Anyone manage to get rid of these? I have a flare up with 7 now and the pain is unbearable
Anyone manage to get rid of these? I have a flare up with 7 now and the pain is unbearable
i had those years ago very often.
Now there all gone. I started using listerine but idk if there gone because of listerine...
But its worth a try i guess
Take a pinch of salt and place it directly on the mouth ulcer. It'll sting like a MOTHERFUCKER, but it'll start healing much more quickly. Do that once a day until they're gone, but it shouldn't be more than 2-3 days tops doing this.
hydrogen peroxide
temp pain relief
Crush aspirin and put it directly on them
Trust me it's the only thing that works. I used to get them all the time. Makes them stop hurting for a few hours so you can eat or sleep or just be sane for a while
Also brush yo teef nigga, I figured out my poor tooth brushing habits are what caused me to get them
Baking soda
Lysine. It's cheap, and you can get it at any health store.
Also, you can put Anbasol tooth gel on it to make it comfy.
And... mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide solution... found in a brown bottle.
>I used to get them. Better vitamins, now.
Get some of pic related, it'll be gone in a day or two.
Vitamin b12
what helped for me was thinking about what I've been using or eating differently since I had one of them.
I started using different toothpaste and they all disappeared.
Yeah, get a toothpaste without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Been proven to cause mouth ulcers.
Also I found eating natural yoghurt helps a lot by keeping your mouths mucus membrane topped up. I put it in my porridge every morning
this, mouthwash will make it go away
>I started using different toothpaste
I get those when I eat/drink things with protein powder in it. Why? I never get them otherwise.
i love Veeky Forums nowadays
i used to get them a bunch when i was broke, just make sure you get a fruit any time you can after this one is gone. totally forgot about them hahaha
>pimples in your mouth
>nr1 sign of virginity
[spoiler]Green tea, vitamin c and a balanced diet (lots of fish, spinach and rice) - even works if you are partying on a regular basis[/spoiler]
Get some pure baking soda (calcium bicarbonate)
put some on the tip of YO finger, put it against the sore, press it like a motherfucker and RUB like theres no tomorrow.
Using the powder remove all white parts till its open red its ok if it bleeds.
The trick is to remove ALL of it because if you dont, that shit will grow back and youll have to endure the pain again so its better to do it once and for all.
>my mum used to do this to me when i was a child
>instead of fingering the sore she used a green tomato
Actually i told her once i had one of those, never again man.
She always knew when i had one because i chewed a little funny or i stayed away from certain foods.
i take ethacridine lactate monohydrate solution 0.25% with lidocaine 0.5% and it works amazingly fast.
i got cancer sores when i ate sweets like literally always. because of that i stopped eating chocolate and suchlike.
Lysine everyday
Stop eating so many ripe bananas.
daily reminder that excessive use of mouthwater gives you mouth cancer
my dentist gave me a 1-time prescription for this ointment that I rub on the sores 4ish times a day when I get them. It usually kills em in a few days when they'd normally last upwards of 3 weeks.
If you get them frequently (like more than 3 times a year like my dentist said I think), your dentist may be able to prescribe you something for it.
I have one on my tongue now. hurts to eat t b h glad I'm not bulking rn
Rinse your mouth and gargle warm salt water 4-6 times a day.
Warm water. Add salt and stir until you see salt starting to remain on the bottom of your container, then add even more salt.
Gargle and rinse for about a minute. Dont drink the water, spit it back out.
This will also help a little bit with bad breath.
What the fuck is wrong with your immune systems? HIV+ much? How'd you even get these!??
i think they have herpes.
a substantial proportion of the population simply get these sores every now and then. Some worse than others. The true cause is not known.
only virgins get those
start brushing your teeth after eating
they appear bcause of bacteria aka food, stuck in your teeth over longer periods
Me and my mom get these a lot but my dad and sister never.
I think you get them for losing the genetic lottery.
Drink more water. Brush/floss twice daily. I've heard mouthwash with alcohol can cause this.
