Reminder If you're under 6 ft and under 200 pounds you are not big. That is all

Reminder If you're under 6 ft and under 200 pounds you are not big. That is all.

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I know your trolling friend, but I have a belief that you are hurting because of insecurities and lack of faith in yourself and that you will make it.

However friend you are going to make it! We all are when we try!

Keep at it friend, and their will be no need to troll out of insecurities.

>tfw 5'10 170

Nice! Looking to stay same or get bigger?

Who the fuck arranges an image collage up to down instead of left to right

Not sure, I saved them from other places.

>set height 6'1, weight 205 lbs
>that's what you consider big


wtf I'm 6'2'' 207 lbs and I'm not even close to being big

I don't really want to big senpai ~desu.

FYI op is 5'12

cooking the oatmeal and milk for 10 minutes.. goddamn you are retarded as fuck.

6 ft is actually tiny lmao

6'3 is the absolute MINIMUM to be considered big

>6 1 230
>It's fat

Good thing I'm starting to change my habits, was 250.

Oatmeal is cooked like 1/2/3.

1dl oats, 2dl water, 3 minutes in microwave.

6'2" 185 lbs otter master race

>Be 6'
>Be 212lbs
>Not fat
>Still don't feel big

Well what the fuck?

5'5 170. (not fat)


at 85 kg boys i'm getting there

what if you're 5'9 and 200 lbs?

>When junior blackbelts finally get to go the adult classes.

You're just fat.

6'3 290lbs


size is a gradient

OP still a faggot (since 2003)

>black man pounds blonde

pic related gave me cancer

>5'10'' 220

am i- am i a big guy for you?

6'2, 200lbs.. ayyyyy

haha jesus christ that's too true
pretty rare I actually laugh from internet shit.

That looks like some kind of ultra primitive slav with a tan

haha lol so funny how it says shit and crap every slide haha xD

Joke's on you. I'm 5'2" and 275lbs.

bro you're fat

Jesus man are you wider than you are tall?

>270 lbs
At least I'm big, heh.

>sees pic with old Veeky Forums style humor and doesn't feel nostalgia

You're the cancer.

>Muuuuuh Internet culture
Kys loser lmao

>6'2" 185 lbs

Hahahaha u skelly

You better have God tier genetics and have perfect fat placement otherwise you probably look fat.

Anything over 190 at that height looks fat breh

>oatmeal with water instead of milk
I bet that thing is fucking disgusting.

slavs are the niggers of the white race