back in college i used to rock a nearly perfect dadbod supreme mode i met a girl there who actually popped my cherry after one of the exam parties sadly she rejected my affection afterwards and i dropped out and moved back home i spent and entire year lifting weights and cycling around the mountains i became jacked. But what i found out during that time of going to gym was that i had better results when i was thinking of "i'll show her" whenever someone told me that she's dating someone or fucked some dude at a party i got furious and stormed right to the gym
this happened in my life about 5 times. Right now i am two months into Vegeta mode once again after spliting ways with a stripper who was my fiancée i only go to work and lift things after it i stopped drinking and smoking and i started to focus on being even better looking and more rich than before.
whenever i think of that piece of shit 36 year old australian construction offshore worker who might be fucking her right now i get mad and i go to the gym to lift stuff
the funniest part is that usually halfway through my gymocalypse i realize that i am not lifting because i want the bitch back, but because i want to achieve perfection. So that my body matches my superior charisma
did any of you ever go Vegeta mode in their lives? not necessarily because of a gril?
You hate yourself. That's what I read from all that
Ryder Roberts
28 right now.
Colton Hernandez
Yes, I am the Prince of All Saiyans!
Elijah Brown
Goku and Vegta both lost their gains when they were with women.
Liam Cook
this is actually true whenever i was with a girl i lost all of my gains and confidence
Joseph Thompson
I think channeling your inner rage as motivation is a good thing for improving physically. It's good therapy too. Good on you for going vegeta mode chap.
However, you're bound to go through some dark times going vegeta mode, because that's literally tapping into your negative feelings to get more strength. That doesn't mean you don't have any good in you though. It's just hidden by all that darkness
Jack Williams
Don't listen to this guy. Harness your rage, make it useful. Anger and hate are the best motivators
Mason Johnson
No way you can be this insecure and full of yourself at 28. Gotta be a troll.
Matthew Adams
Nolan Walker
Neck hangs x F
Cameron Stewart
it actually is possible when you are raised by a single sick for cancer mother and play vidya your entire childhood and teenage years until being released into college
Adam Clark
dont listen to him man! It's all about LOVE & PEACE
Parker Rogers
what about animal instincs women are attracted to strong males what if that strong af guy is insecure on the inside then what user?
Michael Morris
>stripper who was my fiancée Nigga... Pick related, it's you.
Ethan Wood
only a sith deals in absolutes
Jaxson Moore
Re read this about 10 times. I can kind of makes sense of it but the point flew past me.
i know where you live you faggot i have your adress in that kangaroo shithole and in this country too. i have your phone number and your email just make a move you shill
Asher Howard
Yeah, i was crazy into martial arts, fitness and esoteric practices for a few years, I was hyper focused to the point of being obsessive. I got super jacked, I was doing clap hands pushups and stunts at 215 and was literally /nolife/ outside of training. I gradually slid out of it but damn, it did feel good to be in that kind of shape
Connor Murphy
hey you know what we can do this, gimme a fucking address im right next to my pieces homeboy with a bag full of bullets and some clips now how the fuck you wanna do this shit? YOU MEET ME SOMEWHERE MOTHERFUCKER OR ILL SMOKE YO ASS!
Dominic Harris
which country are you right now you dundee?
Justin Watson
>stripper who was my fiancée
Brayden Reed
haha, dat sound like me
Adrian Peterson
>with a stripper who was my fiancée best part
Ayden Taylor
with whom*
Thomas Miller
not him but theres nothing wrong w that
he hates the him that got rejected, twice. good thing humans have the power to change. change what you hate about yourself.
Xavier Parker
so basically you get more energy/motivation from feeling angry? Yeah I have done that before exactly when I started MMA and I trained like crazy at first, but I didn't know how to eat or train properly (didn't know half of what I know now about fitness) so it just resulted in an overtraining and eventually got immersed into a deep depression. My advice is you just find another woman and be happy with her.