R8 my dinner

r8 my dinner

Looks pretty good. Veeky Forums approved. Lower carb at the moment, or just what you were feeling?

Looks tasty, I'd eat it. Needs more quinoa though.

how'd you cook the veggies? lookin good, i actually made some chicken thighs myself tonight and they were pretty jooicy as well.

getting pretty tired of frozen veggies though, yours look good

In the oven. Chicken + carrots at 400F degrees for 30 minutes

The zucchini for like 10 minutes

Not bad senpaii.

Mine was lame and gross looking tonight, udon noodles with cauliflower, broccoli and egg whites. Couldn't manage to eat It all because it looked so whack.

Ran out of rice/grains this week.

what did you put on chicken to have it turn like that?

I broiled it at the end for as long as it takes to take the color I wanted

nice, thanks user

for my chicken i sear it in a cast iron pan for a few mins and then put it in the oven for 15 mins or so at 475

maybe next time i'll throw a carrot or two in the pan before i put it in the oven

>ceramic plate

if your entire meal cant be skewered with a 10 gauge hypodermic needle you ain't makin it

it looked like you sprinkled it with breadcrumb or something. did you broil it in a pan afterwards?

Yeah I put some cayenne, pepper and salt.

>did you broil it in a pan afterwards?
in the same cast iron I used in the oven. I just turn on the broiler

>Someone on Veeky Forums actually has a semblance of an idea of how to make food taste good

Frankly I'm impressed. I would definitely eat the food in the OP and enjoy it.

Veeky Forums turns out the best chefs on Veeky Forums, outside of/ck/

Veeky Forums is just a bunch of alcoholics bitching about pizza. Veeky Forums actually cares about food.

>meal prep bland chicken and rice for 7 days
>cares about food

From what I've seen on both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, 90% of each board has terrible cooks. Veeky Forums is slightly better in that the foods are usually chicken, rice, and frozen veggies, which is at least cheaper and healthier, as opposed to Veeky Forums which has tons of fast food threads every day. Veeky Forums does have SOME threads dedicated to good cooking though, while on Veeky Forums I haven't really seen that, although it is probably biased due to the nature of the board being about fitness, not good food.

This is a good post.

>le brown chicken rice meme
Some of the best foods are Veeky Forums


>Some of the best foods are Veeky Forums

such as?

Currently eating salmon and sweet potatoes. I highly recommend it.

Grilled meats, grilled vegetables, meat ravioli/toetellini


clicked the thumbnail expecting a disaster, but it's actually not awful. pros: roasted vegetables and chicken thighs. cons: pretty much everything else.

roast the carrots at a higher heat for a bit longer and/or cut them on a bias - they have no caramelization. same with the squash. consider a small amount of balsamic near the end to make a glaze.

also, do yourself a favor. unless you know the place you're getting that from, you may want to peel the zucchini. the skins of fruits and vegetables have the highest concentration of whatever outside fertilizer and pesticides are used by the farm. if it's some generic supermarket, the skin is probably retaining a fair amount of chemicals that aren't meant to be consumed.

not saying to go buy organic everything - most of that shit's a scam, but you should understand the potential hazards.

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