Come on natty brahs
U mirin my poo?
Fuck off /pol/
wtf you look exactly like me, although my arms are not that big.
hello, pajeet
Fucking hell that's aesthetic. Routine?
mirin forearms
Hoping for that pale shredded natty king to arrive
Brought to you by 4 weeks on SS
Happy with visual results but not eating enough and stalling already.
>yes London
>yes London
why did let sadiq win, you cuck
>banting on indians isn't a Veeky Forums tradition
Lurk more
wtf this the 3rd CBT around, don't you faggots check the catalog? Whatever happened to netiquette. Sad.
Boy, you're in the wrong ass place.
Is that actually achievable natty or am I being rused?
4.5 months lifting
210---> 167
I have a tiny bit of fat on my lovehandles (boxers pulled up for photo).
Hoping that I can just recomp that in the next month
Day 1 of maintenance (of 30)
Then lean bulk time
everyone told me to bulk and I'm thinking thinking why don't I fucking listen to them? use my little brain for once
>4.5 months
Yes, this is achievable natty.
Try actually lifting, your body is achievable in 2-3 weeks
>i posted in cbt 4.5 months ago first day in the gym
>reguarlly posted progress every week
>retards like u still exist
Not unless you have amazing genetics and basically already almost look like that naturally.
oh so then why not post yours and show me what you've """achieved"""
delusional 75% bodyfat fatfuck detected
Like I'm not doubting that maybe you look worse after years somehow, years of IIFYM and starting strength, or some powerlifter routine, but that is 4.5 months of eating REAL FOOD and doing a REAL hypertrophy 8-12 routine looks like
What mode am I?
time to eat a small caloric surplus mode
if you got a tan u would look really good
skelly alien runner man mode
how tall are you
5'10" or 178cm
>anime stance
Looking good bro.
Rates? Gonna probably maintain current for spring break might cut some
Thinking about doing a show soon. Hope they don't care about legs xd
I deadlifted 365 today.
I'm not going for physique other than what comes from oly lifts. I've been going on a PPL for about 2 months, before that I was just fucking around.
when I get bigger I want to make a CBT thread with JoJo poses
it's one of my Veeky Forums dreams
What should I work on? also continue slow bulk or cut soon?
5'9 164
you look pretty balanced to me. Maybe some decline bench if you want more lower chest? Can't tell but possibly rear delt work too
you look good! What's your goal?
Dyel here. Not sure where to post this but I need answers. What the FUCK is wrong with my hips? Am I a genetic failure or is there something else going on? I've been doing SS since September, but they've looked like this even before that.
What do you guys think? Is there anything I can do to fix it in terms of lifting?
Lower bf%
How do you know he's indian?
My friend is russian (near southern border) and his skin tone is like this
I want to get bigger and fix my diet to lower my body fat
You are literally just fat.. your hips will balance out if you lift.
>tfw not thick
>tfw not aesthetic because bulkan
5'6", 145 lb. Asian manlet checking in.
I hit a raw 155 lb. strict overhead press (with a clean) for a triple the other day. I'm very happy about that.
6'0 180
good job man, PPL are really good routines, much better than the typical brosplit from my experience
I'd start cutting but looking good regardless, myron traps
you're very out of shape that's all, start worrying about your hips after you get fit if they still look odd
this is a thread for natty's faggot
>What the FUCK is wrong with my hips? Am I a genetic failure or is there something else going on?
It looks like you've got the child bearing hips of Jason Blaha. You never know, though. If you cut, it might turn out to just be all fat. But you're not THAT fat right now, so it looks like your bone structure sucks.
Still, cut up and see what happens.
>goal weight
looking really good user
I'm around 5'10 - 5'11 and 160 but I'm hoping I can reach 180 in my bulk during the next one or two years
I am natty though dude
R8 bulk progress. Following a ppl right now.
Will I be laughed at for being 6' 155lbs in the gym
I'm scared lads
I want to join you
Thanks man. You can achieve this weight in less than 2 years though.
m- may i fap to this?
it's the polite thing to do
Huh okay, I don't think that's fully though problem though, because the part where it's most uneven has no fat covering it.
I'm not that out of shape, I've been doing calisthenics for two years
>inb4 calisthenics
Yeah I only weigh 125 lbs, not sure how much lower I can go without being anorexic. I'll try in the spring I guess, not much point cutting now
Also here's a pic with better lighting
Looking good OP. people on this board talk shit when they see others making it.
Fight Club mode.
I believe him. My gym friend who competes with me this summer for competition is natty and got this far. He might take clen though so soon to be non-natty
looking great user
Feedback please.
Just started first cut as got bf scan and came back 22%. Eating enough was clearly eating too much.
