Welcome to /PLG/ – Powerlifting General. Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!
>anabolic steroids, ass and tiddies edition
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Source seems to be russian but I can't find a definite name.
[spoiler]pls no ban for NSFW on blue, just helping a brother out.[/spoiler]
Brody Diaz
Powerlifters are weak as shit, Bradley Martin can curl over 230kg, and most of you can't even deadlift it!
Hudson Bailey
Ethan Jones
Nicholas Brooks
Lads aside from the pl goals I also want to get a one armed chin up
Been training for these for a while with weighted chins and I noticed that my biceps are the weak point
So my question is how do I get stronger biceps >inb4 just do some curls here and there man
Andrew Sullivan
Sounds like you already know the answer. Curl, motherfucker.
Jason Brown
Get lean
Christian Taylor
Already been curling high reps for like 3 sets 2 times a week and its not working bro
Alexander Sullivan
>geting leaner somehow increases bicep strength all that would do is make me lighter and wouldnt fix the problem
Jaxon Cook
It ain't gonna work fast. Small muscles make small improvements.
You want stronger biceps, you've really got three options - you can row, you can chin, you can curl. There's no magic secret.
Noah Morales
1. Do barbell curls (I bet you can't even curl a pl8 you weak cunt) 2. Getting leaner will make you lighter and thus easier to pull yourself up
Blake Johnson
>3 sets 2 times a week
Charles Wilson
What's wrong with that? 3x10 BB curls twice a week or something.
Aaron Moore
Nothing, I do that and I curl a lot
Dominic Collins
It's pretty low volume for trying to un-fuck a weakness. If you think about PLing programs that go in for that approach, look how much volume they might dedicate to (say) bringing up the triceps or the hamstrings or whatever. It's more than a few sets twice a week.
Cameron Hill
do some assisted one armed chinups
Benjamin Adams
Indeed I cant even curl a plate but I can do weighted chins with 45kg added for reps at 87kg bw
Julian Ortiz
Because you can't take you're knuckledragger powerlifting approach and apply it to small muscle isolations. That only works for the big compounds. Your biceps take forever to burn out and recover in a matter of hours. I have a friend who has a bicep workout where he does 2300 reps. And he's ready to go again day after tomorrow. Step your shit up.
Jack Green
Well I can curl a plate and I can do one armed chin-ups
Nathan Adams
>I have a friend who has a bicep workout where he does 2300 reps Seems like a good way to rip your bicep tb h
Aiden Ward
Aaron Green
Really? One armed or one handed? One handed doesnt count btw
How did you get strong enough to curl a plate?
Dominic Adams
I'm going to PR today :))))
I wish you all a big PRs but only if you post a good boy ITT
Connor Green
stop abusing my love for dogs
Zachary Walker
Also, don't listen to all these retards suggesting barbell curls. You can't even go to a full RoM, rofl and it's bad for your wrists. Go on the preacher with a bent bar and curl so your arms at the bottom are PAST 180 degrees. Then do some wide grip, reverse grip, both still on the bent bar, and then grab some dumbells and do a ton of reps with varying RoM
Yea bro he should just stay home and watch TV instead. Brushing teeths really all you need for bis.
Adam Cruz
I'm about to lift so I can't rip you a new one
Nathaniel Allen
I'm not aware. What is a typical approach for bringing up the hams? I do 3x10 RDLs once a week and 1x5 deadlifts once a week, i-is this not enough?
Bentley Reyes
>One armed or one handed? One handed doesnt count btw I might be retarded, but what's the fucking difference?
Angel Mitchell
Is that Remy Lacroix on OPs pic?
Chase Anderson
t. rex arms
If you aren't 16 inches don't talk to me
Alexander Fisher
>Go on the preacher Would cable curls be ok too you think? Dont have a preacher here but I could improvise and cable curls(I do them while lying on the ground lmao) are p comfy
One arms is pulling with one arm, one handed is holding pullup bar with one hand and the other arm gripping your wrist so your still actively pulling with 2 arms but holding with 1 hand
Carter White
One handed you grab your wrist with the other arm
Adrian Martin
Depends how far behind they are and how much overall mass we're talking about. Beginner? Probably enough. Someone chasing a 5 or 600lb deadlift whose issue is mass? Probably not.
Levi Foster
>40178222 Holy fuck why is that a thing? Why call it one handed if it's clearly not? English is fucking retarded.
Parker Thomas
Because that's not me.
W-what does SSC mean?
You don't need testosterone to be thicc, you need oestrogen (for female fat distribution) and bulking.
Testosterone will only enhance the male sexual characteristics and decrease any female sexual characteristic you might be developing. It will affect the entire fat distribution of your body (you will not look like a thicc woman, you'll look like a bear), highly increase the bodyhair and facial hair growth, deepen the voice and square the jaw, and maybe most importantly make you go bald fast and will cause permanent changes.
