how long lift for this body
t. obesity pro
how long lift for this body
t. obesity pro
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>how long lift for this body
when will you learn that it only depends on how you look at the moment?
im obesity
Not to mention your genetics. With god-tier genetics I can see that body being attainable for someone completely unfit within 2 years. For someone with shit genes, 5-10 years probably. Assuming no roiding.
I look like pic related, but I'm 24y old.
How long would it take?
Looks like me
Did it while cutting down from 145kg to 105kg
Took me 3 years on 5/3/1
My lifts are 80kg ohp, 130 binch, 125 squat, 200 diddy
No time for cardio, no money for roids
I could have done better faster, but I have lots of shit to do. If you have a lot of free time you can probably do it in 2 years or less
>5-10 years
nope, starting at a normal wight and working out 5 days a week that body is attainable in 1-2 years
1-2 years
what's up with your squat ? bad knees ?
how long?
source on pic?
Not for everybody u faggot, not even for the average person.
You'll get that from being overweight your whole life. Also my femurs are long which doesn't help either. It's either widen my stance and deal with knee pain or narrow and my butt winks out like miley cyrus. Lifted heels helps a bit
I'm not a prophet, fuck do I know. You have nice arms and shoulders, not much else. Do more deads and bench
Veeky Forums lol
Incidentally it's squat PR time now, have a nice night anons
lost it
Need to work on your lats, traps and upper chest. Start hitting your core too so you can have visible abs at higher bf. Godspeed
all baklava diet + pepsi max ( no sugar)
3 months
can an 18 years old achieve a body like this?
Yes. In fact it's way easier if you're a teen.
depends on where you start at. being fat? 2 years probably. from skinny i'd say maybe 3.
yes but you need to work for it.
that's how a normal heavy compound 3-4x a week on a bulk looks like. thick but not really defined like you'd see from someone who did isolations. he'd look great if he cut though because he has some pudge around his belly yet you can see his core pretty good even through all that fat.
idk man I've only put on 40 lbs in a year
what should I do,dirty bulk?
thanks for the info guys
I've started as a skelly and I don't have the equipment for compounds so I guess I need a new goal