~~~You must be 5'8" or shorter to post in this thread~~~
Talk about ways to adjust lifting to your height, make yourself look taller for girls, and just manlet woes in general.
~~~You must be 5'8" or shorter to post in this thread~~~
Talk about ways to adjust lifting to your height, make yourself look taller for girls, and just manlet woes in general.
I know manlet proportions make getting a huge squat easy, but I'm pleading with you, don't ever go past a 315lb squat. Bigger legs make you look stockier and therefore SHORTER. Do legs only ONCE a week and with MODERATE VOLUME I said 315 but just stop at the weight where you feel you have DECENTLY SOZED LEGS. Don't chase numbers.
Focus on your PRESSES (standing, incline), CALF RAISES (important), BACK (heavy deads and pullups/rows), and ARMS (self explanatory)
I'm a 5'6" manlet and sometimes I can't stand other manlets. I went to a party last night and there were two turbo manlets who kept trying to start shit with everybody.
It's annoying how they (we) always feel like they have to prove themselves.
I'm a good looking manlet who has no problem getting laid so I feel like I developed a different mindset.
5'9 here. I feel like a manlet. Can I post here?
is being a manlet worse than being a taintlet (anogenital distance below 2.05")?
I think it's pretty hard to get too big legs without noticing it in advance
stop lying faggot. Who the fuck would invite or allow a manlet into a party? kys and stick to your own kind.
Manlet mode is awesome for lifting. Great leverages. I can OHP in my Power rack without having to move the bar out of the rack. Glorious.
Right now my biggest issue is getting my lifts in balance. I tore my Achilles snow boarding and so my lower body lifts are weak compared to my upper body ones. Which I guess isn't to bad.
OHP 3x5 @ 180
BP 3x5 @ 235
Squat 3x5 @ 260
Deadlift 1x5 @ 305
Damnit you figured me out. It was a manlet party with only manlets. Everyone was fighting each other to vie for the position of queen manlet.
>that ohp to bench
Yeah, im very shoulder dominant. I've actually basically stopped doing any thing for my shoulders except OHP and facepulls. For my chest I do BP twice a week, flies, incline, etc
That's what I thought...was it last friday? I was hanging by the punch bowl. Couldn't find the stepping stool, so my brah let me jump on his back.
Yeah it was. I was one of the two guys stacked up in the trench coat pretending to be a normie for attention.
>Proving autism takes many forms.
I don't try to make myself look taller for girls. That's cringe as fuck. Just be Veeky Forums and wear clothes that fit. Never relaxed fit. Levi 501shrink to fit are god tier and all shorts should be at or above the knee. Anything more than this and you are tryharding and they will know cuz chances are they are way more into Veeky Forums tricks than you.
I'm 5'3. Am I the shortest here?
5'13" here
What should I do?
What's a great reason to care about height?
I mean given the era we're living in.
All that study proves is woman are vapid useless whores who only care about things. No study was needed to be done on that ever. You can look around in our society and see it at every level.
The reason to care is that someone cares?
Not exactly getting to the bottom of things is it.
>implying anything under 6'1 isn't manlet
Why don't you guys just wear 2 inch insoles?
>Providing sperm for fat ugly woman who can't get it done the old fashion way.
Thanks, but no thanks. Oh, and I have a job where I don't need to jack off into a cup for extra spendin' money.
Bandaid on a bullet wound.
The flaw is in women. They should not be coddled. They're ruining society in a great hurry, or hadn't you noticed.
With any country that reaches "You're very unlikely to die of disease, violence or famine" status, women suddenly get exorbitantly shitty. And the men just act like a bunch of scab laborers even though the situation is just getting worse and worse.
How does it not matter how many insane divorce stories you'd heard? Why do you think that can't happen to you?
>Well I'm not gonna get married tho
You and a disproportionately high amount of millenials.
>not spreading your genes and being an evolutionarily fit individual
>not realizing no one wants your inferior genes
post a pic of yourself and your superior genes
>inferior genes
>lives longer on average
So you wish to condemn your offspring into growing up in a two "mom" home, one with pink hair the other with purple because they don't fit to societies norm. Both are HAES and massively obese. This is the home your kid will grow up.
Either its male and he becomes a cuck or settles for someone like "mom". Or its female and your just allowing that physiological disorder that is HAES and transidentity to continue.
No, any spreading of my genes I'll have some control over. I'll be there to provide positive reinforcement and to make sure it grows up happy and healthy.
Oh shit, You were fucking towering over me. You must'a looked at least 5'8. I had to squint when I looked up at you.
Triggered manlets
>Be manlet
>Meet chick at party, chick is 3 inches taller then me
>Pick her up anyways
>We fuck later that night
>Morning comes
>She says "If you were only 6 inches taller you would be boyfriend material."