Again, if you want to develop thick thighs, hips, boobs, and have a feminine face, you need oestrogen and bulking, NOT testosterone. Test will do the opposite of that.
There's a reason we spend so much fucking money on HRT.
Isaac Sanders
Curls have a rotational resistance, and I fucking hate doing rotational exercises on cable machines, feel like it doesn't work shit and feels like I'm developing tendonitis with every rep. Literally the opposite of comfy for me.
You don't need a preacher to do concentration curls. Do them on the arm of your coach, the back of a chair, the side of your bed, I'm sure you're a smart guy. All you need is dumbbells.
Isaiah Cooper
I'm also squatting twice a week on the TM. My legs are long so my deadlift sucks. That's not the only reason but it doesn't help.
I assumed that any more volume would be too much. I only DL 140kg x 5. I hate myself. What should i do? My squat etc are all ok for my current level.
Long legs mean a harder squat and easier dead, what you on about mate
Angel Hernandez
I do those and then add leg curls twice a week
Adam Roberts
It's actually hilarious every time a retard thinks the "high test" meme means the girls have high test and not that those high estrogen girls are desired by dudes with high test.
Jonathan Thomas
Assuming he has the long arms to go with it, which is usual but not 100%. Long legs/short arms is crap for squatting and pulling (but usually pretty good for benching).
Anthony Butler
>pretty good Yes, but remember long legs almost always means short torso, which is bad gor benching because longer torso = bigger arch. Obviously the short arms are a much, much bigger factor, but still.
Jeremiah Carter
I always inflate the sheiko just like inflate my dick size when chatting with girls. Both seem to work really well.
William Campbell
>spend 8 hours straight studying during the night and early morning >fall asleep >wake up 6 hours after >back to reading
Worse is, all of this will barely be useful for increasing my performance in uni. Musculoskeletal medicine is something barely paid attention to, specially the part of it involving sports injuries.
Jason Ross
Thanks for the advice senpai. I'm also pretty sure I'm missing out on some rear delt stability so I'm having a play with that today. Same goes for my deadlifts as well.
Thomas Parker
Yeah rear delts are very important in bench, if you're having trouble with them then I'm guessing I was right about the serratus because the two are very interrelated.
Evan Ramirez
Wat do after Starting Strength? Mad cow? TM? I want the Press as well as the Bench Press to go up regularly
Jacob Harris
>be me on okcupid >this girl messages me out of the blue >she says something something you seem really cool >she has a nice face but no body pics >she says "I'm looking for someone to cum on my face" >I'm like hm. Interdesting >she invites me to come over >i think. Fuck it and I go without bringing anything valuable >get to her place >she looks nothing like her pics >fat as fuck >doesn't even have a computer in her room >cum on her face and leave
How was everyone else's Friday night?
Lucas Lewis
>spend 8 hours sabotaging dyels on plg >six hours sleep, waking up every hour to post on plg >back to attention whoring on plg
Christopher Adams
>oh yeah, i'm going to start my new program today and make all kinds of gains gym is closed until tuesday ... asdfasdfwed
Dominic Sanchez
>power/hypertrophy Does this shit actually work?
Cameron Ortiz
Why are top level strongmen (Z,Shaw,Benni) So much happier than top level roidfed powerlifters? >Leeman >Allen >Urbank >Lilliebridge Why are they all so D A M A G E D?
William Perry
On a serious running high. First time I've done cardio in about 2 years. Probably gonna do 1 run a week on the weekends on a rest day, honestly feels so rewarding.
Connor Lewis
>be me, sitting alone in my room watching HIMYM >eat my planned meal >drink some tea >talk to nobody I've had worse Fridays, I guess. I've been pretty down about some personal stuff, so the night of quiet was kind of nice.
I never really thought about that... Hmm.
Sebastian Cox
Because the strongman guys know they're the best in the world, too much to argue about in Powerlifting
Alexander Evans
>full body every day >random collection of exercises >no fatigue management to speak of Great gains will be yours.
Kevin Kelly
Which lilliebridge? Those other guys are not "top level". Shaw and Z aren't exactly easy going unless they just won a show.
Liam Sanchez
>full body every day no, that's full body twice a week, paused work one day, accessories twice a week. are you blind?
>random collection of exercises which accessory should he take out
>no fatigue management to speak of no fatigue management in a novice program? really?
Angel Sanchez
Youre fucking kidding me right? Everytime i try running i want to kill myself after 10 seconds.
Eli Sanchez
>full body twice a week It's full body compounds twice a week, full body paused work one day, and full body accessories twice a week. Are you retarded?
>no fatigue management in a novice program? really? novices are the lifters that struggle most with fatigue.
Take your noob shit elsewhere. You need to learn a heck of a lot about lifting and dunning kruger syndrome before you think of programming for yourself.
