/friday night feels/
Come share your feels brah
/friday night feels/
Come share your feels brah
going to a party tonight brehs, gonna use some stuff i learned from rooshv. wish me luck.
Feeling motivated. I'm gonna put somebody in jail tonight. But only if I have probable cause to do so.
>gf is distant
>shes at a friends house just chillin
>i wasnt invited
>gonna be single soon
>at least i have my alcohol
>I'm losing it
>In a very bad place right now
>Every week is an up and down
>friday night
>time to do my nightly 3 hour cardio
feels good
i fucked my friend with benefits earlier today but i still feel painstakingly lonely
Friends coming over for a pre-drink. Going out a little bit later.
>being surrounded by good people
Feels good man
It's friday and i'm about to get off work in 5 minutes.
Feeling good, about to go play some ps4 with my friends and smoke some weed!
Life's simple and happiness is a choice.
Now kill yourself
another friday night alone
>got no friends
>feel completely lost and alone at uni
>keep telling myself i don't need social connections to be happy
>inside i feel dead
I'll be your friend
>tfw the only girl out of all of them doesn't love me back
I would do anything if she would too. Will this feel subside?
idk if I want to stay with my gf or sleep around again
Grass is always greener on the other side, unless you water your side. - justin bieber
It's Saturday afternoon you cucks.
I'm 28, back in my parents basement. I haven't had a drink or smoke in six months. I go to the gym 7 days a week. I lost 40 lbs last year (225 - 185 at 6'4, kept my muscle).
I've put away $50k this year to save for a house. I'm still virtually priced out of the market (North of Toronto).
I'm doing all the right things, but I literally feel like I'm just passing the time. I get laid when I want to but even that isn't stimulating these days.
I don't know what to do.
I have AIDS please don't tell my mom - JUSTin Bleiber
>tfw too lazy to jack off
Who else involuntarily on NoFap?
living in your parents basement isn't just a meme?
This too shall pass, my brother in loneliness.
Wow are you me?
>the only girl who likes you is a tatted fattie
should I do it?
Why the fuck not? You need as much practice as you can get so you don't blow in 30 seconds with a girl you actually like
Why does being alone bother you anons so much. I've never had friends and I'm a kv but I've never felt alone for some reason. Maybe I just like being alone or I've accept the fact that I will die alone so it doesn't bother me that much.
I'm probably going to be the only one working out at my gym tonight while all the normies are out partying with their friends.
I normally am depressed on the weekend's but this weekend I will be meeting my qt Tinder match for lunch and hopefully afterwards I'll be able to fuck her.
wanna be my friend?
im 25, got a close circle of friends, enjoy ps4, and not gay.
No, go and search someone you deserve!
It isn't, unfortunately. To afford a house I can't keep spending ~$1200-1500 / mo on rent. Casa del familia is good on the wallet, but I feel like a fucking child here and I'm pushing 30.
true, I just like the chase of a new girl and having her completely surrender to me
after that point I stop caring
>tfw too tired from work today to do cardio
>tfw semester starts monday
>tfw tuesday I have class and work that will total 12 hours
>tfw I have to be back to work the next day in less than 12 hours.
>tfw my time is never my time
It just feels so bad mayn
I wouldn't even say she's above average looking, but she's just such an amazing person that I would rather be with her than anyone else
>every day is suffering and nothing ever makes it better or works out right
>too scared of what comes after to just end it already
ITT: Shit virgins actually believe
>girlfriend is sleeping
>am lifting and watching Twin Peaks on Netflix
>Audrey got my dick like diamonds
>seeing some gains
>still have pudge on my tummy
>might as well just keep making gains because if I cut I may lose mass
I'm 19, have like 3 friends, enjoy pc and am not gay.
what are you even trying to say?
>tfw alcoholic
I fell for the liquid jew
same here bro. 28yo back in the basement, but desu this basement is way higher quality than what I was renting before. this house is fuccin nice.
no gf, little money bc kicking a drug habit. at least you got some money; ive just been a degenerate fuck who turned to opiates because he didnt want to face growing up. i have a degree, a good job though and good career path, but thats about the only respectable thing about me at the moment. not even ripped like I used to be. fuckin used to be a pussy magnet but I threw it all away because it was all emptiness anyway
pro tips to those who care: dont have sex with women you dont care about, and dont start doing opiates unless you have to for pain management. the problem isnt being on pills, the problem is when you have to come off
canadian housing market is shit, bro. id recommend moving down south.
Been there, man. Worth quitting if it's pretty much all you've got going on, believe it or not.
>tfw you delude yourself into thinking fucking fat chicks is "practice" but in reality you're an autistic manchild with an ugly face and just can't do any better
>you try to project this as normal and get other autistic manchildren to fuck "high test" ugly fat bitches
>i-i just have high test bro...
