Body development

Hey anons, what can I expect from age 21-25? what body changes will occur?

also is it true that men get 2 growth spurts? I want to push it to 6'2, currently 6 flat

im 5'8 currently and dont want to grow anymore it will fuck with my leverages

Wai, wut? I can finally grow that last 1.5 inches?

Just turned 24 and my height is still slowly increasing

bump for curiosity

is it inevitable to grow slightly taller at that age or were you just lucky?

I dunno. I'm 6'4, so I was already tall. I'm also just now really filling out. Body composition is shifting in general. Might just be a late bloomer.

About body composition and 'filling out'

I'm currently 21, about 6'1, but my 'frame' is kind of small, youd mistake me for a teenager, forearms arent that thick, and shoulders look narrow at 17 inches, my composition looks like I'm 5'8 or something, how did it work for you

I had the same sort of feeling a few years ago -- narrower shoulders, frame a bit more feminine.

It's incredible to feel like you're changing shape and notice it in yourself. I'm often surprised by how much more masculine I look every couple weeks. I grew taller during puberty, but this is almost more exciting than that was.

For the love of kek, I hope not.


I don't want to go below skelly.

>frame a bit more feminine.

yeah it feels exactly like that, my sjhoulders just wouldnt have that round look


You mean square?

no i meant the delt heads, mine doesnt want to 'pop out'

What does filling out mean?

Bunch of guys making an excuse for getting fat

for the love of fucking god i really hope i can grow 1 or 2 inches before im 25. Im 20 and i know the king of manlets (5'9-5'10) isnt a bad height but pls if anyone knows if hgh or hgh stimulants really make you grow pls reply.

sometimes i feel like i still get growing pains in my legs
am i growing or is it just some kind of weird pain
i don't run

Sorry, but if you haven't grown at all in the last year there's no hope anymore. You are at your full height.

I believe i have desu i have had what i think are a few growing pains in my ribs although they could have been some other pain'

Reached 5'11 1/2" in August 2015 when I was 16, 5'11 3/4" in February when I was 17, and 6' in July 2016. When I was finally 18 in December, I reached about 6'0 1/2", lookin' worried lads.

at least you made it to 6'

So far for me I've seen more body hair, more beard, and less hairline

harder facial features

mixed feelings


Oh god I'd kill for one more inch. Pls lord

>less hairline
I'm seeing this now too and it's a terrible psychological trip. How do you deal?

Kill your self

Kill yr sel

Bumping this question

Men don't get two growth spurts. Your growth plates fuse in late adolescence.

Well I have noticed my metabolism slowing and fat "sticking" to me more as I approach thirty. Specifically in the pecs, in the middle of a cut to try and lose my moobs. I think I look bigger and more masculine in general, but it's not from being in better shape, more like the way the fat is distributed. Also starting to get grey hairs, especially in my head, but also, weirdly, on my chest.

is right.

How does your dick change throughout your 20s?

Not that I know of?

i'm 28, still can't grow a full beard and barely have any chest hair. hairline is still as good as when i was 18 though so i got that going for me.

It gets a little shorter each year. Every time you fuck a woman, it gets worn down just a tiny bit. So if you're banging a lot of sluts, by the time you're 30, you'll have a micro-penis.

Looking back, it's the male body is at its peak in terms of test and getting better mentally. After 25, downhill

Does that mean it should impossible to get taller?

I put on well over a clear inch from mid to late twenties, and anecdotally if you look theres a million stories online about men getting an inch or two through thier twenties.