That guy who yells "Sieg heil" at the end of every rep when deadlifting

>That guy who yells "Sieg heil" at the end of every rep when deadlifting

s-should I be concerned?

Other urls found in this thread:

Hes just saying Hail Victory bro he wants you to mire his deadlifts.

That depends if you are juden or not

I'm mirin pretty hard he deadlifts like 405 for reps but does he really need to be so loud?

You just need to one up him then and shout louder.

Yes, report him to the manager and get him kicked out, publically shame him too.

Anti-semitism has no place in this world, especially the gym.

Why should you be? Hitler did nothing wrong.



>Trump will never run for president
>Trump will never win a debate
>Trump will never win a single primary
>Trump will never get the republican nomination
>Trump will never win the general election
>Trump will never bring back high-paying manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never withdraw from the TPP
>The DOW-JONES will never hit 20,000
>Trump will never ban Muslim immigration
>Trump will never build the wall
>Mexico will never pay for the wall Hillary will never go to prison
>Trump will never negotiate the BREXIT
>The Polar Alliance will never retake Constantinople
>Baron will never be crowned Holy Byzantine Emporer
>Trump won't run for a second term
>Trump will never be re-elected
>Trump can't be the fifth face on Mount Rushmore
>Trump can't be all five faces on Mount Trumpmore
>Every mountain in America can't be required to have at least one Trump face
>There can't be more than five faces on Mount Trumpmore
>Trump won't build a moon-base
>Trump will never clone and reestablish extinct megafauna
>Germanic paganism will never be the largest religion in the US
>Trump will live to see his 130th birthday
>Trump will never make anime real
>Trump will never be Fuhrer of the Galactic Reich

t. (((cuck)))

Don't be jealous of his superior genetics user.


are you actually the only lifting liberal on earth or is this bait?


Someone else is prepping for the great race war. I don't want one, but looks like (((they))) are pushing for one, so now I gotta be extra stronk.

no? i dont know what that means either but you shouldnt be scared whenss someone speasks a different language than u


No, you should be inspired.

Disgusting anti-semites. How could make fun of a group of people who jave suffered so much through history?

Absolutely atrocious.


You laugh now but i've already traced all of yours IP address and I just them to the JIDF.

You better get your best lawyers reasy because this discrimination lawsuit will buy me a new condo.

We'll see who's laughing then.

>I've been found out!

reminder that Veeky Forums does NOT support racism

I walk up to him and do a front lateral raise of course.

>jew benching in the squat rack
>approach him under the guise of spotting and gas him on the spot with my portable zyklon canister
Did I reveal my powerlevel to early?

Oy vey

Shout "ZA RODINU!" after every squat rep to intimidate him



>muh six gorrilion

He probably meant Kaiser so there isn't really a problem.

>that shirt
>those arms
Fuck yes.
>mfw listen to this to get hype before lifts.

nice double chin and fatceps

>keeping your best lawyers reasy


I know who you're talking about. I saw him on Reich's Strongest Man pulling a cattle car

Relax it's just me

plenty of us liberals lift.

i've voted Greens in every election here in Aus and love lifting.

his triceps are too defined for him to have much fat on his arms

try again DYEL

Relax, OP.
He is lifting for the coming European race war.

>be inna job
>have to literally remind myself to not tell other people that you want to gas all the kikes because it got you fired from the last job

I even managed to become somewhat respectable in that job, 3 months of good nazi work ethic lol. Being a fascist truly rocks tho, I even got a very good recommendation from the employer (not the management) for a further job lol

fascism really does rock.

Fascism is the truth, it's not possible for it to not rock.

Yea, I wish everyone was a fascist already though. I am getting kinda tired of this passive aggressive social fuckery going on all the time. Would make functioning in society a lot easier for me than having to deal with half of the population being toxic (women) and one third of the remaining population being fake women (men who are basically like women and behave like so with their gossip bullshit)

Damn fascists, libertarian is the true answer

They deserved it. Parasitic nation destroyers.

Gym + oi = goyim

Nah. Nazis talk shit but crumple like paper bags.

t. slav

Listen to this workout every time

>If only Kircheis were here

What kind of job was it?

>especially the gym

what did he mean by this ?


Lol, try again samefagging fatty

>implying i dont lift so i can blow the fuck out of weak ass vinyard vine wearing republicans

>implying you lift at all

slavs are dumb and were tricked by jews for 50 years, also 60 million christians were murdered by them. The only slavs left are of the weak genetic stock.

This is your wife's boyfriend's president now.

Republicans have guns tho

Lets see what you look like?



You should ask him if hes feeling fit, buddy.

There was a skinhead who would always lift in hoodies at my gym for a short while, I could see one of his swastika tattoos on his neck on occasion

I wonder if he got kicked out or just couldn't stand all the pajeets in the gym

No homo or nothing, but when you go to the beach, do you ever go home without at least one phone number?
Also maybe tan a bit.

I burn. I'm white as a ghost.


>all the pajeets
I don't know about anyone else but he pajeets at my gym all workout in groups of around 6 and up and it's so fucking annoying because they're loud and smell like absolute shit and take up weights I might need for a good 30 minutes.



Tanning is for niggers

Better luck next time.People are waking up,Shlomo

Salute him

Deus vult ready body

>all these people fell for my weak bait

That's what makes baiting fun I guess

Baiting /pol/cucks is easy mode

T. Irish

Wait, how many Jews does he deadlift?

They're what, 80lbs a piece starved?

Like 5 or so then I guess.

hey rabbi...

>"I lift so that I can b-b-bash fash"

Where in this picture are you guys?


Stop ruining my country asshole


height / weight / how long lifting

and ofc
natty ?

Like when those tough antifash outumbered those skinheads 10 to 1 and still got btfo?


you allowed few potential kills get away
should have observed anyone who contacts him

Kekkin @ y'all

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'?