If you get lip herpes use toothpaste and salt, stops that shot from spreading. it's amazing.
put some baking soda on it
You can actually get them from certain toothpastes. I stopped using ones that contained sodium-laurel-sulfate, and haven't had one in a couple years now
Do you eat too much sugar? Is your tongue white? If so it's thrush.
Do these go away on their own in 7-10 days? If so then it's Herpes (not kidding you). Get antiviral and keep it around, start taking it at the first sign.
Do you brush your teeth at least twice daily? If not then you just need better oral health procedures. Step it up.
I've got 3 in the mouth as we speak.
Never had them before,they've been in there for 5 days now,considering going to the doctor.
They're ulcers, but it's not Herpes. Swishing salty water a few times a day doesn't sting and works real well. No need to rub it and make it explode and further inflame your wounds. Increase your intake of B12 (animal products), B9 (green veggies) and iron. Basically, your diet is bad and your immune system is mildly failing.
They're called Canker Sores.
Not herpes, not Hsv1 or 2
I get these all the damn time. As long as I can remember I've had them. Pretty much if I eat too much acidic food (tomatoes, strawberries, lemon and lime etc.) I get them and if I ever bite my mouth or cut it on something I'll get one as well.
For pain relief get orajel medicated numbing gel. Pretty easy to find in any drug store near the toothpaste. It'll burn when you first put it in for a few seconds until you get used to it, but it'll totally numb it for 30 mins to a few hours depending on what you're doing.
Bright side is after years you form callouses and they become barely noticeable
Get your vitamins and more importantly add at least an hour of sleep every night.
i also stopped using toothpaste containing that and noticed i get them a lot less often. It was also causing spots around the mouth from when toothpaste would dribble out during the brushing process
I got those when I had my braces put in. They were so bad, I went back to my orthodontist in tears. Me, who ran around on a torn ligament in my ankle for 3 months.
Anyway, she smeared some liquid on them, told me not to eat for half an hour, and I never got them again.
>he thinks mouth ulcers and cold sores are the same thing
it's not fucking herpes you idiot
Get a Qtip.
Soak that qtip in lemon.
Then put some salt in the qtip.
Apply qtip to ulcer.
Fades away in less than a day and I love how it hurts too.
Baking soda, senpai. Smear some baking soda on the canker sore, let it sit for about a minute, then wash your mouth with salt water.
I would gargle with warm salt water and it'd usually go away the next day or the day after.
Probably didn't do anything. These types of things go away by themselves eventually, so there's tons of home remedies that don't really do anything, that people tried, and then coincidentally the problem went away.
SLS in tooth paste causes those
I get these in times of great stress or anxiety ever since I was a kid. It's no big deal stop being a pussy
>all these retarded old wives tales to fix it
just get this senpai
I had one on my fucking tongue a few days ago. Never had one on my tongue and I freaked the fuck out when I saw the hole on my tongue. A day later it turned white and figured it was another canker sore. Listerine and washing mouth out after eating is all I do to heal them faster.
oh wow you're actually retarded
I've only ever had 1 at a time and very rarely. Not even once a year. They just pop by every once in a blue moon.
I suggest natural clove, mate. Actually what I would do ( i'm not kidding ) take a tablespoon of either coconut seseme oil and put essential oil of natural clove, 2-3 drops. swish in your mouth FFS DO NOT SWALLOW THIS- IT IS AN ANTI BACTERIAL AND DETOXIFIER- YOU DO NOT WANT TO SWALLOW THIS SHIT- swish in mouth for 5-15-30 minutes, if your jaw starts cramping that's fine you can take a break or spit out and start a new spoon with everything in it. AFTERWARDS, you must swish quickly with warm salt water. It also whitens your teeth. Clove is known to fight bacteria and plaque, you can drink watered down apple cider, too, if you wish. For that I would recommend three or two teaspoons in 2 cups of water, enjoy. However depending on your stomach acids you might have runny bowel.
I hope you give it a shot!
