I know I have probably come to the wrong place, but what is the easiest way to get laid? Pls help a brother. I don't want a spill about mentality, I just want to hear what works for you.
I know I have probably come to the wrong place, but what is the easiest way to get laid? Pls help a brother...
Paying for it upfront, where it's completely legal.
hooker is easiest
social circle works best. you can literally just run them through
Happy birthday Mike Patton!!!
Have sex with a man.
B... B.. But would that be.... GAY????
As a good looking guy without a huge amount of social skills, I think having a girlfriend is the easiest. I can't identify when women are flirting with me, but I have a girlfriend so I just have sex with her.
use tinder and only put height in bio. Only use a couple of lines, smart typing makes it easy
ayy bby gurl u wan sum fuk? lol jk but srsly
ayy poupee tu veux baiser
for level 2 sluts compliment their hairs and then go for the wan sum fuk
basically this, but I would not be too concerned about definitions, it is a grey zone.
It is also the easiest way if you want to play out certain fantasies / fetishes e.g. setting up a 3some, fuck a certain number of girls a day/week etc.
I've been trying the casual sex thing but most girls just want relationships. Last girl I was with invited me over to watch Netflix, we start making out then starts playing games and asking me stupid questions like "are you expecting something" she makes me leave at 2:30am with blue balls. So idk anymore.
>Veeky Forums
>getting laid
you're not from around here are you?
holy shit how does this happen
Was a first date type situation, probably shy or someone told her not to fuck me on the first date or it was her thing. We went bowling beforehand and went back to hers, I then had to drive an hour home. I had a feeling this would happen but everyone said just go for it bro, so I took a gamble and wasted a quarter of fuel. I was super pissed, I just ignored her and went nc after that.
>but what is the easiest way to get laid?
be good looking
works for me lmao
I consider myself pretty good looking, at least an 7.5-8. I'm 6'2 and 90kg, not lean but I look good in a shirt. Maybe I've just had a bad run lately. I can usually hook up with girls at bars but there's always some interference which fucks everything like a friend they came with or some other cock blocking douche.
im sorry this happened to you
Yeah I know man, it wasn't like I even bitched it too, I pulled the trigger. Just very unlucky I reckon.
Find a girl who you're out of her league, don't go down too far I mean no need to fuck jabba the hutt, but just enough that you can tolerate putting your dick in her and she'll basically think you're doing her a favor
just ask women if they wanna bang, one will say yes and you won't waste any time on prudes
Go somewhere where people are extremely drunk or on hardcore drugs like a rave or something.Rave girls are known for fucking anything with a pulse when high.
Or pay for a hooker.
Lower your standard, don't go for the girls you want, go for the girls that want you.
I rely on my looks and body to establish a base leveleof attraction. I also only seem to bang girls who are tipsy, like bars or clubs etc, and then the day after i lie in bed with them, drinking and smoking and chatting, then in the following days we either end up liking each other or we don't. I like to begin intensely, by having mad drunken sex the night I meet them, because I find that it sets the scene for the kinds of relationships I enjoy.
I'm currently working my way through the girls in my uni class. So far have fucked 3, and there's two more I want to fuck after.
>be femanon
>tired of typical good-looking guys, going to try something unconventional
>autismo turbo manlet from other side of the city starts talking to me
>he shows up in basketball shorts with tights underneath
>take him bowling
>he insists on using the heaviest balls they had, even asked the clerk if there were heavier ones in the back
>insists on curling bowling balls before each turn to make up for something he called gains, because he thought bowling was cardio
>boy he sure is sweaty though
>he keeps going to drink water between his turns
>bowls a 76 and got really grumpy
>mumbles something about forgetting to take his creatine and anything over 80 isn't possible natty
>can't understand him anymore he's just mumbling nonsense
>drops me off at my place and follows me inside
>uh... Ok water let's just watch Netflix
>fall asleep on couch while he is flexing in my bathroom
>wake up to autismo basketball shorts tights turbo manlet sucking on my toes
>as he leaves he takes a rest every 20 steps and eats an egg from his pocket mumbling about cardio stealing something from him
>so that's why he smelled like eggs
Not a bad idea, as long as you have the stones to withstand a couple dozen back to back rejections
Also not a bad way to get crabs, but who doesn't like seafood
Invite girl to Netflix. Put hand on thigh while talking, if she doesn't remove it, fuck her.
