Ex fatfuck thread

2 years, 120 pounds, 296 to 175. This thread is for all the lurking fattys out there. I want you to know it's not as hard as you think, you just need to start TODAY and not falter whatsoever. No cheat days for 6 months, or until you are 1/4 to your goal. Low carb, high protein and cardio are king but consistency is what keeps the progress going.

Not being fat anymore is a really really strange existential crisis type feeling. It's absolutely amazing to look normal, but I feel like I don't even know the person I used to be, and his lack of self control and discipline. That's how much your life will change if you get started now and keep your eyes ahead. It's not difficult, you just cannot lie to yourself. You have control of what you put in your mouth and what you do with your body, don't let life pass you by while you're fat as fuck.

Good shit OP did you lift when you were losing weight?

thats one thing id definitely change. i lifted a bit but only for like two months then not for a month repeat for a year and a half. i didnt see great gains cause i was cutting the whole time.
def would have been more consistent if i did it again tho

290 to 190. 8months, no diet, no workout plan juat hardwork and not feeding my fatface with rubbish. Still got more to go but am happy with it so far.

Amazing progress bro.

I'm an ex Fat Fuck. 216 to 185 at my lowest. Lately been gobbling too much and went up 7lbs. Sucks. As the crisis thi g, I feel you every step. I'm in the middle of it, I go back and fourth. My minds fucked up haha. If I look good and girls hit on me im like dafuck? But I gotta remember what I feel on the inside isn't what people recognize.

I lifted 2 months straight, zero days off alongside IF and Keto. Dropped 30 lbs! Loved it and felt super healthy. Even after two weeks of binging, my cholesterol and blood levels are perfect and optimal.

Awesome thread op. If i had a before and after i'd post.

Heres my b4

thanks so much! everyone has their flaws after losing weight and shit. Love yourself and realize its so much better. Losing weight from being really fat does NOT make you look amazing. It simply reveals the foundation for getting really

>Was 280 lbs
>Now 245
Negligible progress but I'll post in one of these threads one day

Happy birthday Mike Patton!!!

3.5 months in bewteen pics

4.5 months from sedentary

Honestly, to any fat guy, I would say, don't just put down your fork and gobble random shit and count calories and eat a deificet of pizza and shit

Sure you will lose fat, but you shoudl lift and eat clean so you can have some muscle to cut down to

you want some muscle to be under your lard so you actually look somehwat human

You're gonna be starving 24/7, so just deal with it, it's that or be fat. If you want to be not fat you will deal with it.

I dealed with hunger pangs nonstop 24/7 no matter what for 3 months then I said fuck this and started an EC stack.

Careful as I am supper addicted to the EC and wouldn't recomend it, but it nukes the hunger

also I have erectile dysfunction and am angry like 50% of the time for no reason and anxious

appetitie suppresion is good though

35 pounds is not negligible. Keep it up
What's your height breh?

OP here. My family was super supportive of me trying to lose weight and one of the best feelings i remember while doing it was when I had lost like 25 pounds and still felt obviously pretty fat.

My mom took me to the grocery store and had me see what 35 pounds of meat looks like. Its a fucking lot. be proud of yourself and keep it up. If a lot of the fitter guys on this board lost 35 pounds, they'd look like a completely different person and you're on your way to that as well my friend

Awesome progress man, you look like completely different!

that's a really cool story, no lie. it's great your family was so supportive

4months, it's something

Was 300 lbs back in June

Now I'm 260. My diet could be better honestly but I'm still pretty happy with my progress. Not on my computer right now so I can't post before and after pics

great job

keep in mind you lost 35 lbs of fat, not meat. It's like 5x the ammount you think.

thanks breh

just feel the need to warn ppl about ec, it has it's + and -

It is addicitive and has lots of sides but it is a very effective appetite suppressant

I used EC for a while and never had any bad side effects, you just can't use it as a crutch and it can be a good idea to cycle it on and off.

You only need it to break plateaus IMO


5'9, was told there's a lot of muscle mass in my legs so it makes me weigh more than I look, seems I used to walk about 10 hours a day. Might have been the trainer trying to say nice things or something

>Not being fat anymore is a really really strange existential crisis type feeling. It's absolutely amazing to look normal, but I feel like I don't even know the person I used to be, and his lack of self control and discipline.