FUCK I FORGOT TO MENTION- DON'T SPIT IN THE SINK! SPIT IN T H E T R A S H C A N- T H I S A L T E R N A T I V E C O N T A I N S B A D B A C T E R I A! If you've chosen this method, after swishing with salt water(this part doesn't matter you can spit it anywhere) don't brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste, it is best to just use baking soda good luck and don't forget to scrape the tongue!
I only get these things if I fall asleep without brushing.
100% this.
I used to have at least 1-2 mouth ulcers at any given time. Never was without one. Switched to a toothpaste without SLS, and they just up and disappeared. Had to buy a tube with it in a while back, and they came back almost immediately, then went away when I threw it out and got something else.
This. It works. Gets rid of them in a couple days as opposed to a week+.
I often get these from biting or cutting the inside of my cheeks or lips. This happens when I get drunk often. Mouth trauma is a common yet often ignored cause
>brush teeth
>pierce sore with toothpick
>cycle warm water/salt rinse with origina listerine rinse 3x ea
>do this 2x a day
I used to get them around winter time when I was eating a shit ton of oranges and clementines. I assume it was related to that
Don't really get them anymore though so idk
I'm so glad I don't get those anymore
I would get 4-5 of those at a time and they literally used to ruin my life
After that, snap a tylenol in half and put the freshly broken bit on the sore. Hold in place for a bit.
Both of these hurt like hell but they work.
I got these and I can tell you right now. It is an allergy to a food preservative. It takes a day or two before they occur but it's always after eating ham, bacon or sausages. The preservative is in the 260 ish family.
Try not eating them, trust me. I stopped eating cheap preserved meats and i haven't had one since.
I miss bacon though
Listen to me OP, I've had these since childhood, it's mostly genetics, if you tend to have them, you'll have them for your whole life.
From my experience, there are only two things that prevents me from having these
- A good mouth hygiene
- Getting enough sleep
I noticed that every time I stay up late (like 4am or more) or don't sleep at all, the next days, I'll get these little shits.
Your sister is sucking more cock than the rest of you. You should ask her if you can join in as a family.
Do they not make bonjella in burgerland?
Rubbing potato chips (salty as fk) works if you dont want to rub salt directly into the wound too
they're canker sores, they're common for some people, especially for those who don't brush twice a day
they're painful as all shit, used to have one or two that would last a week or so, every couple months
im assuming its partially hereditary because my mother would get them and she was very hygienic, could get 5 or 6 at a time, a pretty big pain in the ass, but not near life threatening or permanent
swishing salt water works as well but still hurts a tad
Jokes on you: I get then all the time and I lost my virginity when I was 8 to my uncle.
Make sure you take enough vitamin B
he gave you AIDS bruh
Dab some liquor on it every couple hours.
Thread hidden
Nah he's just mistaking ulcers for cold sores, which are a type of herpes (simplex)
>roiding 4 this
Try using sips.
Might not do shit, but they taste comfy.
if you have 7 you have aids or something. should really go to a doctor or maybe a subreddit
this here is the right answer.
source: dentistry
Theure common among people that go to festivals and zyzz it up or use tinder dumbshit
What exactly do you think you have? I have it too and it's not because I 'don't brush my teeth'
Do you have crohns or uc or up op? I have ulcerative proctitis and used to get those sometimes before I started taking medicine. You ever shit blood?
Just use mouth rinse user. You just luck basic mouth hygiene. The pain will leave after one day and I'll be completely gone after 2 days. I have these things, too. It's a kind of virus. If you have it, you'll have it your life long.
I've noticed that flossing significantly reduced teh amount of canker sores I got.
I've get them since I was a little kid and i'm a Khv
called afte in swedish, just leave it for a few days and it's gone
Nice bait. All of those fucking retards that fell for it is hilarious. Also, we know you get them to, retard.
I've got something like this only it's directly on my gums and it sometimes gets larger and will pop if I press on it slightly. It's like having a pimple in your mouth, it's satisfying to pop but fucking disgusting if you swallow the pus.
use a near infrared light on them.. somewhere around 850 nm..