What happened to him?

What happened to him?

Personal trainers HATE him

photoshop, coke and cheap hookers

He died his hair ?

he became attractive

Changed hair color. Got some fake tattoos. Oh, and actors have to change their appearance and demeanor when they play different characters.

He used to be clean and natty, but then he started using gear and probably drugs

looksmaxxed hard

went linkin park mode

idc what anyone says. ryan goslings part in place beyond the pines is the ultimate AESTHETIC


that movie is the GOAT.

fucking lil peep the movie
i love it

Why drugs?


How else do you explain the tattoos?

He kept acting


what about Only God Forgives?

It was such a shit movie

lmao look at this pleb, i feel sorry for you

get back to the fields, Plebeian.

You're a shit movie

his fucking finger tattoos say hand hahaha omg


left side is a picture of a complete faggot. right side is a pic of a real man. amazing he made the transition, most can't.

What's it like to be a literal retard?

Gooseling is my mancrush. NOHOMO

He looks so fucking good in that movie. Great tats, great body, he's riding a bike and shit.

Amazing how a few shitty prison tattoos enhanced his appearance.

upboat xDDDDD

When did this board become so cancerous holy shit

Here's your (you)

Saw this thread and decided to watch the movie. Can confirm, it's fucking shit.

Those are some really really bad tattoos, he look's like a saint's row character creation.

This thread made me watch the place beyond the pines. Pretty sick movie

Since the DYEL meme and Zyzz became mainstream desu

He looks like a juice head pussy in both pics.
You life cheating tards like this fuckboi? Wow, Veeky Forums is full of half assed slack jawed faggots these days

He was natty in the left

He's on gear in both pics New Years faggot

Actors need to gain 20 lbs of muscle in 2 months. You know how you do that? Use your head.

He looks dyel as fuck in both pics and you can easily beat that physique natty

i'm pretty sure he was natty on the right as well. don't think gooseling ever roided. he has charisma to compensate for his natty body

Goose never roided