/plg/ - Pepperlifting general

Welcome to /PLG/ – Pepperlifting General. (Pepe deadlift edition)

Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!

Post progress, PRs, meet videos, schmexy lifts, or anything strength training related!

Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)


>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)


>Intermediate Medium Load


>Intermediate Large Load


>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)


>Advanced Medium Load


>Advanced Large Load


Other urls found in this thread:



Alright /plg/

Everytime i asked this question i get varying responses from "do whats comfortable" to "low bar and sumo fpr maximum weights"

Q: are there any advantage whatsoever in choosing high bar (not necessarily olympic stance) over low bar in powerlifting? And conventional over sumo and vice versa?

Typical responses:

>HB General strength, LB for pepperlifting

Then how come guys like rubish/haack/lilliebridge squats high bar then?

>high bar if you do conventional because the quad strength will translates well to conventional deadlift

>sumo for more weights if you can get to position because muh adductors abd less range of motion

Then how come all the deadlift monsters who break 4 digit numbers do conventional deadlift?

from unbiased standpoint, there is no advantage unless doing HB or conventional makes it easier/you can lift more weight but thats highly unlikely

Big Zydrunas!


are you retarded?

critical thinking. try it sometime

There are no advantages to high bar over low bar, unless you have shoulder problems to the extent you just can't assume a low bar position.

All the heaviest deadlifts, pulled by the most handsome deadlifters, have been conventional. Sumo is a way for weight class babbies to cheat. It's legal half squatting, and you should only do it if MAYBE lifting more weight in the children's weight classes is worth your self respect and the respect of others.

Guys, would you suggest using the wstside conjugate method? If so, help me with a template or something, please.

>There are no advantages to high bar over low bar
Sorry what did you say I couldnt hear over the sound of mouthbreathing

I would not. Especially not for someone on /plg/, who is most likely and unroided, unequipped scrub squatting less than three times their sub-200 lbs bodyweight.

Tell me you height, weight, basic training history, and current lifts, and maybe I can recommend something.

Equipped squattos today

2x3 @ 250
2x2 @ 265

did stronglifts a month, starting strength 3 months, a ppl for 3 months, experiencing with 5/3/1 for 2 months, and curently doing a push pull.
>inb4 workout hoping
bench 176lbs for 5
ohp 110lbs for 5
deads 250lbs for 5
squat210lbs for 5

Only if you know what you're doing and how to modify it for raw lifting. It's fun, it's pretty good for getting overall bigger and stronger but it's also easy to fuck up and isn't the greatest for solidifying technique unless you change things around.

I'm only here to read some isley posts.

what do people think of deadlifting in olys vs flats? ive always used them for squats and i was wondering if the raised heel provides a significant deficit when pulling off the floor

Most people don't benefit from it but every now and then you run across someone who finds the extra leg drive a worthwhile tradeoff for the longer rom and worse starting leverages.

>cut my leg again from deadlifting

I'm wearing shin pads next time I don't even care

But lb is for general strength and performance. You don't need supa quads for any real life shit.

do 531 with upper lower split. upper on bp and ohp, lower on squat and dl days.

>slept for 5ish hours
>woke up and can't go back to sleep
>weigh-ins in 2 hours

A-at least I saw this license plate last night while out with friends. Literally made my week.

For powerlifting purposes, I'd recommend Starting Strength...

Start with Squats at 3x5 135 lbs, Bench at 3x5 85 lbs, OHP at 3x5 55 lbs, and deadlifts at 1x5 155 lbs.

Add 5 lbs every time you do a lift, except for deadlifts, where you add ten (but only do them every other workout). If you don't want to power clean for some reason, speed deadlifts are a good option to do when you aren't doing Real deadlifts. I'd recommend 5x3 starting at 95 lbs or something. Increase by 5 lbs every time.

Try to gain at least to 200 lbs. I know you're only 5'7'', but I'm 5'10'', 235 lbs, and not fat by normal standards. Isley is about my weight, and I'm pretty sure about my height, and he is also stronk and reasonably muscular. If you want to get bigger and stronger, you're going to have to gain some weight.

Also, read SS The Book and try to do the lifts as explained in the book. Its the simplest way to effectively lift heavy weights. Unless you want to sumo deadlift like a bitch.

Run SS until you stall, then go to Texas Method.

How do you guys manage your callouses

jeffrey lai?

>haha Veeky Forums meems irl LOL xD

normalfag cancer

such is the quality of the content in tripfag threads like plg.

Apparently deadlifting in olympic shoes avtivates your quads more

I suggest you try/play around with either first

That is the longhorn open. Im on the UT powerlifting team. Identify yourself faggot

>UT powerlifting team

Jesus i dont get how texas, home of the titan sized football players and muscular mass mutants have powerlifting team in their flagship university filled with asian manlets and butterface white dudes

>for powerlifting purposes, i reccomend starting strength

Nicely meme'd


Say what you want about the manlet Asians but they are the strongest on the team. Small ass femurs squatting 315 for sets for 12 at like 160


Fuck off peniswoman, you already infected the other /plg/. This one doesnt welcome unnatural creatures such as you

Shut the fuck up jeffrey lai. Get the fuck back to your rice fields you porcupine headed, buckteethed gook. Nobody cares about the shit weights asian lift and no, it doesnt make it great that they're lifting it at low bodyweights. Its not because theyre strong, its because theyre manlets.

Alex and Twinkalex went 3/3 on squats

Alex did 255kg
Twinkalex did 172.5kg

Just started lifting this week after about a month of garbage routines. Can someone help me get a little perspective?

