>That guy who doesn't shower at the gym
That guy who doesn't shower at the gym
>That group of guys who farts constantly and make each other smell their protein fragrance
that buff person walking around after lifts to stretch out but is actually crop dusting everyone.
literally me
i go running from home to the gym and get there dripping sweat and then proceed to do my routine
>those short guys lifting more than me
Why would I ever enter a room full of mist mixed with farts, axe and feet fungus when my home is 4 minute walk from gym?
>with other men
>in a probably less hygenic environment than your own home
>when its not even that necessary
Why should I shower at the fucking gym
I sit in the sauna after working out and then take a cold shower. LA fitness has individual shower stalls so it's not like other dudes are bumping into you.
I also masturbate in the gym showers a lot because the thrill of being caught excites me.
>that whiteboi who doesnt use deodorant
>that guy who smells like cum and farts
>its me
>that guy who thinks 1/2/3/4 means 1rm instead of working sets
>that guy who doesn't know that the 1pl8 OHP and 2 pl8 bench standard means paused instead of touch and go
>that lady who wears perfume to the gym
>that guy that doesn't realize it actually applies to dumbbell lifts
I bet you do these 2 handed lmao
I swear the standart gets lower everytime i visit this place
So you don't sweat into your cloth car seats. Oh, you have leather? Hope it isn't perforated. It isnt? Enjoy sitting in your own sweat puddle.
>Start showering at the gym
>that guy who goes into the gym and lifts wearing the same clothes he came in wearing
Fucking disgusting. Really pisses me and the guys off when new guys do this. Stinks like shit.
That's me
>that girl who you know posts on Veeky Forums
Stop being autistic
Ayyyy there's my boys. When you're alpha you don't stink to the opposite sex pure pheromones baby
>Who GRIMEY GAINZ HERE Veeky Forums?
I wait until I stop sweating, dry off with a towel, change into my normal clothes, and go back home for a shower. A moist surface in contact with hundreds of other men's bodies is not something I ever want to touch and I will avoid it at all costs.
No dude. You still smell like ass.
Says the beta. Only betas and nig nogs stink. It's a known fact.
too many fags giving themselves enemas in the shower to even think about it
Do you actually believe this? You think anyone wants to smell your fucking BO?
Next time you go to a work meeting and see how your coworkers and boss react to your "pheromones". Fucking autists baka why do they let you graduate high school if you can't even wash yourself.
>no chance to shower in middle school
>so used to it that didn't shower in high school.
>Work meeting
>Co workers
Jesus Christ you wage cuck will the betaness never end?! No wonder you stink like a poo in loo
just go home
you DO have a home, right user?
Here's your (You)
mfw high school actually had showers in the locker room but the water was always turned off
mfw phys ed first thing and then sit sweaty and smelly through the other classes
I drive there with my bike anyway, it's 5 minutes. If it's too cold and I drive with the car I clean myself with a tower before and it's enough. I have normal clothes with me anyway.
>I borrow a hose from the carwash across the plaza and hose myself off like an animal
>I run in sneakers without socks & now the sneakers have holes in them, releasing a noxious gas.
I literally live 300 meters from my gym. Ill never shower there
I live like 3 minutes away from my gym. I rather shower at home
Who the fuck showers at the gym?
I'll personally never do it because I live in a hill right over my gym
>Lifting when the Arabs/Indians are lifting
I live across the road from the gym, I'd rather just shower at home
But my house is basically right next to the gym