>slowly running out of things that make me forget this
Why are all the Twin Peaks girls so fucking sexy and seductive goddamn. I might go jack off to Twin Peaks clips on Youtube later.
>lost gf
>rekt car
>can't afford to move out
>can't keep the house clean because filthy animals I call family, so can't cook
>no real skills
>super depressed
>eating like shit and skipping the gym
>attractive, but chubby and look goofy as fuck.
Why do I keep going Veeky Forums? We're all gonna make it, but maybe my making it is just making it to the other side?
Also been there, man - cocaine and red wine were my crutches though. At least things sound like their on the up and up for you - kicking opiates sounds like a terrible time so I'm glad you're past that part.
I agree - unfortunately my business is here so I'm stuck unless I want to somehow start over again. I'm praying for a 2008-level epic crash (which probably ain't going to happen)
>tfw Friday night and have ton of homework due at midnight, not like I'd be doing anything anyway.
>only girl that gives me attention is a tinder slut who caught feelings for me
>sick as a dog, can't lift or run because every joint aches.
>broke noporn today
>can't drink because I'm trying to get a track scholarship
>bust my ass but still can't hit the times I did in high school.
>had great group of friends in hs, all went to a different college I got rejected from
>best friend at college just told me he's transferring to colarado.
>failed a math quiz today despite studying 2 hours last night
>cute girl I hit it off with comes into class today with hickeys on her neck
>weak chin because I discovered how to correctly breathe far too late in life.
At least I look good by normie standards. That's about all I have at this point, and I'm glad it's something that only I have a choice in.
Never once thought of ending it bros. Life's in a rut but we'll all pull through.
>projecting this hard
that sucks man, hopefully you catch a break soon
you look good man, just keep your head up high and get some rest, you'll feel better in the morning
I have quit
>countless times
>longest sober period in 3 years is 2 days
At least I'm a functioning alcoholic
>get a date with a qt girl
>goes well, she likes me
>turns out her I know her roommate and she thinks I'm cool, score some extra points there
>girl cancels our second date and says she's busy with school and we can go out again in a couple weeks
Not sure how to feel. Seems like she still likes me and she is legitimately really busy but this shit usually does not end up well for me.
>have no aspirations
>nothing in life I enjoy that could be made into a career
>doomed to become a wagecuck with no future
>tfw midlife crisis at 23
>that feel when your gf of 2 years is getting increasingly hurt and upset that your interest in her sexually is waning
I want to give her what she wants and I don't mean to hurt her feelings, come on, it's hard to be as excited about seeing the Eiffel Tower the 600th time as it was the first time.
Breh don't oneitis yourself over some girl you took out once. Just be fucking casual and if she is actually into you, she'll come right back for a second outing. If not, fuck her, it was one dumb date.
Don't be some beta orbiter texting her constantly.
And yeah, sorry to say, it's a coinflip at best at this point whether or not you ever get the second date.
Get qualified/certified in something.
I finally hit 2 plates on dips at 170. Was lightweight baby, I feel like I might have begun to make it
Yeah, trust me, I know. Definitely dealt with this before and fucked it up before, just trying to play it cool this time around. Just have to chill out for a while and see what happens.
>Tfw used by tinder whores as an emotionless walking dildo incapable of dating or connecting with
>Tfw I just want to be hugged but can only fuck tinder girls
In what, nigga? That's the entire issue.
>got up to 90lbs on dips
>fucked up shoulder
It had become one of my favourite lifts too.
Finished a gym session and feel good but no plans for the evening. Currently housesitting for my family after traveling over a dozen countries for the past 4-5 years. Hometown feels boring by comparison and old friends either moved away or got married. Most Tinder matches have flaked so far but there are prospects. Going to enjoy relaxing for a month while my savings last before I have to re-enter the real world. Books and podcasts offer plenty of stimulation in the meantime.
>eating dinner with parents
>dad makes gross analogy about how a chicken wing is kind of like my mom's elbow (she slipped in the shower and broke it)
>I say "sick, can we not talk about this"
>dad gets angry (think he was drunk?) chases me out of the house with a chair, calls me a "son of a bitch" (wtf did he just imply my mom was a bitch)
>chilling in my car til things blow over
The fuck is wrong with your family?
>Friday night feels
Comfy falling asleep watching the food network after a huge dinner with Grandma. Thinking of asking a nice qt in my English class out on a date after church Sunday. Starting to see minor gains here and there, nofap going strong since October. Making a few friends in each class this semester instead of ignoring everyone. Going to adopt this puppy Monday. Feels good lads. I feel myself becoming a better person in real time.
god don't please. just don't be autistic. it's not that complicated.