Bodyweight: 284 (lbs)
Deadlift: 230
Squat: 200
Bench: 135
Overhead: 115
Row: 115

I'm one week in on stronglifts, still trying to find my maxes, just want to know what to aim for

Gooottt 40kg 8*3 binch
107.5kg trips and dubs diddly
And had some comfy squatto mobility time and bounced at depth with the bar. It hurts little but last time I was half squatting and nearly crying.

>my ma pooped blud
>We going hospital/emergency doctors

Feels bad man

>tfw haven't cooked real food since I was home for christmas
>tfw I've only been eating two sauteed pork chops and sauteed kale or spinach for dinner since early january

I feel you, my mum is going for a scan for tumors soon, keep her company and be safe.

Fuuggggg. Got to breathe

How's squats? What did you decide to do in the end?

I squatted 300lb for 10 the other day at 5'10, 157lb bodyweight, not asian. It's all just training style.

Very nice.
Very bad.

> all types of strength training accepted

I have run out of LP on my upper body. Due to a previous injury my lower body is lacking and as such i am still LPing.

I appriciate that OHP is secondary when it comes to powerlifting but for me it is just as important as bench.

Any good programs that take that into account? (Apart from TM)


You can add OHP to a powerlifting routine, and progress it how you wish.

Give me an example of a program you wish to run and I'll help you add in OHP

Check the examples here imgur.com/a/l54a1

I have an idea
We make 2 plg threads. One for people who don't care about the underage naked ladyboy cartoons and the beta orbiters and one for the old boys. We'll call it VPLG (vanilla plg). Everybody wins this way. If you want a thread with trappy in you can have it and if you want rid then come on over.

Was the blood bright red? Probably just hemorrhoids

>muh safespace

fuck off


even when people want to avoid you in a seperate thread, you still post

u really are a bitch aren't you

If you want to avoid me, just filter my trip lol

Nah ur just proving ur mentally ill by posting in the other thread desu.

Some people want to avoid anything that comes with you like the orbiters and shitposting etc

Hi this looks pretty fun (which is important!). Any reason for 3x5 as opposed to setting a new 5rm as per TM? Cheers


I'll be doing 110kg 3*2 diddly next week.

Regular TM you're testing all lifts in a single day. If you do 3x5 in all of them, you're gonna be exhausted really quickly (and risk injuries).

On splits, you're only maxing out one lift per day. The extra volume from 3x5 is beneficial for progression, and won't really kill you.

Cool, so do I lol

Ok. Only asking cause i've stalled like 1000 times on 3x5. I had sucess doing 3x5, then 5x3 next session.

Bench 102.5x6 / 115kgx1
Ohp 70kg x4
DL 155kgx6
F.squat 125x3
Back squat ezpz 80kg x5
186cm 81kg..pretty lean...ish


>I had sucess doing 3x5, then 5x3 next session.
Im doing this and its working well.
Linear progression.

Well, you will be doing 3x5 to test, then 5x5 for volume.

If 3x5 gets hard, cycle the reps to 3x3, then 4-5x1-2.

Well that feels shitty

Who made this table? It isn't from a book, is it?

oh cmon its still funny, or atleast you can laugh with how much of a retard that driver is.

I did mobility work with the bar doing 3*3

And bounced for three reps at the bottom and stretched hamstrings. Did upright body weight squats as well.

Thanks. I'll give it ago. I'll report back 1st May.

I hope so. Just thinking about training.
Bench went really well rear delts tight AF. Were strong sets.

No, my OC.

Sure! If you need any help you know where to find me :)

i'll explain it in little kids language so you understand

lets say we have to pretty litte houses

in house #1, we have green happy people
in house #2, we have red happy people

but if a red person goes to green house, the green people get very angry, because they are allergic to red people

the red people then, being the nice human beings that they are, stay away from the green people and only interact with the red people, because they respect the allergies of the green people

a red person wouldn't think to intrude in the green home, because it would be rude

i know its 2017 and everyone should be accepting and all that yadda yadda. but it goes both ways. if people make a completely seperate thread that would co-exist (i know it won't last and just a troll thread, but still) just to avoid you, why can't you just stay in the regular thread? you wan't everyone to respect you and your rights, but can't respect others

if everyone hated me, regardless of the reason, and they made an effort NOT to get rid of me, but to form their own community, i would stay the fuck away

>i'll explain it in little kids language

Stopped reading there to be honest.

great respone

Doctors recommend filters for people with allergies all the time, you dunderpunce. See the suggestion to which you were replying in the first place.

I don't think I like zyzz

have you considered moving onto reddit? you can admin you own safeplace there
goodbye and gl

i agree with the filter part in the regular plg, because there's only some people that doesn't like her

but if you create a SEPERATE thread where 99% of the people is against her, saying "filter me" is fucking retarded and you know it


y u mad, tho?

Is it a good idea to do some speedpulls on off days ? If so how much % should I go for ? 50% ?

>only """""some"""""

There is one letter changed in that thread header. Most people likely think its a typo. In any case it isn't clear at all that it is meant to exclude certain types of cartoons or whatever.

The filter works as well in one thread as the other.

Can I just run prep 1 of intermediate medium load and do the first week of comp cycle?


>quads are useless irl


what calorie calculator does Veeky Forums use?

Is Sean still retarded enough to still be doing PH3?

I'm currently running prep 1 and 2 with week 1 of comp. Turns out to be a solid 9 week program that you can cycle over and over again.

I think I can manage with 5 weeks

>calorie calculator


Just keep doing the 4 wk cycle until you hit your goals, THEN do the comp cycle

Yes, if you can progress in one month that is the best option.