What does Veeky Forums think of the Alabama Alpha Phi recruitment video?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Alabama Alpha Phi recruitment video?
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oh and theyre all basic as fuck cookie cutters i want no part of them
The fuck does this have to do with fit
>Alpha Phi
but dude! their girls!
hello chad
whats a good name for a roastie thats a man? chad sounds like a compliment
What the hell. There's a metric fuckton of girls
What's the point of joining if there's 500 girls and they all look the same
probably a steve or a tim
yeh but its called roastie cause their vaginas are all fucked up because of all the chad cock
looks like roast beef
what happens to guys
they go fat and bald
then i guess brad works
That's the gayest video I have ever seen.
did you watch the video? all of them are tyrones girls
Reminder that Elliot Rodger did nothing wrong.
Nice eye candy but just thinking about their conversations gives me a headache
I realize I should have signed up to go to Alabama when I was recruited.
By the way there's on guy in the video and he's black.
The Alabama Bull.
Alpha phi always has the hottest chick's Who else /greek/ here? At purdue right now
Yeah, it's girls, so what bro?
i just hate the whole inclusive pay to be a friend and go to our events culture.
also daddies money all of them, 90% of these girls have never had to actually work till they graduate and are fast tracked into a cushy jobs because of connections.
>you werent born with rich parents to set you up in the social ladder
> you will always have to work twice as hard and grind away till you make it
>people are born with everything
i wonder how many of them dike out together
todays alpha phi member is tomorrows College Lesbian porn video
Wtf is this shit
I fucked 2 girls in this video
> projecting
I couldn't stop watching because they were so cute and seemed like they were having fun.
I know in real life they're bitches and they all hate each other secretly, but what a beautiful video if you can be naive for 4 minutes.
If I were a girl I'd be so much hotter than any of these whores
creepy and cultish and why are they all white?
You know what's funny, I know several of the girls in this sorority and they are all pretty much as nice as can be. I don't really get why you autists are so triggered about a recruitment video. If you act like you wouldn't date any of the girls In that video your either a liar or a faggot.
They aren't bitches , pretty much all of them are really nice
Veeky Forums
It's Alabama lmao
They're all basically flat of