That's how I feel about finally gaining weight at 19. Kind of a sad feeling. You lived so much life with your old self and it molded you into who you were, and now it's like that person is gone, and you're brand new with a new identity that you don't feel like you fit into. That's the best way I can explain my experience anyway.

Great job!

Dude you're fuckin chad now. Wish I had the balls to dye my hair blonde when I was younger but I'm turning 24 now and goong to have to loom for a serious job soon


Haha thanks man that means a lot. I figured fuck it, I was at a cushy retail job and they didn't mind but now that I'm looking for something a bit more serious it's not that I'm regretting it but I'm kinda forced to get a haircut to remove that possibility of them judging me based on it haha

thats fucking insane dude, how proud of yourself are you looking at that picture? I keep saying this but you literally look a completely different person in every way.

35lbs of fat is much much more than meat, so you did really great

how's loose skin? how long it took? looking grand btw

nice tripdubs, satan

nice work lads, I'm currently at 320lbs (highest in my life) and I'm sick and tired of it, started lifting about week ago and tracking calories 2 days ago, wish me strong will and success

Very true. Two or three days of it and the relationship between me anmefood in my mind is able to be handled. It stick aroubd ubtil2i binge again.

Not me, but a friend. 100lbs lighter even with thyroid problems working against her losing weight.

You look WAY happier man!

Thyroid problems gotta be the result of the thoughts in your mind. No doubt. Look at her! If her thyroid was really fucked up no way she'd look like that. The human body can either destroy or heal itself. I bet her thyroids perfect now along with her mindset.

fug her
digits confirm

I started at 353lbs 5 years ago. I'm currently 6'8" and 230lbs. My goal is around 200. I've been working in more lifting and cardio, since most of my weight loss was from dieting. My weight has been stuck for about six months, but my clothes sizes are going down, so it must be helping.

That's normal tall bro. I'm 6'5" and I've been around 215 for 7 or 8 months but I lost 2+ inches around my waist in that time. I started at around 350 so keep it up.

4 Months, now its time to start building muscle

>even with thyroid problems working against her losing weight.
That is a bold lie.

Reason: Hypothyroidism doesn't just makes you fat. It also kills your energy. So you can't just workout your way out of it. You'll crash and burn. That's like saying your workout your way out of Cushing's.

No offense, but no it's not. Keep cutting and when you have a 12-15 bf% then go and build muscle

no offense taken, i wasn't working out because i was on shitty medication but now i was able to lay them off i will start doing some lifting to get a bit more aesthetic

hypothyroidism's main cause is a lack of iodine in your system. it is easily balanced.

I was dumped a month ago and broke my foot the same day. I gained 7 lbs over the holiday season but finally was able to get to the gym yesterday. All the anger I felt towards him has been lifted. Even if your goal isn't to lose weight working out really helps your brain functions.

We will all make it

Facial Gains are great but my actual gains are sub par.

at least you no longer look like a pudgy fuck

>what I feel on the inside isn't what people recognize
This. A perfect way to put it.

Wait. Are you a woman or gay?

Pls respond

>Mfw you look like a really good looking kid from high school
Why aren't you fucking prime poon?

Stop sucking in your cheeks so much for pictures damn homie are you trying to get to the center of your marrow

Alright guys I have a very related question to the thread. How do I get over food addiction? I don't want to bother explaining if I'm serious or not cuz I am, if you don't get what I mean I mean I'm addicted to food in the same sense people are addicted to cigarettes or alcohol. I feel the need to eat 24/7 and get anxiety if I don't eat when I want to. I've tried getting better but obviously I haven't been doing very well. I'm 19 and I'm still at my first job which is a pizza place where I can make my own free pizza and shit cuz I'm a manager. Where do I even begin? Obviously I know just put it down, stop, etc, motivate yourself. I'm talking about actual addiction here like I know I'm making my life worse but I can't stop even when I'm full. Last night I tried to stop beating around the bush with half trying half not trying to get better and just shoved my face till I couldn't get any more so that psychologically I'd maybe get my full. As of this morning I'm obviously still digesting the tons of food I ate and I don't have the urge to eat but idk what I'm going to do. I've lost 30 lbs just eating less before but since working here I've gained 40 back. I live at home with parents so I either eat food from work or complain about their shitty stuff they bring and go out or something. I'm going to try doing my own groceries and shit now and have an actual diet for once and see how that goes cuz I've never done that before. Literally any and every tip you guys can give me would be appreciated cuz I am legitimately addicted and it gets in the way of my life so much that I'd rather not even talk about it.

