Will HGH shots help with my height at 18? I'm 5'5 1/2 and I just turned 18 but I'm still growing.
Will HGH shots help with my height at 18? I'm 5'5 1/2 and I just turned 18 but I'm still growing
Height is entirely genetic.
There's nothing you can do.
Don't wanna hear that, I just want help
just take all the steroids you can find and you should be tall in a couple of months
I was 6'2 when I was 12..haven't grown since. It's all genetics, there is very little you can do. Eat perfectly and stretch your spine and you can grow maybe half an inch.
What you want to hear is irrelevant.
Aside from a legbreaking surgery which costs tens of thousands of dollars and months as a cripple, there is nothing you can do.
Seek answers no longer, because they don't get 'more true' than that one.
I'm sorry.
You want to be tall because girls, right? Literally the only reason? Well they deserve a boycott if such things are a dealbreaker. They need to reevaluate what they 'require' in a society of pure luxury and digital wonders. We don't climb trees or fight large cats anymore.
If your growth plates aren't closed?
Yeah supposedly.
It's what they give to short dudes in adolescence to kick start their growth.
But if you have anything that even looks remotely like cancer or a family history of it...you're going to get fucked harder then a blue haired dyke in a black frat. So....watch out.
I have a gf she is 4'11 but I'm insecure someone much taller or with a bigger dick will crush me :( I don't show it but I live in constant fear. All my life I felt disrespected because I'm short
My growth plates aren't closed
I hope you're serious
> but I'm insecure someone much taller or with a bigger dick will crush me :(
So you're going to play their shitty mentally ill game? You want to beat a braindead moron at their own game?
>All my life I felt disrespected because I'm short
I understand but you can't give them the keys, either. This is one of the few times where it's valid to say that it's not your fault, and largely women's. It's their turn to use their brains.
Steroids will crush you. Don't do it, stupid.