Veeky Forums approved ways to battle a cold. Post them! What do you do to get Veeky Forums again as soon and quick as possible?
Battling a cold
no one
Hot lemon and honey
ok eating real posion no thanks
bump for help I'm battling a bad cold
cardo in cold, suffer and train n colt, get used to cold, suck cold's dick, get used to cold
best way to battle cold is not getting them in the first place, but user how do i not get cold human get colds yes?
well that where your wrong see get big and strong like superman never get cold again just ask me ok? i have never get cold in many years!
Me? Sa ignore it to sa feel no pain
Best nasal decongestant is cardio. Jump rope for a couple minutes and you'll be able to breathe for half an hour.
>for an ordinary cold
>Diamond V XPC
>Raw Jimmy Dean's Sausage
Same niggas
Slices of ginger and red onion steeped in boiling water. To get well again quick, take things slow. Get plenty of rest.
look up the Thomas Recipe.
its for opiate withdrawals but has alot of applicable stuff to help w fatigue and recovery
My fucking nigger
Not trying to shill for emergen-c but every time ive been feeling down i drink one and it changes quickly.
I'm a grown-up!
Take a shot of Apple cider vinegar, cost your throat with honey first
More zinc
>there are people who don't subsist on zinc supplements when they're sick
Fucking idiots
Spicy ass food
Garlic capsules or plain garlic