So other than being Veeky Forums and stronk, What should we work on to better ourselves as men(male) ?
So other than being Veeky Forums and stronk, What should we work on to better ourselves as men(male) ?
Some sort of practical skill, like DDR
Brushing your teeth
Watch min. 1 movie a day and write a review as if you were to publish it in a journal
>tfw last time i brushed my teeth was months ago
glad i didn't fall for the tooth jew
Besides the brushing your teeth thing, which everyone probably does already, you're basically just being a pretentious faggot and not bettering yourself in any real way. No surprise, these threads are always full of pretentious faggots, if you need Veeky Forums to tell you what to do with your life you first should re-evaluate your life.
>you first should re-evaluate your life
but that's what i'm doing
Read lots of books of all genres. Learn how to play piano. Earn some secondary sources of income. Try out cool new bars or restaurants in your town. Learn to dress better. Stretch/do yoga. Get good grades. Assume a leadership position within a university group, or try to get on the board of something your passionate about. Buy yourself a nice Swiss automatic wrist watch cuz you look dumb in a g shock or an Apple Watch. Go to some cool events like boat races or rowing comps. and get cocktails there. Read articles about random shit all the time.
learn a 2nd language
Work towards some kind of actual career job.
>What should we work on to better ourselves as men
Brotherhood. Be a man among men. Help your younger brother find the path.
fuck you buddy
Gshock is awesome
Not really. You look like you're in high school. Buy a big boy watch if you want to be treated like a big boy.
Philosophy, virtue, and ethics.
Philosophy - understanding your place and purpose in the universe
Virtue - integrating these concepts into your core self
Ethics - applying these principles to people and situations in your everyday life.
slaying poon
Rid our lands of the muslim & black scourge
>good education and subsequently, a good job
>reasonable amount of savings
>driver's license and a car
>not living with your parents, even if they're good people
>social skills that let you approach strangers and flirt with women without any problems
>good hygiene
>clean and fashionable clothes (as in, not cargo pants and dadrock band t-shirt)
>practical skills
>cooking (at least basics)
>cleaning (you should be able to clean your house without woman's help)
>reading books (I say you need to read at least 150-200 classics which shouldn't take you more than 2-3 years)
>no swearing, even on the Internet
>generally trying to be a better person (helping others, no gossiping,
>lifting and sports, but we're on Veeky Forums so that's a given
>quitting porn altogheter, same goes with weed, avoid alcohol
>time management
What I'm not listing: NoFap (just limit your fapping to once a day or even less), getting a gf (she won't fix your life, unless you want her to be your substitute mother), watching movies, listening to the music (do it if you want to)
sound advice user, seconded
Carpentry, the definitive male skill.