
I'm a 120lb skeletor and dedicated myself to going to the gym and getting Veeky Forums to combat my crippling depression.
Worked with my trainer yesterday and now I'm sore as fuck. I know soreness is normal but I don't know when I should rest and when I should workout.
Basically I'm wondering how long I should wait before hitting the gym again. I wish there was a way to measure soreness so I can know what levels are normal and what the max soreness level would be to start working out without fucking up my body.

Is there some sort of rule of thumb in relation to a healthy/workable soreness?

Haven't you ever experienced being sore? You're sore for four days max peaking at day two in my experience. I can't give you a maximum sore standard because it's different for everyone. The longer you train your muscles the less sore you get.

Sage for question you shouldn't be asking.

>Haven't you ever experienced being sore?
Literally no.
In my 23 years I have never done any physical activity in my life. I've always lived a spoiled life because of family wealth. This shit is another world to me. I don't know what's a healthy sore and what isn't.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Soreness is normal. Sometimes the soreness is so bad you can't walk right afterwards.

What you need to differentiate is DOMS soreness and injury soreness. Injury is more sharp and intensely painful. If you snapped your shit up it will feel like you need to go to the doctor. Pretty bad DOMS can hurt real bad but it shouldn't be on that level.

Soreness disappears after time, make sure you push through but never assume pain is soreness.

Soreness is lethargy basically, pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're doing something wrong/form is not good enough/you're "overtraining"

Do not assume because your lifts are increasing that you're stronger, make sure your body is recovering and being given a chance to catch up by cycling through phases. Tendons and connective tissue are part of your musculature

I like it. I'll tattoo it on my forehead

It isn't sharp as you've described so thankfully I know it is normal soreness. I judt don't know how long it will last. I don't want to have to wait 3-4 days after a workout to workout again. I just want to go every day but my body won't let me.

You'll be okay. Same shit happened to me a few weeks ago (fellow skelly). Let me guess, you can't straighten your arms and you can barely walk.

Most people find that DOMS is actually reduced by exercising again, or by doing some stretching at least. Try stretching or some body weight work that you can do at home.

This. I wouldn't strength train every day, but a bit of cardio on your off days might be a good idea. Make sure you stretch as well. It helps reduce the soreness, and improves your mobility, which can keep you from snapping your shit.

my arms aren't that bad tbqh my legs are killing me though. Can barely traverse stairs anymore.

Interesting. I'll be sure to do some stretches. Wish I could run but the weather is shit and my legs kill.

Eat well and sleep 7 hours every night and DOMS soreness will go away faster. Take a rest day or 2 and then go again, even if you're still a little sore. Repeat.

>weather is shit
Go to the gym on a treadmill then?

Do some stretches, it helped me a lot. I would suggest walking, even if it's just around your house to let your legs know you aren't dying.

tmrw will be my 5th day doing SS
i get less and less sore literally every rest day
just keep doing it

OP, I used to practice martial arts years ago and for some reason thought my body would still be able to handle a decent routine.

Went for the gym for the first time again last week, 1 hour boxing session then 1 hour of weightlifting. It was a wednesday, I was sore until sunday. Couldn't walk properly.

This week I am getting sore for a single day. Try to ease into it, rest a day or two at first. When it gets to a point that you wake up the next day and only lightly sore and know you probably won't even work those muscle groups that day, you can start going everyday. The painful period won't last long at all.

Also, stretching really helps. Do it everyday.

Bros might chime in and say "but whey has em" and "just eat more" but taking 5-10g of branch chained amino acids during and after workouts practically eliminated muscle soreness for me.

I've had better strength and size gains since I started using them but I think it's because I'm able to go a little more balls to the walls when lifting because I feel fully recovered from the last workout, and not so much getting a boost from the bcaa's.

>find a bcaa supplement
>mix 5-10g bcaa in water
>sip during workout
>finish it on the way home
>no pain, still gain

I can't stand treadmills for some reason. Whenever I run I always had to go cross country. Made the experience a lot better. For some reason this logic doesn't apply to biking.

