I had so many eggs in I can't stand them anymore.
Nice piece of meat tho
Grill the meat, scramble or poach the eggs tastes superior and isn't drenched in fat
>He doesn't consume a dangerous amount of fat for test gains
fat is good for you you fuckin retard
Not him but grilling doesn't take away ALL the fat
looks very nice user, I'd love to crack open a can of tuna + mix with scrambled eggs covered in ketchup.
scramble the eggs you motherfucker
Are you unable to crack an egg without getting shells in the pan?
Learn to function better than a woman, user. You're better than this.
>there's only one kind of fat and I declare it healthy
Mmm mmm good
Dahdahdudadah I'm lovin it.
>shells and broken egg
By any chance are you that cerebral palsy bodybuilder?
If not, i hope you get raped by some abos you fucking fagot
very good catch
literally nothing wrong with eating egg shell
Looking fine as shit, OP. Ignore the whining faggots.
your eggs will be overdone
>either eggs will be ridiculously overcooked or steak will be ridiculously undercooked
I guess that's why you never see australian restaurants around the world.
>tfw to retarded too scoop the eggs out and put them on a plate
>tfw too retarded to not add the eggs after the steak has been cooking for a few minutes so that your eggs aren't fucking cold for breakfast
learn to cook
Just take the eggs out before the meat, are you fucking stupid?
don't ever reply to me again
10/10 brekkie, m8
how long do you guys hardboil eggs for?
Cook them separately faggot
Also use unsalted butter on your steak.
t. Head chef and restaurant owner
What a disgusting mess, those eggs will
Be overcooked as fuck on any heat setting high enough to properly brown and seat that meat... use two pans retard and cook eggs on nonstick next time
>Also use unsalted butter on your steak.
If you eat steak the proper way (rare) then the down time between the fin on the eggs and the steak is negligible the eggs will be plenty hot. Furthermore you weren't there so how do you know the steak was added a good time earlier than the eggs? Judging from the browning on the underside and the translucency of the eggs plus the shell on top of the steak I'd say it's obvious this was said procedure.
Oh my god disgusting
How much fuckin protein do you need anyways? Even on gear I don't eat that much fuckin protein, 1gr per pound seems like a meme
>T. Head chef
Yah right and I'm Goku posting from the afterlife.
Best way is to bring eggs in a pot of water to boil and then as soon as it is boiling cover it and turn off the heat . Then just take them out in like , I think twelve minutes? Double check it but that way makes perfect slightly soft yolk boiled eggs
Being a chef isn't that coveted man, it pays like $33k a year in most shitty places and it sucks
It's not hard to imagine an user as a chef at some rundown joint
Kek legitimately good point
>eggs will be cooked before beef is ready.
cook the steak, leave it to rest while you cook the eggs. then you can also have some beef fat for the egg cookery for extra taste.
so many people don't understand how to cook beef
>And owner
I'm sorry dude but if you knew anything about the restaurant biz youd know there is no way an owner operator of a restaurant has enough time to shit post on an origami ostrich board period. Let alone on a Saturday. Unless he's a lazy shit heel who's about to lose his joint because he ain't keeping his eye on the prize.
>I'm sorry dude but if you knew anything about the restaurant biz
i know about the restaurant biz having spent more than a decade in it. you're making a lot of assumptions which might not be true. you don;t know what time it is for that user. he could be aussie and it's 3am, or he could be a yank and he's on a split shift/down time.
>tfw too addicted to masturbation to eat more than 1000 calories a day
>see this pic
>want so bad but no food in house
>too malnourished to ride bike to store
>too poor anyways
it's not about eating eggshell
it's about being able to crack a damn egg well enough that you don't need to.
settling for sub par is always a bad decision.
>A yank on split shift
Yah nah 10 am west coast 1 pm east coast. 11 and noon in between. If he's an owner operator who wants to make it he better get his ass off Veeky Forums and either be making sure lunch is properly prepped for or attending to the customers. And if you're implying we take an Aussie seriously then just fuck off to begin with.
Tagged wrong one
salt breaks down the meat more.
did you at least salt the cut, salt denatures meat=good sear and crust.
invest in cast iron or teflon
Step back and take a look at what you are arguing about. Then get your father's handgun and do the world a favor.
water is "good" for you, but you can kill yourself by drinking too much.
saturated fats and dietary cholesterol are not good for you in these quantities if eaten at any frequency greater than once every 14 days.
By killing a dumb user who can't prove a point in mere moments with simple deductive reasoning? Steak and eggs deserves to be done right.
>Eating pedestrian-tier fried eggs
>Not knowing how to make a steak omelet
>Not adding delicious extra-sharp cheddar to it for maximum flavor -- and gains (fat, high-quality protein)
>Not putting some veggies in it, too, for texture gains
>Not serving it with delicious freshly-made hash browns
>Not pairing your breakfast with freshly-squeezed orange juice
>Not topping it all off with coffee made in a press with freshly-ground dark-roasted coffee
It's like you're barely existing, OP. Do you just not care? Are you depressed?
Assuming you don't like your eggs over medium/hard anyways
...I don't like runny eggs. Never have.
white people really dont season their food...
Hot sauce and salt don't count blackie
Adobo and cumin don't count chonga
Curry and sesame don't count Asian
Basil and garlic don't count whitey
Thumbs up
At least we cook our food lmao, why do you think ebola only exists in africa? Keep gnawing on that raw monkey meat like an animal.
Or my wife's son
[citation needed]
>heart disease in a pan
None of that shit is even salted or seasoned. Stop confirming sterotypes about white people you disgusting fuck.
>water is "good" for you, but can kill yourself by drinking to much
You can do that with any food or drink, you absolute retard.