How much sleep do you get a day Veeky Forums? I've been getting 14-16 hours a day lately

How much sleep do you get a day Veeky Forums? I've been getting 14-16 hours a day lately

I dunno ask your mom.

idk man how strong are you?

the fuck

6-7 at night and a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon

at home usually 8 hours in one sitting
at work usually 3 hours 2x per day, sometimes more sometimes less

Somebody get those manlets a glass of water

Like 5 hours a night regularly these days, I'm probably killing my gains

and a turkey sammich

5 hours is plenty if you're not an old man

Congrats on being a NEET senpai.

This is true.
I lived off 0-6 hours of sleep per night my entire life and then around age 30 I needed a full 8 hours or I feel all fucked up.

7 to 8 hours usually with two piss breaks in between

no naps

I sleep 4-5 hours most days and i am at 2/3/3.5/4.5
8+ hours sleep for gains is a meme

wtf is your job user

I'm guessing watches on a ship?

r u depressed

No making gains

This is true, I hardly ever sleep

About 4-5 hours but i take a shit load of modafinil and dexamphetimes to remain productive

How The fuck Do u have 2pl8 Ohp but only 4.5 pl8 dead?

Deadlifts are for try hards

> i need this much, therefore everyone needs this much

can you all pls kys tyvm

I Know Right, I Mean That Is Really Weird

Idgaf bout deadlifts
Its a meme exercise for manchild

5 hours