>Lose about 50 pounds
>Hit 'goal weight'
>Thanksgiving happens, I fall off the wagon
>Put 10 pounds back on
>tfw starting over

I won't post my progress since this is for ex-fatties, but I went from something like 365 to 200 lbs.
I need to step it up to lose the last 60 or so lbs.

You can do it, user. Tracking calories will help you out tremendously. So many people I talk to ask me what I do while they're on the silliest diet programs when tracking calories is not as time consuming as they think.
Make sure you get yourself a digital kitchen scale to help weigh foods. Those scales are $15 well spent.

What mode is this?

Not as impressive as the rest of you guys, but my original weight was 190 and right now i'm at 177. I jog 3 times a week and hit the gym 2 times a week. I'm doing my best to eat 1000-1350 calories a day. I quit eating sugary treats and drinking soda. Slow and steady wins the race.

T-thanks guy..

Post bum

>do cardio
OP you can lose weight without losing your gains

clown ass nigger

Starting a lifting program on sunday, super excitied, all I did to lose the weight was cardio, rock climbing and fork put downs


Whats the time frame on this? im surprised you dont have any or much loose skin, congrats!!

two years exactly between pictures

Was told she is from Calgary. I'm always nice to the fatties because [1] I was one and [2] they're usually pretty great people who genuinely want to improve themselves.

Nigger do you dye your hair? Are you a fucking faggot?

50 down from 400
still a long way to go though

>My minds fucked up haha. If I look good and girls hit on me im like dafuck? But I gotta remember what I feel on the inside isn't what people recognize.

Story of my life haha, that's a good way to look at it though. I'm down to 185 from 250 and I feel really anxious and weird when I get a compliment on it

As mentioned 25 lb of meat is much different than 25 lb of fat, in a good way though.

That's a really cool idea though and I would of never thought to look at it that way.

>50 pounds
>10 pounds
>start over
r u fucking stupid?

110kg down to 80kg on strict low carb/low cal.
I want to lose about 10kg - 15kg more but i'm already hitting the gym and learning how to lift.
Think i might make it bros.

good shit OP.

Started losing weight in 2007, started at 260. Dropped to 175, at 180 right now with lots of recomp. 10 years strong now, pic on right is a year old but can't be arsed to take a recent one right now. Spent the last year rock climbing 1-2 times a week + lots of hiking and mountaineering, in addition to working out 4-5 times a week. Feels good to be healthy.

Well done brother!

Working on it now. So far I've gone from 255 to 236. Shooting for 2lbs/wk until I get down to 200.

Skinny->musces also allowed in thread?

I'd say you were pretty hott if you didn't have the whole dead look in your eyes thing goin on.


I remember the hoodie + smoking a cigarette picture most. Aren't you the guy who had jaw surgery?

You're looking for cbt

September 2016
>230 lbs
>192 lbs
>180, then 170? 160? wherever low body fat % lands

I didn't know it would be so easy to stick with it or make progress, I didn't think about taking a "before" pic until I had already gone from 230 to 210. I'm still chubby at 210 but I'll never have the great progress pics side by side.

Hah, this pic? Was trying way too hard. Never had jaw surgery though. Guess it was just under the fat the whole time.

About 18 months 196 lbs to 140 ish

Howd your tattoo fare after weight loss? Can't tell from the pic but I'm curious if slimming down changed it much

Hasn't changed them one bit really. Think it'd have to be really drastic weight loss to notice anything.

Nice, good shit bruh and great change overall.

Me btw.

Left was about a month after I started working out and Right was taken about a week ago. Kind of hard to tell the difference from these pictures but it's a lot more noticeable from the side as my gut has gone down significantly. The best part is the change in clothing size, feels great going from a 3XL to a 2XL in shirt size

Cheers bud.