If she removes it, persist until she stops removing it and fuck her.
There you go user.
I had met her at a bar bruh and hooked up with her all night. She invited me back to her home I barely had to do anything, and I fucking SUCK AT BOWLING., Maybe that turned her off.
Thanks for the giggle fampai.
>maybe being bad at bowling turned her off
I can't tell if you're serious or not.
"Are you expecting something?"
This bitch...
It's 2017, user
I'm joking brah
I guess I could have kept seeing her but it was so far to travel and after that night no guarantee for sex, not for a while too I reckon.
Any one here have the balls to do any day time approach at shopping centers or what ever? I did it once and got a girl's number but fucked everything up afterwards but I learnt from that mistake(s).
Don't try to get laid
When you go to a party or bar focus on having fun and talking to people instead of getting laid
That comes naturally if people like you
If you are having fun people will like you
So stop thinking about getting laid
It's not that deep
I think at this point I have to start putting more effort in though. I always have a good time when I go out but clubs are bad because girls are just wanting to have fun with friends.
Put effort into other things
Getting laid only happens when you are socially active and not awkward
If all you are thinking about is getting laid you'll be awkward as fuck
terrible advice
I do other shit too, when I say put in more effort I mean go out more and try more bars and locations. But maybe you are right and I come off outcome dependant, but I never expect anything anyways at the start of the night.
Don't even think about it tho
Just focus on talking to people and if you hit it off with someone then go for it
Don't go with intentions other than having a good time
>make tinder
>bio 1 sentence and vague
Easiest way to get laid is to be GL. Put it how you want but male models slay more than Zyzz or any other "bodybuilder" ever did. Face means more than body. Girls will value it more because any gym monkey can get a nice body.. but face? Nope, it can be changed up a little bit with plastic surgeries but if you were born ugly nothing can change that.
>finds girl that is maybe not a total slut
>I'm very unlucky
I don't see the problem.
If she didn't suggest something sexual was about to happen it's your own mistake.
Not fitness related faggot
ok i only have a couple of minutes because i'm rushing off
but listen
there's this thing i developed called "the boss' wife". the idea is you go in with the same frame as Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction when he took Mia Wallace out.
what you're thinking is: "i'm a chill guy, my shit is together, and my boss asked me to take out his wife and show her a good time. she's beautiful, and it's ok for me to admit to myself that she's beautiful, and if that comes off a little that's ok too. but i will not be pervy, i will not touch her except in ways that are respectful, and i absolutely will not fuck her. my goal is to show her a good time. repeat after me, Veeky Forums:
>my goal is to show her a good time
the entire way you conduct yourself will be different, and she will feel it. you will have a much better hit rate than before, and those times where you miss won't matter anywhere near as much, because hey: you achieved you goal; you showed her a good time.
obviously at the end of the night if she's dtf don't just drive home, you unforgivable aspie fuck.
hope that helps/
LITERALLY THIS lol ive done fucked over 50 women and this is the usual trick that works
Unless she expressly suggested things would happen, she's under no obligation whatsoever to fuck you. Even if she did, she's allowed to change her mind - only difference is that you could rightfully complain about unkept promises.
Second date instead of NC could've actually gotten you what you wanted.
We've got the internet and more sluts than ever before in history and many men still have trouble getting laid. Really makes you think
>I just want to hear what works for you.
having a stable relationship, i cant into one night stands desu
Easiest Level 1: Pay a hooker
Easiest Level 2: Fat chicks, especially if you're Veeky Forums
Easiest Level 3: Drunk chicks at a bar, but they have to be the right amount of drunk. Too much and they pass out or throw up, too sober and they won't fuck you.
Easiest Level 4: Tinder sloots. Tinder kinda sucks but I've had some success with it.
There you go, 4 easiest ways. Godspeed, my son
Bring a wingman. A bro that can take the other friend home, or make the douche disappear. It can take a few tries before you get it right, but when it's right it's awesome
You failed a very common shit test, go to reddit redpill and read the sidebar
Best response would have been to get up and leave without saying a word. 99 percent chance she would have pulled you back in for sexy tiem
Fuck fat chicks.