So, after years of trying hard and doing different tactics, I have come down to the BEST ways to get laid, bar none

So, after years of trying hard and doing different tactics, I have come down to the BEST ways to get laid, bar none

This is my honest opinion, I know it may offend some people, but here it goes

To get laid:

God tier
>Build a massive social circle around yourself
Women will literally jump on your dick, you don't have to lift a finger

Good tier
>Master pickup/game/charisma
This works quite good, but requires effort

Okay tier
>Have good genes
Handsome guys get laid, but not as much as a popular or charismatic guy

Bad tier
Yes, it helps, but lifting alone won't do much unless you have good genes

Shit tier
>Just b urself
Needs no explanation

This is my opinion, coming from a 27 year old guy who went from lonely autist to getting laid ALOT
The bottom line is that lifting for girls is okay, but not the best solution out there

Can you imagine seeing this in person? Some girl asking her boyfriend to take a photo with her ass out in a public theme park. It would be more embarrassing than anything else.

How can I build a massive social circle ?
>mfw when 26 and no friends

But I hate people. I don't want to be surrounded by anyone let alone normies

Honestly lifting, imo, is one of the key elements to building the social circle which is then the key to the women.

Start talking to people then introduce the people you've talked to other people

That's literally it
Repeat until you're the most popular guy in town


Start hosting shit

A buddy of mine hosts wine-tasting evenings once a month, he's made tons of friends from there

>Build a massive social circle around yourself

This would work if i weren't sociopathic

>Build a massive social circle around yourself

user you are on Veeky Forums

if you just want to fuck then go on tinder. barely any effort required.

if your life revolves around getting laid then you're doing it wrong. pussy is not that valuable.

Good tip user
I want to add in that if youre looking to boost your career you will want a huge social circle aswell, it is hard to get but valuable

Tinder doesnt work for most guys, id imagine
Every girl ive talked to say tinder is only good for talking to guys and that they delete it after a few days
Some might be down to fuck but most arent so its not that easy to find one willing to hook up

but you want waifu, don't you. I know your pain tho. I'm to intelligent to have friends.


no user, being autistic beyond saving is not the same as sociopath...

No way. When I was 18 I gained a "social circle" and was skelly. The years to come had plenty of sex. Started lifting and it did make the sex easier but not at all a must have.

it's only because you're ugly, that's why grills say they just want to talk lol

how do i get friends to get a social circle??

>tfw 30 year old kv with zero friends

Oh snap, you sure showed me, faggot
Gonna put myself on suicide watch now

No but seriously, youre a fucking dumbass if you dont know more guys than girls are looking for just sex and that girls abuse this to get attention/validation
Just google tinder games, you retard (if youre able to use google that is)

Aside from the lack of conscience shit i fit the bill.

I act like i would around the few close friends i have but most people i meet think I'm an asshole for whatever reason

I think the combination of being straight, white, and telling people what they need to hear rather than what makes them feel good in Boston is why the majority of people my age, especially females have a negative view. So i end up keeping to myself because whenever i try to be social i get alienated for not being a cuck faggot who smokes and plays accoustic guitar at ipen mic night

>>Build a massive social circle around yourself
what if i hate most people and can't even act like i like them?

Im like that too, I hate people and only make friends if I want to find a hole to fuck
But unfortunately it's just one of the obstacles you have to overcome

There are many perks to having a big social circle

One is that is the most MINIMAL EFFORT way to get laid

But what if you're a natural introvert. I feel like this is something about myself I can't change and I hate every minute of it. I see it as major character flaw and I know hating myself like this isn't healthy

That's just one of the things you gotta work on
Like a person who really likes to eat but wants to lose weight

Sensible roid use should be in good tier

Bad roid use and bad genes (chronic ugliness) should be in shit tier

Pic for example, steroids have overcome his aesthetically shit Asian genes

>barely any effort required.
More like MASSIVE effort required
Tinder is the most competitive place you can go to find girls to fuck

well, I guess that depends entirely on your looks and charisma. if you're ugly then yeah, good luck. but I know plenty of relatively normal looking guys who fuck tinder girls constantly. the place you live obviously matters a lot as well. I live in a fairly big city with tons of single people

I live in a city of around 500 000 but girls are usually taken
Point being online you have girls who are the pickiest and the ratio between guys and girls is the most skewed
This isnt the best option if you want to get laid

(ive never used tinder because it seems like a shit place completly devoid of girls)

.t ugly guy/manlet

Most Chads had good social circle + good genes though

plz respond

Do you look like a creeper or do you look normal-ish?

If former, i dunno

If you still look normal-ish, pick up a hobby and join a club related to said hobby like rockclimbing or biking

>Asian genes


Lu Xiaojun nigga all natty

Going on 30 myself soon.

We don't brah.

I'm at a place where I hate being alone but I also hate being around other people. I can't fix this. 99/100 people piss me off, and that 1 remaining person is always going to want other friends, so you can't avoid the people you don't want to be around, unless you completely withdraw into isolation, which is what I've done for the last decade.

Getting a girlfriend is pretty much damn near impossible unless you're part of a social circle.

Except this is a lie. A social circle requires a huge time investment. You will have to show up at events, call people, be extravert and outgoing, e exposed to peer pressure... Sure if you are into this it's gonna work.

The deeper you're in it, the less time it requires

Go hike the Appalachian or pacific crest trail. You're sorrounded by girls and bro's. You will be the only fit person among skinnyfats and aushwitz hikers. Afterwards you'll have so much social practice that it should be easy plus bitches love hearing about that shit.

Say goodbye to your gains though

He roids as well so supports the other guy's point

I'm 20 now and fully Virgil, what mistakes or successes did you make along the way?
Would appreciate some wisdom as I'm borderline autism

You can change. I don't want to say I became extrovert but I really want to meet new people every day.

Why are you guys so obsessed with finding random girls to fuck? Casual sex doesn't even feel good.

But I cant stand most people. If im in a group setting with someone I dont like I will literally ignore them. I just dont even have the energy to acknowledge their presence. I could pretend to be someone I'm not, but I would hate myself for it.

What I really dont like is that everyone is in competition but wont admit it. Everyone is trying to outdo those around them, most people would fuck their mates girlfriend if the opportunity arose. Its a thin veil of decency most people wear. The only person I would say i like is my brother. Even we butt heads, but we are united by our mutual view of the outside world and the acknowledgement that we are better than other people

You're either gay or asexual

>I hate other people trying to be better than those around them
>but I am better than those around me
nice doublethink friendo

Veeky Forums is popular af and people from all walks of life are here. Get over it faggot. This isn't your special losers club anymore.

>I'm to intelligent

We're horny as hell and nowadays all the girls wear butt pants so it's literally impossible to not think about sex 24/7

Become a waiter.

>Develop people skills and personality while making money
>Meet tons of new coworkers/potential friends
>Waiters always go out drinking/party to blow off steam
>Very social people, can introduce you to lots of other people
>Make them your friends, then their friends your friends.
>Dont drink or have 1 beer. You can separate from the group and pretend to go to the bar and do shots if your autistic and wanna keep up the charade
>Literal life gains in all directions with a simple job
>Save money and go to school and meet people at College classes
>Invite a hot bish to come drinking with coworkers/friends
>Fuck her