Dubs decides my workout for today
Dubs decides my workout for today
>he doesn't have a routine
Heavy Deadlifts then high rep squats
Have a cheat day. Just eat pizza and watch netflix in your jammies all day. Make sure to drink lots of coke.
1 rep max every exercise
Wii Fit and Zumba
Exercise your brain. Write a story. An erotic encounter between Scooby and Zyzz in the sauna.
Jump rope for an hour
Join a Crossfit class
>not slice of life anime
lad pls
Masturbate 10 times within 2 hours
jerk off to traps
Kill a manlet with you bare hands.
Stretch a lot and try to suck your own dick.
Burpees in a sauna
kek, rolling
I see you know your comfy. Very well, azumanga daiyou it is.
Do nothing. Stay home and eat pizza like a fat cunt
Roll and post it here, preferably from Scooby's perspective
The young man caught me right in the middle of my daydream. "You mirin, cunt?" he asked, flexing his bronzed body for good measure. I couldn't help but appreciate the sight.
"Oh goodness no, I was.. I... well, yes. Yes I am." I admitted. I don't know if it was the sauna, or the sudden tension between us, but it seemed to be getting a little hotter in there.
"All hard work and dedication" he said, "no steroids, nothing. Just me and my will to be the sickest cunt out there."
He seemed awfully proud of himself. Foolishly so, perhaps, but who can blame the young man's heart for burning so fiercely. Speaking of burning fiercely, I felt a sensation below the waist that I hadn't felt in many years. I needed to collect myself, there was no way he'd be willing to...
"I need to go now", I hastily excused myself as I made for the sauna door.
"You're not going anywhere, old man" he stated with quite some certainty. A devilish grin appeared around his full and luscious lips. He had blocked my path. For a moment, we stood there frozen. I traced a droplet of sweat, gliding down his tattood arm, across his delt, along his tricep, past the elbow and down his forearm, right up to his hand, which was pushing against my chest. "You've been staring at me this whole time. Didn't think I'd notice, did you?" I was at a loss for words. Something that doesn't happen very often, mind you.
With an almost primal force, he pushed my back onto the wooden bench. Despite his chiseled appearence, he didn't seem very stong. But I didn't resist. It had been so long since I felt this way and I just couldn't help myself. I recipocated.
Laugh for a whole day.
>once every 12 minutes
He said challenging.
Jerk ur gherkin until either your hands or ur penor bleed
run a marathon.
8 hour arm workout
10 sets of 50 bench, squat, and curl with the bar
fight crimeXf
20x10 bench press
20x10 curls
Make love to a female of the opposite species
>opposite species
that was a compliment
The opposite species
Now OP has to make love to a deer?
rolling to cancel these, and for OP to do a normal legday.
if trips op has to run for 24 hours