minutes. What 300 calorie item should I eat? Preferably solid food

You literally get red lights if you don't squat below parallel

past a point=a point, this is basic geometry.

And the chink in that pic has flexible ankles, sure, but not as flexible as the chink who does that without lifting shoes. Also I bet he's only wearing those for a meet.

>thinking he still lives in Brazil
Keep up

>only wearing those for a meet
Are you acoustic son?

Look at tian with his shit ankle mobility XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD SUCH A DYEL

also i squat atg on both lowbar and high, just because you dont see it irl doesnt mean people dont do it

Well, you feel stronger because when you sit back like that you move part of the load that would go to your quads to your hip muscles instead - and since squats are limited by your quads, and not your hips, this might give you the impression that you are stronger in this position.

The problem with it is that your torso goes too horizontal because of that, and that makes it easy for it to leave your centre of gravity (falling forwards) because of the increased horizontal moment arm.

Not only that, but squatting this way for training can limit your quad development, which will make progressing on squats harder and more awkward the longer it goes on, as it will be out of balance with your hip muscles being much more powerful.
And unfortunately the hip muscles can't just "deadlift" the squats, because on the squat your lats are not pulling the bar towards your centre of gravity - the bar is fixed on your back.
This means that, on a deadlift, going more horizontal to use more hips isn't a problem, as your lats pull the bar to the middle of your feet. On the squats, the bar is fixed, so it leaves your centre of gravity and makes the lift harder.

You can still grind some squats after the bar goes forward, but there's a very thin margin where the weight just becomes exponentially more difficult to lift and suddenly you're in a position where it's impossible to squat it.

This is why I'd highly recommend you try to squat as upright as you can, even with lowbar. By using the ankles to let your hips go down, your back will be in a much better position, and your quads will be in a stronger position to pull your body up.
This might seem a harder position at first, since your thoracic spinal erectors and maybe quads are probably weaker due to your style of squatting, but they will catch up soon. And when they do, you'll have a much easier time progressing on your squats, and they will feel more consistent.

Hey teapot can you link me to some videos of beautiful highbar squats and snatches and clean and jerks

stop talking out of your ass

It's fascinating how noporn works. I haven't looked at porn for around three month now and before that i could look at tits and not feel a thing. I now opened the link of that chick and got damn horny even though i couldn't see up her urethra.

Sorry I forgot powerfatties only lift to fill in excel spreadsheets and not actually get strong and athletic. After all what other reason would you do all the things they do, lifting shoes, squats that look more like good morning glute shrugs, and bench with back arch that looks like it belongs in the St. Louis skyline.

>More pictures from meets
Getting annoying

It literally says in the USAPL rule book that the hip crease must go below the top of the knee, key word: BELOW

I know I am a beginner, about 4 months in, tried a PR with 2 and a half plates.. Why did I fail so badly? Is it my shoes? I tipped so easily

>from meets
Thats a training hall you retard

tell me where i referenced powerlifting in my post

dont squat in running shoes, if anything squat barefoot. Also, your not tight enough.

What have you used your penor to get out of the flirt attempt of a weird dude?

>training hall with a full grandstand
good one pepe

But heres a meet photo a pure example of super shit ankle flexibility right?

Your shoes didn't cause you to fail but they didn't help you at all. I noticed that the moment you got out of the hole you went your tippy toes and your heels came off the ground, which basically fucked you. Get stronger, get better shoes, and keep the weight balanced over midfoot

Okay fine whatever

Half squats are still shit tho

why do you have pictures of failed lifts on your computer

Okay, sure. What if squatting with more knee travel gives me knee pain though?

I'll definitely try it out for a while after my meet though.


Link to vid? I want to see how she got out of that

>good medalist olympians having a big and expensive training areas
Wow who would have thought

she didn't fail that lift, she's literally that flexible

Trappy can i increase my ankle mobility solely by rolling my calves and doing the barbell on knee trick?

she did though, the judges were shit during that comp

>not wanting erect nipples
Somebody should define the following medical conditions:
1. erotic dysphoria (not wanting to be sexually attractive)
2. transgender dysphoria (the opposite of gender dysphoria, for cisgender people depressed by their transgender characteristics)

So who else is gonna get injured on
>project momentum 2k17

1: Brazilian culture is to sleep either on beds or Hammocks. The people who have the culture of sleeping on the floor are usually Asians.

2: Soft mattresses can cause many back and SI joint issues. The ideal is to have a stiff mattress. If that's not available, sleeping on the floor will help.

You know that's pretty pedantic :p

It shouldn't unless your quads get overused.

Yes, but I recommend squatting down and stretching with your bodyweight 6x per day or it's gonna take forever to notice any improvements.


She got three white lights

>got white lights
>nah im smarter ten the coaches it was a fail
Man your pretty autistic

explain what this picture is trying to show?

Also explain what brain disability you have that makes you think posting pics of oly lifters with good ankle flexibility disproves the fact that lifting with ramp shoes isn't ideal for athleticism and overall fitness??

Most oly lifters I know squat in their socks when repping. So, there goes that argument.

I'm a male though it looks bad on guys

>Most oly lifters I know squat in their socks when repping

So you don't know any actual olympic weightlifter.

>when i see dyel oly lifters lift they go in sovks so youre disproved

I really hope your baiting because i feel bad for someone this dumb desu

>0% tone
>100% flab
Gay retard.

>ass touches the floor
yeah no, she got the white lights but it should have been red lighted on the day, in spite of how much of a trooper she was, judges were shit that comp

If low bar/high bar squats truly have no differences in muscle activation, then how come there are alot more fridgemode powerlifters than olympic weightlifters?

>no muscles
>no penis
>semen demon
Are you retarded on purpose?

Dont ever ask this place for advice

Go apply to be a judge and become one then your opinion will matter


Sure, but it is literally not a failed lift since she got 3 white lights and the decision wasn't reversed.

>then how come there are alot more fridgemode powerlifters than olympic weightlifters?

Because there aren't.

lowbar squats give you a large ass and hamstrings and do fuck all for your quad sweep

thanks for admitting defeat

Let's just apply steroid training techniques to natty lifting shall we!!

Anecdotal evidence is not a argument to begin with so didnt know you were presenting a argument

I can't believe it actually took me this long to realise. I'm embarrassed now.

9.5/10 baits

Lowbar squats are limited by your quads just like highbar squats.
They do involve more of the hip muscles, sure, but your quads are still being used to their maximum.

If highbar and lowbar are done to the same depth, they're pretty much the same thing for quad development. Difference is highbar is slightly better for developing the thoracic spinal erectors, and lowbar is slightly better for developing the hips and the lumbar erectors.


Didnt say cite, but saying ahhh i see people not wearing them irl is not a argument if it was all id have to say is i see wl wear them irl.

>it looks bad on guys
No, you're just erotophobic.

as i said, the judging at rio was shit

>stronk af guy lowbar squatting (only other one I've seen) at my gym
>comes up to me between sets
>"hey, you've got too much forward lean. Bring the bar lower on your back"
>i mean it's already in the notch but he's repping 5plaet so I'll humor his advice for a set
>widen grip, get it as low on my back as possible
>goes from RPE10 to RPE7 instantly

tough on my wrists tho