5th day of no fap

>5th day of no fap
>blue balls
>random boners
>cant sleep because of arousal
>Cant stop thinking about sex
When do I get superpowers? I feel like Im wasting my youth not masturbating

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>I feel like Im wasting my youth not masturbating
Never, you can never go back to fapping.
You think masturbation is "enjoying your youth".
It's for your own good.

>I feel like Im wasting my youth not masturbating
You are. You're wasting your youth pseudoscientifically demonizing something healthy and normal
No faps a meme and demonizing fappings retarded

bro don't get brainwashed. nofap is fucking dumb as fuck.

it's a meme.

what's not a meme is no porn.

i promise you this with sincerity

I thinks it's all trolling at this point. How blatantly retarded can people be. Jerk off you faggots good god it's worse then the vaccines and autism or fluoride in water

>No faps a meme and demonizing fappings retarded
It's been proven not to be a fucking meme and you're only making it look like you're a fucking autistic faggot with a boner for dudes NOT using their boners correctly.

Wasting your youth = not fapping? You have any concept of how much of a deeply fucked up retard he is and utter faggot you are?

Proven by whom?


Don't overfap though

Everything you wack it your test lvl tanks for a good 47 hours

Nofap isn't going to take you from a low test beta faggot to Chad-mode. You have to do that yourself

This isn't true.

Autistic screeching and memeing isn't evidence.

Constantly lying to idiots and posting that wall of text to some fucking morons unfunny blog and stupid half thought out articles that back their position not even a bit is bullshit.

Not a single solitary bit of fucking evidence from that fucking trial states that.
As a matter of fact fapping to excess actually harms your fucking prostate.

The only people saying otherwise are on the payroll of the porn industry and geared up fucktards who's test comes from a fucking syringe and thus it means fuck all to them.
OH and the sick fucks who think they're controlling population by pushing masturbation to fuckwads. Worked brilliantly for the Japanese so it must work well in other nations huh?

No Fap is pretty a big meme but to say it's complete BS is a bit far I would say. The test boost peaks at a week but the empowerment of being in control of your emotions is where I found the most satisfaction. For what it's worth I haven't done No Fap for a while.

No Porn is the most important part, just keep fapping to a few times a week. It also makes sex or even fapping itself more enjoyable when you partake

You obviously haven't read any of it. The truth is it doesn't work and there is proof to back it up. So again, stop memeing and provide evidence for your argument.

It's mindless opinion piece bullshit with multiple MULTIPLE fucking links to the fucking prostate study. The study that I've actually read and know that using it to say that fapping is good is bullshit.

You're full of fucking shit.

Say one sentence without memeing. Also, provide evidence.

>medical journal
>mindless opinion piece
So you haven't read it then?

Girlfriend has been wearing nothing but lingerie and garterbelts at home, can I fuck her or will it screw my gains from nofap?

> He fell for the meme

You're wasting your youth not fucking

>to say it's complete BS is a bit far I would say
>taking this bullshit, authoritative tone when you clearly know fuck all about the endocrinology

a lone, un-verified, un-reproduced chinese study showed that total test, not free test which is what actually matters, goes up slightly after a week. fuck off

oh look, it's chaosandpain faggot again!

you realize that you discredit your own argument by linking to something so cringey?

Yeah but the rest are undisputed facts that a single nofapper has never been able to contest. Will you be the one?

You want me to post evidence that the prostate study is bullshit? Cause it's basically using SELFREPORTED sexual history from mostly middle aged men and fuck all else.
And we all fucking know how reliable self-reported sexual history is right?
That's just the first fucking flaw!

A second study actualy shows that test remains raised as long as you abstain.
Not only that but the people who have abstained have shown higher fucking test peaks then people who didn't abstain during the test.
Oh and the body becomes far better able to use said test and stops producing and responding to estrogen.
I contested you in a thread TODAY and blew you the fuck out faggot.
What now?

There's one blog, we can disregard that. The rest is medical evidence. Now, provide your own evidence to support your argument or admit you have no proof. Last chance or I win.

Ok, link to evidence please.

I doubt you blew anyone the fuck out. All of your sources are anecdotal and your claiming to know more than medical professionals, some with PHDs.


It's temporary. That's all the study says. Temporary. Effectively worthless with no impact. Sorry.

Well if you don't masturbate, you don't lose the fucking raised test. Ever.
Can you show me a study that says otherwise?
I'll even take a blog post.

I haven't had a good wank in about 6 days. Am dying. But it has helped me a lot in the past. It may be purely psychological/a placebo but it does work. It helps amazingly well at curing female related autism for me. But it fucks up my sleeping pattern.

Yo hombre, we talked about this. The test gains are fucking minuscule, not even worth abstaining for. The peak you get in the 7th day is way more beneficial. Shits not gonna compound after the first few months.

>Well if you don't masturbate, you don't lose the fucking raised test. Ever.
You don't have raised test to lose in the first place
>Can you show me a study that says otherwise?
>I'll even take a blog post.

It doesn't matter if nofap is a meme. Might as well try it. You're not gaining anything by fapping.

Besides a 145.7% Test increase on 7th day of nofap, at which stage it is advised to fap because the 8th day returns back to normal levels.

You realize porn is a serious addiction but masturbation is completely natural? Just do noporn

Can we please start banning people for these threads? I can understand a single nofap general, with infopics to hello newcomers, but there are currently 4 no fap threads.

goddamn it end this meme
test levels spiked on the 7th day and returned to higher than normal baseline levels