Memes that need to die now

Memes that need to die now
>lean bulk
>training abs if you do compounds
>ec stacking

Lean bulking makes sense in that you can minimize fat gain if you don't stuff your face like a pig.

Target your abs you SS fag.

*toot* hehe. sorry

lean bulk is not a meme, it's just for people with different goals/lifestyles than you.

abs thing is correct, but your abs will improve with heavy compounds. they just might not be as solid as you were expecting.

ec stacking works.

not sure what the fuck your on about, 2.5/3 of the things you listed are not memes and everyone already knows all this so you're not educating anyone with this thread.

Strength training is vital no matter what
Squats build a nice ass
Starvation mode
Fasting doesn't work
Steroids are completely harmless
You need to look like someone who abuses steroids to look good or normal and masculine
Traps aren't gay
The toot thing is not just one autistic cunt who hates women

There's a meme that should die.

none of those are memes retard

I love the idea of her holding her breath with her ass pressed up at the perfect angle for however long it took to take this picture. Pretty funny.

>squats dont build a nice ass
nigga im doing 60 kg squats and the only thing that grew was my ass, can you elaborate?

*tehehe... Sorry. I had beans for breakfast*

strength training is vital
squats do build a nice ass
what are you saying here
is this really a meme?
no one perpetuates this meme
too subjective, could be true for some
no one perpetuates this meme
just a bad joke

great post bro. you did it!

>Training abs if you do compounds

One arm pull ups hit them harder then any other ab exercise I can do. Including weighted dragon flags.

sluuurrrppp...slurp slurp.... that's okayy-yy myy lovee...

And I have a relatively visible sixpack while being 18% bodyfat. The exceptions don't prove the rule user.

>strength training is vital
It is not.

>squats do build a nice ass
Certain types of squats yes. Not the kind that are whored on every corner of the net.

>what are you saying here
That starvation mode is a thing. It isn't.

>is this really a meme?
It's stated in every thread when people talk about eating few calories or fasting.

>no one perpetuates this meme
We have multiple concurrent threads and someguy who will pop up in any fucking thread that even mentions steroids saying this.

>too subjective, could be true for some
Not subjective at all.
Every single person that is pushed as having an ideal body in looks or function are obviously or have obviously abused a fair amount of steroids.
This is not subjective or a personal opinion. This is an objective fact.

>no one perpetuates this meme
Oh yes they do.
In every PLG thread or any thread where a trap pops up.

>just a bad joke
Very bad. Doesn't stop it from being a shitty "meme" that is pushed constantly.

Oh Oh no...


>>training abs if you do compounds

It shows how much of a newfag you are

>training abs if you do compounds
you should train abs no matter what, they are the most functional part of the body and just doing squats won't give you the flexibility that calisthenic ab exercises will

can you faggots just fuck off already

>sugar is bad

After messing around with bulk/cuts, leangains, PSMF and others I came to the conclusion lean bulk is the best for me.

I get total anxiety on a cut that I'm losing my muscle. Leangains is OK but I lift 5 days a week so cutting 2 days isn't enough.

With lean bulk you are always slowly improving, it's always a positive gain. You're looking better each day and getting stronger and it's never worse. That's worth it for me.

Also I think I was eating way too much on bulks because I wanted to make sure I was getting all possible gains. Eating +500 is just too much for me. I'm still getting strength gains eating much less.

lean bulk is just some silly semantic distinction people came up with to describe a 250-500 calorie surplus instead of a huge calorie surplus

it doesn't actually mean bulking without putting on fat, this is not physiologically possible

you should train abs if you do compounds, unless you actually believe that your abs are fully trained by squats and deads (in which case prepare to be humbled by direct ab work, you'll be weak)

ec stacking is not a meme either, but i don't see the point personally, a 1000 calorie deficit gets the weight off quick and i don't feel on the verge of a heart attack (i can deal with the hunger stim free)

training for size and progressively overloading with higher volume and weight will also make you strong, no reason to do low reps heavy weight unless you want to PL or something or just love lifting heavy

you're probably an early intermediate or something, the approach you describe works really well for some time but at some point you need to be all in with at least 250-500 surplus a day to make any tangible progress

I'm lifting 1/2/3/4 at 160lbs. Nothing crazy, but not DYEL either.

DESU I haven't counted calories in a long time I just don't eat more than one high calorie meal a day (like spaghetti or fast food) but I haven't gained fat in months (actually lost a bit) so I'm assuming I'm in lean bulk territory.

I don't know what I'm going to do if I stop making strength gains close to summer time. What a dilemma.

>The exceptions don't prove the rule user.
im genuinely curious of the data you've seen about squats not building asses tho.
im doing lowbar and i feel that it was worked real good afterwards

if you're not at 10-12% bf, you should just cut when your strength gains stall

then when you're lean, start bulking again

Same, my ass got a lot bigger from squats, it made my gf start doing them.

I'm guessing I'm around 12%. I just started adding some cardio 5-7 days a week so I'm hoping I can trim down a bit. I'm at a point where there's no protrusion of lower abdominal fat when I stand sideways.

I'll probably do 2 weeks of PSMF or something and watch diet closely afterwards if I start stalling bad.

BTW whoever said EC stack is a meme is a moron, I feel better on EC stack eating 800 calories a day than a normal day.

>intermittent fasting is a meme
>you don't need to train abs
>saturated fat is bad for you
>keto diet is a meme

People who say the above you need to kys my man

You only have the say so of people you've never seen that tell you that squats build a better ass.

Show me the millions of women who did SS and gained a nice ass.
No go on.
Show me all of these female lifters who do lowbar and highbar squats with Anna Sophia Robb or OPs girl tier asses.
I'll wait.

lifting hard and cardio 5-7 days a week sounds tough to manage to me

i'd rather keep the cardio to 2-3 days and lower calories

I'll target your abs when I'm done pounding your boipuccy you faggot.

I only do 15 minutes some days, just trying to make it a daily habit. It's really more to just get the heart going and stay in better cardio shape. It supposedly helps with recovery and lean mass gain as well.

I would inhale it and see if it makes my voice lighter.

you would get more out of less frequent but longer sessions desu

I know but I fucking hate cardio. I'm trying to get at least 2 sessions per week that are 45-60min. My girlfriend is a swimmer so I'll probably do some lap swimming at least once a week. That's the best cardio IMO.

hey honey...


do you







Lifting to get "toned."

Lifting to get "boned."

Guys who wear baseball hats in the gym. Maymay that MUST die.

What does build a nice ass then, if general squats don't do it?

Kekekek this meme shall live forever

>dirty bulk
>thinking compounds train abs
>cutting without any "assistance"

it's either you bulk or you cut.

Heavy compounds will increase core strength but you're not going to see shredded abs unless you target them directly

>cor blimey user did ye get a whiff of that? What a squelcher!

Hihi me sorry be teehee

>strength training is not vital

Even bodybuilding requires progressive overload, not sure how you hope to accomplish that without getting stronger

All variants of lunges, done with good form


hip thrusts
the GOAT

i think he means specific strength training as in 3-5 reps of compounds

Even bodybuilding training suggests having strength days though

>spinning your tires

Very few of those routines do. Outside of those written by (ex)powerlifters its almost unheard of.

Partially because its not really necessary for BBing purposes. You have to progressively overload but that doesn't require giving a flying fuck about what your 1 or even 5rm is.


Call me Mary Felcher the poopie squelcher

We need to make a filter for toot and Brap

Mods plz