Hello Veeky Forums

Hello Veeky Forums
I'm 6"0/183 55kg/121 pounds scrawny looking white boy.
Looking for a good training routine to get ripped not bulky.
Please help me.
pic related its me

read the FUCKING sticky

but if you're desperate you might wanna tren hard an neva give up

Lift heavy weights and eat a lot of food. Also do some basic fucking research before asking such stupid questions

I read the fucking sticky, but I wanted to get an opinion out of you lot :)

It's 'Anavar give up'

see the problem is you sound like you're looking for some magic technical detail where there is none

this is the best advice you're gonna get thanks

Jeez no need to be aggressive, I just wanted to ask you guys because other than the internet tutorials and books you guys are the only source of human interaction I get to have.
That's why i asked you guys.

Watch the videos from Buffdudes, one most reliable source of information on youtube.
There are some youtubers that provide more in depth but they are not well known (youtube marketing is a bitch)

Candito Training HQ is great as well for compound movements

Thanks dude


Stick to 3 day split, anymore and you risk burning yourself

and remember, were all going to make it.

you to fucking skinny you look like a ghost go eat.

Is your nipple attempting to escape into your armpit?

This takes me back so hard, m80s. I was 6 foot 130 pounds, full skelly. Beginner gains were mental though, so that's fun i guess.

This is literally what I did.
Was 6'1/183 110lbs/50kg, Started by eating lots, took me year to get out of being anorexic, at 60kg I started lifting, 3 months in I'm 65kg. Hope to get to around 75kg in a year.

I kek'd

Trying to get there

Holy shit, That was my exact look and stats few years ago, I been lifting for a little bit now.

dude you will put on muscle so fast you are gonna get strech marks, just eat everything even junk foods and do a 3 day split x2 week.
This was me after few months of lifting

Not OP but all I ever seem to be doing is eating and working out. Yet I'm still a fucking dyel faggot. It's probably just be not doing something right as usual, but sometimes I swear I have fucking worms or something.

2. If you're 'training for aesthetics' then KILL YOURSELF, you belong on Veeky Forums
3. Wanna get really truly ripped? Train to be a boxer. You'll be 1000% better looking than 99.999% of Veeky Forums and be actually FIT.


I used to look pretty much the same as you do now.

Here are some words of advice I wish I would've heard and followed when I started going:

- You will be tempted to do all kinds of cool brosplits, or you'll be tempted to modify the shit out of established beginner routines. Please don't. The established beginner routines haven been proven over and over to work, and if they were for any reason lacking excercises those excercises would've been added a long time ago. You want to become as big as possible as quickly as possible, right? These are the routines to use, because they utilize your noob gains in the best possible way. You will get results, and you'll get them fast. Trust them for at least half a year and then you can decide if you want to mix things up.

- You NEED to eat more. Your diet is more important than your routine, by a long shot. Any excercise will make your undertrain body respond rapidly, but only if you provide it with fuel. I know counting calories might seem like a hassle, but you don't have to do it every day. Just do it for a little while to get an understanding of what kind of nutrition you're getting every day. If you are anything like I was (and with that body I'm guessing you are), you think you're one of those people who eats as much as he wants without gaining weight. Truth is you're eating way less than you think you are. You need to eat a lot more, or you will see no results. If you like me struggle to eat a lot, just buy a mixer. Blend nuts, milk, quark, whey powder, oats, banans, that kind of stuff and chug it. I struggled eating a 500cal meal but drinking 1000cals is a lot easier.

Good luck.

Holy shit you look like a fucking alien

Train more
Eat more
Sleep more

You're obviously not working HARD ENOUGH to force adaptation, and/or not eating enough to fuel and supply adaptation, and/or aren't sleeping enough to recover enough to actually DO THE WORK required. Fix your shit, get correct.

Thank you very much for the tips, I really appreciate it :)

About eating alot : I just ate three plates full of deep fried chicken and I dont even feel fat.
I have a really high metabolism rate.

Working on it
>ayy lmao

Metabolism doesn't mean shit.

Most skinny kids I've known eat a big meal and everyone is like "wow how are you so skinny" when in reality that's all the kid will eat.

Tell us your average meals on any given day brekky>lunch>dinner and snacks.

I'd eat meals like this too, but then that would be pretty much the only thing I ate throughout the day.

