Veeky Forums, given your diets that are mostly protein and fiber, I assume most of you have some pretty crazy shits. What is your pooping regimen like?
I started drinking smoothies for bulk and they've been giving me terrible gas and loose stools that burn
Ian Foster
ate nuts, pooped green
David Bennett
I have been on a cutting diet since November and my ass has become a rogue state. One loose monster shit every morning. That's it. Frankly, it has given me a few extra minutes free per week, but once seems too few.
Brayden Robinson
with fiber protein, and adequate hydration, my poops come out in one clean go with little if any mess.
Aiden Ward
Have more veggies. Salery, carrot, apple, orange, kale smoothies make my poops nice and smooth
William Lee
3 large shits a day, they look like dildos.
Blake James
I get super constipated on cuts. I try upping my fiber but I feel it just makes my shit more dense as I'm dumping literal bricks of cheese, oats, and meat into the toilet.
I think I'm just going to cut cottage cheese from my diet because I don't know if my poor ass hole can take another round like I had last night.
Oliver Rodriguez
enemas are your friend
Tyler Phillips
ketomasterrace reporting in. Have been on keto for years, poops from heaven. Smooth and solid, slide right now. Never again the burning times.
Jaxson James
Try a few teaspoons of butter and coconut oil, helps them slide out.
Hudson Fisher
3? WHat? How can you find time to take 3 SHITS?
Adam Edwards
Not him but my shits take max 2 minutes
Christian Edwards
When I'm not bulking, the shits are huge but they leave zero stains that I just wipe twice to make sure there isn't any streaks. When bulking, they're big and long, and it takes forever to finish wiping.
Michael Morales
same here, I usually only shit after breakfast but it's one humungous shit
Robert James
>stools that burn POO
Tyler Foster
Damn. I am pure jelly. Mine take half an hour, its very time consuming and dreary.
Hunter Cruz
3-4 shits per day just now, I'm barely eating over TDEE too and only eating 3 meals per day.
My ass defies the laws of physics
Landon Wilson
If you take noticably longer to shit than you do to piss you're doing something very wrong.
Fix your diet.
Logan Jenkins
I stopped eating lots of vegetables cause It was making me shit only once a week.
I was bulking and atr a whole steamer bag of vegetables a day and other fiberous food. I would maybe have 2 small shits a week and I would think I was gaining some solid weight but around monday I would get a "feel". I would go to the bathroom and let out an enourmous, atleast 5 lb shit thay was very soft, like the consistence of cold peanut butter. I would step on the scale and find out I hadn't gained weight all week.
Then I cut my vegetables down and replace those calories with other foods and everything was back to normal and I gained weight.
Brayden Wilson
I eat a bowl of oats with milk and flaxseeds and a cup of black coffee every morning. I have to shit immediately after that, can't even help it.
Justin Edwards
Everyday after lunch I crap out the most huge, vast, hard logs ever. Sometimes also have to take a small shit after dinner which is only half the size of my lunch turd. But still massive compared to normie turds.
Eli Edwards
>tfw I have to wipe like 20 times every time I take a shit