Tfw prepping for the gym after a 6 week break

>Tfw prepping for the gym after a 6 week break.


go to the gym after 2 year absense. cramps every training

>2 years
Goddamn senpai.
I'm forced to take a break everytime term ends and during exams/essays I thought I had a long break.

>tfw you're going 100% again
I have been there though OP,keep lifting,discipline!

>not working out 3 times a week at least
never gonna make it breh

That's why you learn to make your training a part of your life like eating breakfast or brushing your teeth. Something that is permanent that you would only skip in an emergency situation.

what if OP has cancer?

That may just qualify as "an emergency situation". For the rest of us though, the best way to make sure you don't fall off is to simply make the gym a part of your life that you can't just miss without a really, really good reason.

>6 week break

Term ended then I had exams. Not like I wanted to take a break fampai. Also
>being this autistic

>sprained ankle [luckily didn't break anything]
>1 week off
>come back
>lifts still the same
>can't stop flexing
Fucking missed my pumped self. I will never become my pump.

>tfw getting back to the gym after 5 weeks off due to surgery
>tfw gains are lost
>tfw you will look like a fucking NYR
im scared

>take a week off
>can't do 5x5 ad well as before
>smash my old ORMs for every lift

>I spent literally 18 hours a day on studying and exams
No excuses, faggot

Okay, but did you have time to shitpost/watch animes/play vidya and not have time to do 1 hour to do lightweights at the gym?

Of course I could have lifted. But I'm usually stressed during exam season and dealing with muscle cramps as is. Hence why I don't lift for a bit. Quality of life m8. Also I didn't watch anime, there are so few good shows as is.

Excuses excuses. You are implying you were studying for literally every second of your time awake studying?

The gym takes 2 hours tops my man, you are never gonna make it this way.

You should also think about suicide, that gif makes me think you are a faggot and a fatty.

>Muscle cramps

>From studying

wew lad


>Doesnt lift away the stress or fuel it to power your lifts

Confirmed for never ever going to make it. All the excuses pouring in.

>follow my arbitrary rules.
Doesn't matter how big you get senpai you will always be autistic
>You should also think about suicide, that gif makes me think you are a faggot and a fatty.
Wow lifting really made you secure about yourself didn't it champ
It's a mental thing. You know something other than physical bro?
By the way everytime you tell someone they won't make it your just fucking up your own odds.

post stats. you sound like you dont even lift

>It's a mental thing. You know something other than physical bro?

they're interconnected, practically the same.