You're clearly not eating a lot or you wouldn't weigh 55kgs at 183cm. Metabolism rates only vary so much, you're still obeying the laws of physics

Holy shit Slenderman mode

Only do bench press. There's literally no need for any other workout

, here again,
Let me amplify what I was saying: For someone who is a 'hard gainer', or if you've literally been sitting on your ass your whole young life, it might take a couple YEARS for you to have noticeable differences in your physique and/or real strength. It's a 6-or-7-day-a-week job, really, and I don't mean lifting every day, either, you should also do some training for aerobic endurance, which will strengthen your cardio-vascular system, which will enable you to endure longer and tougher sessions at the gym without it killing you off. Also, 'strong' is one thing, but if you want actual POWER, you need endurance, too; power=strength+endurance. Just eat more to cover the energy expenditure for running or biking or whatever you do to gain endurance and you'll do well.

>that pic
How long have you been around Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums in general that you'd have and use that pic?

>bench press only
You don't belong here, go back to Veeky Forums. You may as well just get plastic surgery and skip the gym if that's all you want.

Wake up drink tea ,at 10am eat shawarma, at 12am eat more shawarma, at 4pm I eat what ever my grandma cooked (live with grand parents cuz closer to uni)
Eat about 2 or 3 plates of what ever she made, then at 8pm eat again. at 12pm usually eat a shit ton of snacks

Nice m8. I've gone from 6'0 135 lbs to 170 lbs over the course of a few years. I feel a lot stronger now except it seems like my arms won't grow (t-thanks Rippetoe).

You obviously dont know what the fuck you're on about , I eat 3-4 full meals a day

Thanks bro

>ya instead of you

not very long i'd say

So you ask people not to be agressive towards you and then when you get sound advice you toss it back at our faces?

Fuck off then, kid. Stay on the same diet and enjoy your nogains

>sound advice
>assume ls i dont eat enough
>eat three meals a day full of protein everyday


Idk m8 thats why im asking even after checking the sticky

>only 3 meals a day when you're trying to gain weight and muscle
>caring only about protein, not fat and carbs
>not knowing you need FUEL (i.e. carbs) as well as BUILDING MATERIAL (i.e. protein and fat) to build muscle
>no mention of vitamin/mineral supplements

You need to eat 3 meals and 2-4 SNACKS during the day if you expect to gain weight. The human digestive system can only handle so much in one sitting, and a skinny-assed kid of 55kg isn't going to eat 1500kcal or more three times a day without puking, he needs to break it up into smaller amounts per sitting, and get a better balance of macronutrients for best results overall.

You are my hero

Are you mocking me? Don't. IDGAF about the usual Veeky Forums memes, and IDGAF if anyone doesn't like it that I don't play along with the usual Veeky Forums bullshit, I'm going to tell it like it is whether anyone likes it or not. Sports nutrition isn't one-size-fits-all, and the 'usual' nutrition advice and associated trolling/memeing/baiting/bullshit doesn't cut it for everyone.

Don't dirty bulk, eat clean.

You won't be able to lift that much at first. But don't stop just keep going.

I wasnt mocking you though, you actually benefited me alot thus making me grateful

Okay, well, you're welcome.
You know how it is; this being Veeky Forums, you expect to get mocked. xD

Just make sure you're not eating TOO much of a surplus, otherwise too much of your weight gain will be bodyfat.

Im more worried about not having body fat more than gaining body fat

Use your best judgement then. It's your body, it's your decision. Choose wisely.

being a little defensive eh?

I'm a skinny guy in the act of fixing myself for the military
Need to gain 5kg more

I second what this guy says, this whole time I thought my metabolism was fast but I was just eating fuck all really

heavy compound lifts and accessories. You do look awful

>Looking for a good training routine to get ripped not bulky.

nice b8

Roid rage is rampant in Veeky Forums.


>how do I get bigger
>eat more
>I eat plenty dumb faggot
>then why aren't you big?
>lol I dunno



ok I'm sorry
I would do calisthenics for a month to get a little strength, get used to an exercising routine, build some coordination. Then start any novice routine, but you're a perfect candidate for Starting Strength. SS + GOMAD for half a year and reevaluate then.

how the fuck do you even achieve 183/55?

I mean, I am 185 and if I imagine I should lose 30 kg somehow, wouldn't I die?
Share your secrets, all grandparents survived auschwitz or how?