>I reply, "If I was 6 inches taller I wouldn't of had to settle on you last night."
Oh well, I'm sure she'll marry some lanklet at some point in her life.
>things that happened
5'8" isn't manlet, that's only an inch below the average male height. Manlet is anyone 5'4," or shorter than the average woman.
The point of that post is to show you that when given the option, women want a man that's tall, to breed tall children. The only women who don't care about height have given up fiding a genetically superior man. They're settling for manlets
>sleep all day in school
>now i'm 5'10
serves u manlets rite!
>sleep 8 hours a day
>during HS and college
>still 5"6
Tell me your secrets
drink v8 and sleep all day in the bus, and when you're hanging out with friends.
>drink v9
>still sleep 8 hours
>never hang out with friends
No wonder i was doing everything wrong
Thanks for the advice
>women think ahead
As long as the guy is slightly taller, they really don't care.
Being below average is a serious disadvantage in life, 5'8 is a good cutoff, every inch after that just makes things exponentially worse
t. 5'5 turbomanlet
Normal Veeky Forumsizens aim for 1/2/3/4, is this also a good goal for manlets, or should it be adjusted?
>slightly taller
My friend, I have bad news for you...
best part is he got someone else to take the picture for him
a fat manlet
and he thought he looked good
5'2 guy here, been working out for 8 plus years and i'm still only 130 lbs. have it hit the weight limit for my body frame?
who the fuck told you life was fair?
Think about what it would be like if it was, would anything have any meaning?
Eat lol
Youre a pussy who's too scared to gain
You've hit the limit man, c'est la vie
thanks user :) ill make sure to stop doing so many squats and ill stick to diddlys
manlet master race
275x2 bench
285 squat
385 dl
165x5 ohp
5'6 reporting
Should I into Liao Hui mode?
What's the point in lifting natty?
5.9.5 say I'm 5.10.
>Tfw not a manlet
Under 6' is manlet tier.
5'10" is still manlet OP.
18 years old
will one month cycle of hgh save me or mk g77?
will fasting save me
Your plates are mostly fused by now. Some people are lucky do grow another a little more. I grew an inch in the summer between high school and uni.
5'9-6'1 is literally perfect. Not too big to fit in cars, and taller than every woman ever that matters.
5'0 here :^)
Has anyone worn insoles? Are they comfortable?
I have a long term girlfriend so girls opinions dont matter, but I finish uni soon and feel like going up to like 5'7 or so will help me out in the working world.
>hair thinning at the age of 21
>kissless virgin and socially awkward
I should just give up before even starting, shouldn't I?
At 5'6" you can achieve that or at least close to that natty
Literally btfo
No way man
Look at those traps and delts
Show me a 5'6 natty who looks close to that
you're right, but still i don't see a point in jumping on roids unless you're at least 5'10". Unless you compete it'll just look like you're overcompensating. I'm currently 156 at 5'6" and i don't plan on getting bigger than 160.
>too short for lanklet generals
>too tall for manlet generals
5'9 is an awkward sort of suffering
What bodyfat are you? I'm 5'6 and 148, around 13-14%. Feel pretty small
Is this for real?
5'8" woman with a 5'4" husband here. I guess our reproduction must be like chlorinating the gene pool to these people.
12% plan on cutting to 10 or so once i get a little past 160. 10 lbs of muscle makes a huge difference at our height especially if you focus on upper body. My legs are naturally large so that's what i did training chest and delts 2-3 times a week and going hard on back days to emphasize my v-taper.
Even manlets should try to lift more than that.
I don't know why it's even a goal on Veeky Forums, DYELs can even lift that much.
>5'8" woman with a 5'4" husband here
How much money does he make?
Approximately half of what I make if you remove all the benefits and allowances (military).
Most DYELs I've seen can barely bench 95lbs
Under 6'3 is new manlet cutoff sorry bud
His status gained from the military makes up for the lack of actual money.
You'll probably end up cheating and/or divorcing him once he's out of the military and NEET'ing it up, if not before that.
There isn't such a thing as a woman who isn't a whore who will only be with a man if he's providing money/status.
Nigger can you rephrase that last sentence, my fucking head hurts with your triple negatives
Pretty legit. No one wants short kids. It's unattractive.
you're not even too tall for my 13 year old sister m8
I'd like to say nobody marries enlisted military for the "status" of a few discounts at fast food restaurants, old people awkwardly saying "thank you for your service" and the ability to put a "military spouse - hardest job in the force" sticker on the back of their truck, but alas experience proves otherwise.
You sound pretty bitter there though buddy, and slightly incoherent.
You're literally a whore, like all other women, is what I'm trying to say.
Good thing I'm 6'3"
>>women think ahead
Is this supposed to be an argument?