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Cold turkey is the only way. Everything else is for cucks. You just do it.

Will power is shit, got to be something

My quitting story
>smoke about a pack a day
>start getting Veeky Forums
>decide I need to quit
>still don't want to quit really, but trying because I know I should
>fail 3 or 4 times because I love it and don't truly want to quit
>eventually I actually make the decision deep down to myself that i'm going to quit
>stop cold turkey
>cravings for a few days
>feel like shit for a while
>realise i've quit
Moral of the story is you need to actually want it. Telling your friends and making threads on Veeky Forums isn't wanting it, you need to be truthful with yourself and then just never buy a pack again, literally just don't buy them, no matter how shit you feel you push through like you would push through at the gym.

Don't let me down faggot.


quit smoking ebooks worked for me, smoke while you read, you will decide to stop

>tfw never started, and only had one cigar in my life

Feels good.

This is true but it's better to slow down the habit little by little eventually to where you just stop. It's how I'm doing it right now. Been about 3 weeks so far

Get an e-cig. Ignore the mouth fedora meme, no one actually cares as long as you're polite with it and
>don't use it in indoor public places
>don't blow massive clouds in people's faces
I've got one that makes huge clouds and other than people wanting to try it nobody ever mentions it. The ones that makes the huge clouds are MUCH more satisfying than the small pens. The instant rush of nicotine kicks the cravings. 3 puffs and you're fine. Even if your gave in and smoked after that you'd put it out half way through because your withdrawal has already been stopped and you wouldn't enjoy the cigarette. Whereas you could keep puffing the e cig because it tastes and feels good

you want motivation?

once you quit, your dicks going to get a little bit bigger and harder i promise you this.

you're going to get boners REALLY FUCKING EASILY.


read it. it'll take an hour or two at best. and if it doesn't work, then you've wasted some time.

i read it 12 years ago and haven't smoked since

Look at it this way: Quitting smoking is for you what quitting being a fatass is for some other people. You're looking for your problem's equivalent of a weight loss pill.

But seriously though, try alternative nicotine sources like patches or vaping.

It's too bad smoking is so bad for you since it's a nice thing to idly do while watching a movie or reading and good tobacco is really tasty

stop smoking

Just finish that pack and then don't buy another. Seriously. That's literally all it takes. It's not cocaine.

Seriously, OP. My girlfriend's brother quit crack AND meth cold turkey, without going to rehab or jail. You can stop smoking cigarettes.

>quit being a fatass
>cant quit smoking

You can start by going to the doctor. He'll give you a nice scary lecture about the 10% chance of lung cancer and the 100% chance of emphysema if you continue.

Then he might have some nice drugs to make it easier.

Vaping might help for the first couple of weeks when you really need it.

Keep smoking, cancer is a meme

take your apathy and laziness towards making progress in your personal life and apply it towards putting cigarettes in your mouth

I have found nicotine gum to be useful if you go out for an evening on the beers - it's the one time your will power might be compromised by booze, so chewing the shit out of something helps stop you from reaching for a fag. Otherwise, what the others are saying is right - just stop.


Ok niggers now I habe ur attention. I tried to quit smoking countless times was way too hard and always failed. The thing is you break promises made to to yourself. So my solution was to make a promise with a friend. In november we promised eachother not to to smoke again and we quit cold turkey and have not smoked since then.

I have this same problem with weed, I know this may sound stupid but if I have weed I will smoke it habitually like cigarettes till i'm out even though I know I shouldn't I can't resist. I have the willpower to eat well and maintain a gym routine but I am shit-tier at quitting smoking weed.

I used to smoke a pack a day, I haven't had a cigarette in 10 years though, here's what I did:

>1. I decided to stop smoking. It wasn't enjoyable anymore and it felt like a chore more than anything.

>2. I decided I wanted to save money, that shit adds up. At the time, a pack was $4.50ish where I lived. Do that each day, it's more than $1600 a year - that's not including outrageous cigarette taxes, so likely more than $2000 annually.

>3. So here's how I did it: Instead of buying cigarettes and smoking them, I didn't buy them and didn't smoke them.

Let me know if I can help beyond that. I know I was super helpful.

>quit smoking
>become attention whore
i guess its a step up

This is literally the worst thing you can do.

This just keeps you in a constant state of physical withdrawal and makes the whole process suck more.

Read pic related.

No faggot scare stories about cancer etc..
No self righteous non smoker shite (the author used to smoke 100 a day)
No replacing smoking with something else.

It just helps you realise you are fully capable of living without nicotine, just like you were before you started smoking. It helps you use logic and reason to understand why you don't need smoking to be content. Why addiction relief masks itself as enjoyment and why its a load of shit you can easily drop if you know you will succeed.

I smoked 20 a day, for 7 years.
After reading this book I just stopped. I even went out drinking 2 days after that and had no urge to smoke because I knew I wasn't missing anything in reality.

Seriously, give it a read, you've nothing to lose, and if you think im shilling, fuck you download it for free idgaf

>accountability partners is attention whoring
Yea.. well.. I don't know.

i was more refering to the NIGGERS READ THIS! part

Oh yeah, can't argue with that lmao

I used to smoke since I was 13yo, pack a day, for over 10 years. quit cold Turkey about 7 years ago. yes, it's hard as fuck but only for first few weeks, then it's just going with the flow


This image is more than enough reason to quit everything else is willpower thq.

every idiot friend that I've seen attempt to do it this way always failed. You're going to fail. You think you have it figured out, but you don't.

Cold turkey really is the only way. You tough it the fuck out and just do it. If you don't have will power, get the fuck off my Veeky Forums, because that's what this board is about. You should see the challenge in cold turkey and want to kick it's ass.

This is me btw: I quit cold turkey, no cigarette in over a decade, so I'm not just talking out of my ass.

Everyone told me I was going to gain weight when I quit, but that just made me more determined, I started running at that time...and I would cough my fucking lungs up doing it...which made me more determined. From running a 1/4 mile and coughing a full fit to a 1/2 mile, then 3/4, then a full mile...then I was running 2, 3 ,4, 5....10 miles at a time. I stopped coughing, I lost weight WHILE I quit smoking. If you don't have that determination or fight in you, just give up.


>have determination or give up
this is literally the worst advice ever on fit

I can only smoke weed if I'm bulking. If I'm on a cut I fuck it all up munching out all night.

I can't stop masturbating


no really

Get an e cig.

I don't have time to list it all. Go ask /pol/.

take a day where all you do is fap. Keep fapping and watch progressively more disgusting porn (no orgasm-shame tab closing) and keep going till your dick is so soar you can't physically achieve orgasm.

The combination of completely dried out balls, pain in dick and shame about the porn will make the first few days easier and should help you get started