Thanks,5'9 175lbs
My name is Phil heath look me up bro
Not the dude you're replying to, but why even bother with this shit. All you're doing is clogging up a CBT with useless shit posting. Honestly is this what you thought you'd achieve with your life? Contribute or just fuck off dude
1/bait, made me waste a minute of my life
Back for reference
Please excuse potato quality, phone been dropped a lot and too poor for new one with improved camera
Curvedspine/10Also i hate having to keep telling you idots you arent "cutting" you are a skinny fat who is losing weight. They arent the same. Feedback is honestly you have no muscle and need to lift some weights.
Cheers for feedback.
I've done what's usually suggested of 'eat more,sleep' by tracking calories religiously for 4 months (+500 with cheat meal ~ 1/week so weekly +4000-4500 kCal), made about 90% of my scheduled 4 days a week (Candito's program) along with inconsistent cardio (sometimes none, sometimes twice a week) yet ended up at the end of this gaining period being a measured 22% body fat. Not some bullshit compared myself to visual chart or made up a number for my ego, actually paid for BIA scan. Most places suggest not going over 20% for a bulk, so how am I wrong in cutting?
Dude youre on too many memes. Bulking in general is a meme. You need to eat more yes but barely so, and if you gain so much weight you actually need to cut whats the point. Its a yoyo pendulum effect and its stupid. You should eat a 300-500 calorie surplus at most. All you can do as a natty is give it time. Consistently lift on a good program and youll be fine. Shouveling food into your face isnt going to help no matter what some idiots here say. And if youre gaining too much weight you are probably under estimating the calories youre eating or they are junk/empty calories. 2000 calroies of chicken and rice is way different than 2000 from pizza.
Yeah I would only have something shit like pizza or whatever once a week or less when going out for dinner with friends, rest of the time I was eating decent food. Oats + dried fruit for breakfast, lunch left overs from dinner and dinner was pasta+chicken/rice+chicken/sweat potato+mince or fish and mash. Always heaps of leafy greens, broccoli etc. Snacks are brazil nuts/almonds, eggs here and there.
All the usual good shit, so just wanted to basically be inb4 'eat' for why I was skinny. Total a bit over a year and I look like this, so trying to be patient but feels like I'm doing the right things but progress is pretty slow. Track my lifts like an autist etc etc. anyway end rant, cheers for reply/advice
>Oats + dried fruit for breakfast
Wheres the protein?
What are your lifts cause a year is a long time.
Eat more protein man im assuming you arent getting the 150ish grams you should be.
Use this Woolworths Aus brand of that has 11.2g/100 for protein, so protein in morning was from that alone. Rarely would have shake or eggs, but not frequent enough to really bump the average.
Just went back and checked August and September (stopped tracking for a bit), 5 days under 110g protein/day, almost every day 130-150g so pretty sure I am hitting reasonable amount there.
Lifts blow balls even for a skinny 32 year old, sucks admitting these, in last 6 months best I've hit
SQ 90 kg
BP 75 kg with spotter fingers on bar for last rep
DL 125 kg
OHP 42.5 5RM (don't do less than 5 for OHP)
Man eat eggs for breakfast they are dirt cheap.
Also man desu you might wanna go get a hormone panel done on a blood draw. If you are eating enough and sleeping and are that stuck something internal has to be wrong.
Was thinking maybe that, keep putting it off but maybe time to check. Cheers mate, appreciate the trouble shooting. Frustrating being so pedantic to have everything tracked in excel, all planned and followed and then see CBT with everyone else looking solid as fuck
Height/years training? Great physique.
who the fuck think that is roids? the kid is ottermoed ffs
Started taking double the dose of vitamin D for the past month to help with my lupus, and well.. I dunno if its helping that but im gonna be honest my sex drive has been noticeably higher than usual. Kinda interested in what my T levels would be right now if I had a test coming up. Maybe just luck dunno... Still feel like shit other wise, but meh~
I still have another like 15-20 lbs to go but I don't look like I have a bag of pudding around my neck anymore.
>206 down from 275
I don't really have too many pictures of fat me but I wish I did
Some people just dont have a lot of dedication and think everyone roids baka
Can't even fap with that potato image quality, user.
You could check for a vitamin deficiency with bloodwork if you haven't already, it's unlikely you're experiencing any benefits unless you're deficient right now.
Don't forget to pair Vit D with a source of calcium and dietary fat for better absorption.
>125 pounds
are you some kind of turbo manlet
I seriously have to work on arms more
Is this actually you or is this the bullshit you?
Looking good brah, great job!
nice ass desu
r u a gril
stop shitposting the same picture and actually go lift
>go lift
Yeah haha I'll just go lift 24 hours a day natty what the fuck could go wrong
Too lean without the muscle to back it up mode
Work chest more brah
yeah dbol is great
Need to lose some weight but anyway here is a picture during workout.
lol aushwitz survivor
190lbs 5'10
179cm, 76KG
Gonna keep on the bulk until I hit about 80KG then cut using either keto or fasting.
huh? 190?
No way that is 76kg on 179 cm.