What's a simple keto meal plan

What's a simple keto meal plan

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eat fats and proteins, don't eat carbs

ketosis is for fags. basically the nofap of diets, everyone hates u and ur a meme

66 strips of bacon

tree fiddy butters

Bake an egg in a avacodo
Blend full fat coconut milk with protein powder
Hamburger with cheese wrappped in lettuce
Fat with everything

Take X food that tastes bitter or bland with zero carbs because they have all of the good nutrients for some reason.
Dump ass loads of cheese and butter on it.
Enjoy your keto shits.

I eat tons of chicken breast and bacon

Also stock up on spices. Like a shit ton of spices. Makes eating the same thing every day a little easier. Lemon pepper fish fillets one day, cayenne rub the next.

Here's the piece of shit meal plan I made for the last phase of my cut. Keto/IF.

Pretty much hell.

Being in ketosis you'll burn fat non stop until you drop to around 11%, then you have to do intermittent fasting at that point to go lower.


Steak and eggs diet. Quick, easy, and delicious. Almost time for my morning dose.

thanks for this, not OP but im gonna steal this plan bro


if you want to double down your fat burning, do intermittant fasting too. talk about simple, how about eating less (less prep, cooking, etc.)

dont go full retard tho and cycle carbs. most convenient is to keto during the week and carbs on weekends. but still intermittent fast

as a side note to all /fitizens, even the sticky says something to the effect of "if theres one macros to cut down on, its carbs"

further, carb cycling was the only thing that worked for me losing fat wise. but it wasnt until i started doing intermittent fasting (eating between 3-7 aka warrior diet aka OMAD most days) along with the cyclical keto that the fat really started melting off

>tfw perfected my double cheeseburger recipe

it's the best tasting thing ive ever made on keto, im so happy i got it right

I'm interested in this but the low protein has me scratching my head. I get the zero carbs but why lower protein, won't that hurt my lean muscle?

on a cut with keto you will lose a bit of muscle (like you do with every cut) but you'll lose much more fat. so it's worth it imo

fair enough

That's not keto bro. Too much protons.


LMAO that's not keto at all/
glucose is still fuelling everything.
switch the fat and protein around (200g fat, 80g protein). then your liver will start producing ketones.

not keto

not keto

not keto

meme aside, this is more like it

The only thing that is good about keto is the nightly fast.

Just don't eat bullshit food and set aside 13-14 hours to fast every day. Eat a big lunch and biggish dinner four hours before you go to bed. Wake up and eat a good sized breakfast.

Fuck all this no carb bullshit

have some steak with your butter

75% fat
20% protons
5% carbs
Do 500 cal deficit on top of that
Also don't eat from 6pm to 5am
Also make a mantra for yourself to repeat like a faggot over and over again because If you don't have some sort of autistic thing like that you won't make it. Your gonna melt fat muscle And brain but hey it is worth it if you are fat.

>And brain
Please eleborate on that

Some people get fogginess on keto. About 30%, others actually think more clear on keto.

It actually sharpens my senses, I'm ADD (not a Burger, they don't diagnose it to everybody here) I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it? But I concentrate so much better, that I don't need to do my usual concentration exercises.

This. I'm a tiny grill and this works. Occasionally switch it up with salmon and other fatty fish. Meat. fish, but mainly eggs, butter and coconut oil both in coffee.

The fogginess is only in the first two weeks when your body is still craving carbs.

I'm poor what kinda steaks do you buy

Fatty Japanese style steak with that nice marbling, the kind that melts in your mouth, is excellent keto.

Idiots who go for "lean meat" are doing it wrong. Chicken breasts, not even once.

The fatty ones. Stay away from lean meats, those are for people trying to cultivate their diabetes.

If you're too poor for steak right now, stick to eggs for a while and eat a few teaspoons of butter a day. Butter, not margarine or other hydrogynated oils, that stuff is industrial waste and will give you cancer.

Is high fat necessary?

i get you brah, but still too much protein:fat. meat cannot be the centerpiece of the diet.

t. guy who's been
fat:protons:crabs calories
since july

thats the whole point. protein is not a fuel. body can turn it into glucose in a pinch, but it's not supposed to be fuel in the first place. it's supposed to be the building blocks of your new repaired tissue. shouldn't be anything more than that.

>wake up: bulletproof coffee

>2 hours later: cheese and spinach omelette

>2 hours later: avocado stuffed with tuna

>4 hours later: caveman chili with green beans topped with cheese

>3 hours later: feta and spinach omelette



High fat is a vital part of making it an actual ketogenic diet.

So whats the Veeky Forums verdict on keto, is it a meme or is there merit to doing it over a regular cut.