Good job, lad.
I hate you though.
>tfw you've oneitis yourself so many times that it doesn't even occur anymore
>on the downside you now fall for every girl you see while simultaenously hating them
>tfw when a girl shows interest you hate them even more but at the same time you get random doses of oneitis for them
>life is confusing, your head is fucked, no one really gets you, you have nowhere to go.
holy shit i'm not the only one
>shit energy when i woke up so skipped the gym
>stuck in lab finishing project
>straight to night shift work after
d-damn im gonna miss all those parties, th-those ones i got invited to......
>have zero friends
>could easily become friends with this one guy if I took things at a sane/normal pace
>yet I'm extremely impatient and always overcomplicate things so I'll probably fuck it all up
>Did cable chest Flys from high pulleys twice in one week
>have impingement in both shoulders now
oh well, i guess it's time to stop lifting and focus on cardio for a while. I'm fat with over developed arms anyways (curlbro)
I'm going to name it Bear after the greatest college football coach of all time Bear Bryant :)
Forgot to mention I have a 4.0 and last month my dad got me a finance internship at a Fortune 500 :)
r/fitness pls go
>lost 5 lbs since the 1st
>feel like I'm being more welcome with new friends
>rugby practices have started up again
>had a girl i talked to at a party for about 2 minutes hit me up to hang out tomorrow night
last one is pretty incredible, first time i've ever been hit on.
we're gonna get there bros, everyone's gonna make it.
Got a good weekend planned
Should be a good one
Low t
get outta here wanna be chad. go back to your bible belt shithole frat with dylan and chad and cry to daddy when you get caught raping a sorority slut
I'm a good Christian boy, user :)
So is Dylan. It's Chad we are worried about. He is dragging the House GPA down
>Veeky Forums has become apart of the way you look at disgusting normies
>Lift every single day just to ease the pain
>Worried about college, I was never a student my entire life and now I'm going to go to college
>Every girl around me is a self entitled slut
>Every guy around me is a gossiping little shit head that does nothing but spend time posting on snapchat
>tfw all you want in life to get a fun job to support yourself and raise a family with a woman you love but you can't because everything and everyone is going to shit
Trump please fix this.
if u truly loved the eiffel tower, it would never get old
same :(
Can we be friends, user?
> college I got rejected from
> colarado
>people compliment your body but never your face
Can someone be my friend?
>"reinvented" myself freshman year
>go to parties every weekend
>get big group of friends and gf
>realize 3 months later I don't even like these people
>constantly pretending to be normal
>realize I'm even more misrable than I was in HS
>drop everyone before christmas break
>back to being on Veeky Forums friday night
>somewhat happier but super lonely
No win situation honestly. Fucking hate uni
What's your snapchat bro? Someone make a thread on /soc/ so we can all be pals :)
Getting succd by my beautiful asian gf rn while posting and yet I still feel like a piece of shit loser and its my fault....I know I can change this situation
>on anti anxiety medication
>cant even drink
I don't use snapchat man. It's too cancerous.
>friday night with no work this weekend
>no gf
>nothing lined up. Ever.
I guess I'll go for a hike tomorrow or something to occupy my mind/day.
honestly i was thinking about dabbling in opiates and was also feeling down for having very little sex. so this got through to me a bit, thanks.
>tfw you'll never hold her in your arms to keep her safe from the world
>tfw she'll never feel secure when she's around you
>tfw you'll never have inside jokes that only you two get, almost like a secret code
>tfw you'll never encourage her to practice the skill she wants to get better at
>tfw she'll never tell you how proud she is of you and you of her
>tfw she'll never jump into your embrace after you've been away for a while
>tfw you'll never have someone worth fighting for
>tfw she'll never love you
>tfw you'll never be complete
>depression strikes again
>trying hard to see the future in a bright side
>currently planning about moving from parents house
>realize I'm a NEET piece of shit
>suicidal thoughts 24/7
>the only thing that makes me less stressed is going to the gym
>is me word for word
>making excuse that since i'm cutting I shouldn't go out partying.
Man, I just wanna go back home from uni and chill with the friends that I have there
>3 hour cardio
for what purpose
>friend with benefits
normie millenial scum
Nah son the best friend is from the college I'm going to now. All my old hs friends are going to a college I got rejected from.
>keep telling myself i don't need social connections to be happy
well, don't lie to yourself, user
Had a good pull workout. I mean I'm shit and lifting almost no weight but just starting out so hoping to build up a base before I lift hard.
Might have sex tomorrow with someone I find unattractive. Don't know why at all since last time I had ED. But whatever, might be better.