Hudson Moore
I did bench and had an early night
its all I've done on friday nights for a very long time now
John Sullivan
lose weight
Blake Russell
Monthly reminder to use your ankles to get your weight behind the bar to act as a lever for deadlifts
Adrian Mitchell
While true, I find this is a bad cue for most people as they will simply end up with knees forward and hips too low.
Anthony King
Good luck to talentlex who is competing today!
Lets wish him the very best plg!
Jeremiah Evans
shut up
Nathan Scott
>dunning kruger All i've done is taken the P2W advanced novice program,
1: changed the accessory rep scheme to something easier to manage instead of the "AMRAP in 7 minutes"
2: added triceps and chest to target my weakest body parts
3: added OHP on the lightest day
I'm not making a new program, i'm not really programming, adding two accessories twice a week and one secondary lift doesn't significantly change the program.
and seriously, accessory movements are easy to recover from, they do not compare to a full body workout of compounds
Josiah Ward
His openers are 227.5/142.5/230 and he's confident about a squat PR!
Lincoln Harris
>squat down to pick up a pencil >put a book on a high shelf O NO I'VE DONE A FULL BODY WORKOUT ON MY REST DAY MY RECOVERY IS RUINED!!!!!
John Watson
What's with with squat to deadlift ratio
Easton Powell
I actually initially misread your pic. I blame you for this, you could've made the structure clearer. It's not as horrible as I thought but still seems weird to do pressing movement on monday, bodybuilding pressing stuff on tuesday and then pressing again on wednesday.
Parker Howard
Fatal case of the deadliftcuck
Jaxon Green
I used to be an alright runner, could do 5ks in under 22 minutes before I started lifting exclusively. Today I only managed 17 minutes continuous running before giving up, but feel great afterwards. Just keep doing it.
Noah Cooper
Hudson Jones
Your hyperbole is not an argument. I do multiple sets of body weight squats every day. I'm talking about exerting yourself. Lifting a little bit every day is simply inferior to lifting a lot then recovering.
You're literally doing push 5 days a week. If you just did the accessories on the same day as bench you'd be fine but instead it's bad and retarded. You added two accessories and managed to fuck up the entire routine. Impressive.
Julian Martinez
Colton Sanders
When is your next full power meet, regardless of equipment?
Andrew Cook
Even more, fuck no. I was 48kg my whole life im happy with my 80kg now.
Sebastian Miller
>If you just did the accessories on the same day as bench you'd be fine but instead it's bad and retarded
the program calls for them to be on a separate day, that is the program, high frequency
>You added two accessories and managed to fuck up the entire routine. Impressive. You can't fuck up a routine by adding tricep push downs and chest flies, don't be ridiculous
>You're literally doing push 5 days a week. and 4 pull days a week. this isn't PPL, this isn't a push pull split, this is an advanced novice program, not an intermediate program.
>Lifting a little bit every day is simply inferior to lifting a lot then recovering. Look up high frequency training, it's literally not.
and i'm not "lifting a little bit every day" you moron, it's two days of heavy compounds, one day of paused reps, and two days with accessories. Your main criticism sounds like it isn't your program so it's bad
Nolan Cooper
Then run more. Running is only hard if you're out of shape.
If you really can't put together a decent jog and some windsprints at a healthy weight then that's pretty concerning for your cardiovascular system.
Brayden Martinez
Oh my god kill yourself, he's doing a powerlifting to win program, they work just fine, they are fine programs, and that's Rasputin so his lifts are shit so any program will give him improvement. most programs work. At least tell him what program you do recommend he do.
Josiah Cruz
>when you take ZMA and are waiting for 30 minutes until you take your bedtime Casein shake
Jackson Rogers
When i say i cant? I said i want to kill myself when running and thats true. I can run 1km in about 2 min 20-30seconds, doesnt mean its enjoyable.
Grayson Russell
>the program calls for them to be on a separate day, that is the program, high frequency No, the program calls for you to do deads+push exercises one day then pull/core the next. Then you retardedly add in another set of push workouts to the pull day.
>this isn't PPL, this isn't a push pull split So why are you going so many days? >this is an advanced novice program Which usually have you working 3 days a week.
>and i'm not "lifting a little bit every day" you moron, it's two days of heavy compounds, one day of paused reps, and two days with accessories So, in other words, a little bit every day.
Cooper Cruz
so why is it so unenjoyable for you...
Obviously if you're strong you can run, but you shouldn't feel like you're dying.
Gavin White
How am I supposed to recommend when I have no idea who he is or his stats, body, goal anything..
I just think he will be vastly overworking his lower traps and chest. He's not doing any program, if you add an entire muscle group to two of the days it's not the same program lol...
Sorry, maybe he shouldn't ask for advice on his routine if he didn't want it.
Lucas Rodriguez
If you do it correctly though and just hinge at the ankles, none of the other hinge angles should change. I tried it today after hearing it from JP and holy shit. 100kg comes off the ground without even trying, it's insane