So you're telling me... By eating right and training for just an hour a day, I'll end up with a good body?

>So you're telling me... By eating right and training for just an hour a day, I'll end up with a good body?

You? No.


Contrary to what most norms think the daily hour of training is actually the easy part


How do people even go to the gym for only an hour? Every time I go to the gym I'm there for an hour and a half minimum

>daily hour
wtf is this meme? Most beginner programs are like 30mins thrice a week even with 2mins between sets. Are you a normie? Do you do cardio?

1 hour a day? Are you a proffesional athlete?

45 mins 3x a week and you'll look better than 80% of the pop. If you dont go ham on food, 90%.

>mfw doing blahinoes 3x5 takes me 2-3 hours

THIS. i never realized how much time i was gonna have to spend making food, let alone eating all of it

Curious as to how. Do you have to wait for people to finish with the bench or something? Waiting too long in between reps makes the whole process useless.
>/homegym/ (or more like /home(bench+barbell)/)
>can workout whenever I feel like it
>can workout on sundays
feels good breh. I'm never going to a gym. Or maybe to get bunnies once I achieve zyzzmode.

I'm also in for finding out why. There's a guy at the gym I go to who's there no matter what time I go. He might do 5 sets of something in the 30-45 minutes I'm there.

>How do people even go to the gym for only an hour?
Doing mostly 3x5 & 3x10, 5-8 exercises; I'm in and out in 45 minutes sometimes, never more than 70 minutes.

good by normie standards. not autistic fit standards

h o m e g y m

>do have to wait

Depends, although I usually ask to work in. I go probably one of the biggest commercial gym in my city.

I add db shoulder press and leg raises to the routine too so it's like 31 sets. 5 mins rest for main lifts and 2-3 minutes for everything else.

Shit adds up quickly

Yes I do cardio, so should you

Jobless student detected.
Too much rest between sets detected.
Checks phone after every set detected.

>you are not as others.

raw vegetables, fruit, peanut butter, canned tuna, milk (sheep milk masterrace) or cottage cheese, sliced cooked meat (same stats as regular meat, about the same price) require virtually no preparation. Eggs, rice/wheat/whatever are easy af to make. As to eating it, I never understood that meme. Lazy fat people manage to overeat all the time, you should be able to eat the right amount, shouldn't you?

>being a fat as fuck powerlifter

Sure, at the beginning. But it largely depends on how long your resting is. Also if you decide to include assistance exercises. So it really should be just an hour.


Isn't your resting supposed to be


if youre weak and dyel

kys weakling fag

how does waiting less between sets make you weak? doesn't it mean you recover quicker?



Yeah try doing 3 heavy sets of your mainlifts with only 2 minutes rest.

See how that works out for you