I have this newfound confidence so being patient in relation to exercise is tough for me right now. Like I mentioned previously I just want to get out there and gain ASAP. I will take it easy though, I don't want to get burned out or it will make this worse.
Does time of day matter when stretching?

>first time OP has been sore in his life
>wants to fix being sore
>give solution
>still making excuses

Fuck off OP

>For some reason this logic doesn't apply to biking.
>For some reason this logic doesn't apply to biking.
>For some reason this logic doesn't apply to biking.
Screenshot, edit, post on facebook and tag me on instagram as to where I mentioned I refused to do cardio inside.

Fair enough, did not understand you were actually doing cardio. English isn't my first language so didn't know you were implicating you had an alternative. Sorry for attacking.

After you do your weightlifting if you're doing static stretches. It will help prevent soreness.

All good brother.

Will do

Soreness goes away the more you lift. I only get mildly stiff after blasting harder than usual or hitting a PR these days. Stop going regularly, and it will come back though.

Just push through it. Don't be a bitch.

wtf your parents didn't make you do any sports at all? christ i am sorry.

be sure to keep moving. don't be one of those lifters who sits all day and doesn't go on walks or stretch out.

Nope, been a scrawny faggot my whole life. Never had to work for anything and my parents never pushed me to do any sports. I tried soccer when I was like 7 but I don't count that.

what is your split like with your trainer at your gym?

Not him, but my parents also never really made me do sports. I had a single mom at first, idk why my father failed me so hard. I played soccer for a few months and basketball for a few months then never did again. By the time I hit middle school I was way worse than the other kids so I just avoided sports for good. In high school I joined the baseball team but I was complete trash at it.

>Part 1 - 2 rounds
>medicine ball slam 10 reps
>plank for 20 seconds
>Gobsquat 10 reps of 15lbs
>overhead press 10 reps 10lbs
>cardio 2 mins

>Part 2 - 2 rounds
>row machine 200m
>floortouch squat 15reps
>russian twist 20reps 10lb ball
>pushups 10
>cardio 2 mins

>Part 3 - 1 round
>back row 4 sets of 10 (1 40lb, 1 50lb, 2 60lb)

This is just straight from the sheet he gave me so I'm probably formatting shit wrong. Plus his handwriting is shit.

damn. i never really stuck to one sport but i always stayed active on my own. i had to be in certain sports throughout middle and high school but i never really liked it so i never got good at any sport, just basic athleticism and movement. parent's didn't want me to get into boxing or anything like that which held me back, but how would they know any better.

adults who never really stuck with exercise their entire life tend to be a lot more about "i know how to do it, you do this if you want these results, and you eat like this".

i think we've all had that kind of mind set when we all first started working out. over the years i've noticed that the people who stay(ed) active and made it a part of their lifestyle, not a trend, tend to move different and have better posture than those who live a sedentary life. you can sort of even tell, not just by image, but by the way one moves, as to how coordinated they are.

how's it been so far.
fyi so you know this is literally retard work. you'll get there though if you don't quit.

Oh I know it is. I figured it out when I found myself slamming a medicine ball on the ground like a fucking ape.
It's the first real exercise I've had so naturally with 0% muscle my body is sore.
Think this weekend we're trying some muscle building routine

what is your diet like?

also what kind of "cardio" do you do for the 2 minutes

You're sore from that? You got to be kidding

sorry it was the bike

What part of 120lb hungry skeleton who has never done any physical activity in 23 years gave you impression that I had any sort of muscle in my entire body?

you could take up bmx

Wtf have you done your whole life? I was roofing when I was 16 for fuck sakes

see & I never had to do anything in my life. It was all given to me

Lol and that's how guys end up beta as fuck

that was/is me. but I'm tired of that faggy way of life. That's why I'm propelling myself forward in all corners of life

You should have gotten in shape before starting gym. Spend some months eating at least 2500 cal a day in order to gain bodyfat.

I unironically have a crazy fast metabolism. My entire life I have eaten anything I wanted and I would never gain a pound.