5th day of no fap
>blue balls
>random boners
>cant sleep because of arousal
>Cant stop thinking about sex
When do I get superpowers?
5th day of no fap
>blue balls from 5 days
lol u shouldnt have fell for the meme retard
Get a job and stop being a NEET, when you're actually doing shit most of the day then working out no fap doesn't even become a challenge anymore it's just a way of life.
Fap twice a week
You should be fucking your gf while doing it
You do have a gf, right?
this. i go gym 3 time a week and fap when i get home everytime. never had an issue with anything down there its all these nofappers that are trying to cuck you out of sex by making u into a wizard so they can have all the girls to themselves
Has nofap turned you into a literal caveman? Lmao learn proper grammar then worry about your dick
>tfw no gf
I have school from 7am to 3:00pm. If I get a job Ill have to work from 3:00pm to 10pm, then go to the gym at like 10:30 work out until 11:00pm, then do homework until 1:00am and then wake up after 4hrs of sleep to get ready for school. Id rather get gains and an education then wagecuck
5 days is my max. My balls were so swollen pouring ice cold water on them didn't even hurt anymore. Just fap
>If I get a job Ill have to work from 3:00pm to 10pm
Or you could just get a part time job you retard and have more spare money and put it on your resume when you graduae
What type of job allows you work less than 6hrs a day?
pretty much this. if you are trying to do no fap while living a neet lifestyle it will be nearly impossible to not think about fapping. you need to do shit so youre so tired that you will be too tired to fap
You don't
I'm just doing nofap because I think I've developed an unhealthy habit of masturbation that has led me to have severe performance anxiety and PIED.
I'm just trying to not to whack off and self indulge in a habit I know is harming my ability to have relationships.
If you think this process will get you anything else except for healthier sexual habits, you're in for a bad surprise.
>day 3
I am also wondering this
Stock broker?
Harness the sexual energy you fool
When you feel energetic and aroused, go lift
9 to 4 is more than six hours a day.
A part time job.
Literary any part time job. Just tell them what hours hours you can work and if they need you they'll hire you.
>wake up at 3am with boner
>Id rather get gains and an education then wagecuck
>I'd rather do two needless things than make a bunch of money
Wow so your doctor told you to stop masturbating?
I wanna say I started a 90 day nofap on the 9th, mainly because of weak boners and the inability to maintain them.
had sex about a week in and I already noticed big improvements, urges were gone by the 3rd day, but my performance improved. the only con was less stamina but my foreplay was on point so it wasn't an issue
newsflash, money isn't paramount
>tfw day 26
>feel exactly the same, no boners or blue balls
did i fall for the meme?