Lift dude, I did the same thing I looked like you did before.

DonĀ“t listen to:

Michellin prize mode

If you meant lift and cut then I agree completely, misread it I think.

man, I'm 220 right now and just came to Veeky Forums for light research/motivation. These all look great and make me want to start not being a fat fuck immediately.

I have a hiking trail like 5 minutes away from my house, I'm going to start going to it 3 times a week.

How serious is counting calories? I work a sedentary desk job and am considering just cutting lunch out entirely.




Diet is like 90% of weight loss dude

Don't cut meals out, quit eating shitty meals. Eating healthier Is the way forward and the majority of the hard work. I never go hungry but I eat healthy as fuck.

Don't cut meals out. If you're fat it's because you are not eating well. Look at your daily diet and see what you're eating. Cut out unhealthy shit-- sweets,treats. If you're getting food truck shit at work change it to a protein drink or something. Diet is just as important as exercise. Cutting out meals is a surefire way to make you resent weight loss, and what you need is a permanent solution. The biggest thing people don't realize is that it's a lifelong change, you don't just start eating like a fatty again once you hit your goal-- that'll undo all yourprogress . Sticky contains all the info you need, but seeing a dietician once to get guidance isn't a bad idea if you genuinely have no idea what to do. Stick with it, and keep exercising.


It's easy as fuck. Do something sustainable, don't do crazy shit. Read the sticky. Counting calories is mandatory, cardio is nice but optional. You can't outrun a bad diet.

You never have to feel hungry or skip meals. Just choose lots of foods that are highly satiating.

Example: 3 meals a day of double portion of lean meat, one potato and big pile of steamed or raw veggies can be 400 calories each, total 1200 calories. This food is satiating enough to get you through the day. 1800 calories at your weight should make you lose 2 pounds a week, and now you have 600 bonus calories if you want bigger meals or some snacks. Now you're never hungry, you get to eat whatever and whenever you want as long as you center your diet around getting those three meals, and you lose weight.

Most people get fat because they eat calories that are not satiating, so they eat them nonstop. See sugary snacks, extra servings of carbs, liquid calories like milk, juice, soda, cooking with lots of oil or butter, etc.

Read the sticky though, this shit is easy and you don't have to suffer, but it takes time.

I was 230 at the beginning of August, now I'm down to 178. I'm a manlet so I'm still fat as shit, but it's good progress I think. I got fucked over the holidays and stalled for a bit, but I am back on track. Good luck to anyone itt who is still going.

get so poor that you can't afford to eat

Ok ok, I gotcha, I'll start trail walking 3 times a week and research better diets. Thanks senpaitachi.

michelin dude mode

When you go shopping, only take one of the reusable bags. That's what I did and I ended up buying less junk because I could only take what fit it one of the bags. I used to fill the whole fucking cart with junk.

I don't know if it applies to you, but I eat a lot of fast food-type of food (fries, chicken nuggets, chicken tenders/tendies/whatever/, etc.) with ketchup. So I got rid of all of my ketchup and now I naturally want fast food less because I know I'll enjoy it less without ketchup.

Drink a lot of water. A lot. You'll be surprised at how filling it can be.

Eat food with a lot of fiber because it keeps you full for a long time because it takes your body longer to process. Your body doesn't send hunger signals until there's no more food left to process, so you can kind of "trick" your body into being less hungry by eating a lot of fiber.

Lots of fruits and vegetables are very low in calories, usually because they're mostly water.

Brush your teeth if you feel like you might binge. You'll be hesitant to get them dirty again by eating. It works for me.

If you're going shopping, do the math for what you're going to buy and write a check beforehand so you can't throw in junk food at the last minute. Either that, or only take cash, leave your credit card, and take barely enough cash to cover the healthy groceries.

Lastly, this may not apply to you, but I'm germophobic and I can't stand eating without washing my hands. If you feel like you're about to eat food that's around you, disallow yourself from washing your hands, or hide your soap or something. If you're a filthy degenerate, then this may not deter you at all.

Another trick is to take a sip or two of milk between each bite of whatever you're eating. It honestly makes it seems 3 times more filling. If you've never done it before, you'll be surprised by how much more filling it makes the meal.