Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

valentines coming and no gf haha I feel you brah

>tfw no more mother base to explode

>tfw found out the girl I like has a kid

>tfw Saturday evening
>tfw pushed away all my friends and acquaitances
>tfw alone
>tfw no drugs and no alcohol
>tfw tired of fapping to porn
>tfw never had female contact ti at least fap to a memory
>tfw not even motivated enough to play vidya
>tfw just endlessly refreshing 4chins for regurgitated shitposting
>tfw don't evne know if these strange chuckles are laughter or cries

>tfw no freaky gf to give you head in the front seat of the hummer

>ex was kinda chubby but used to be athletic
>she dumped me and IMMEDIATELY got pregnant with some other dude
>dodged a bullet there
>years later googled her and found her instagram
>she got really hardcore into working out but not in a good way
>her body is all gross and bloated like she's a synth abuser
>she's also 5'0 so she looks even more ridiculous than a normal sized woman

It's pretty gross and sad

>tfw coworkers talk about plans theyve made with each other right in front of you
>tfw they ask other people around you if they're going but not you specifically
>tfw one of them is the qt you've been catching feelings for

i really need to try harder to make actual friends at work

>tfw gf

not that much different from not having a gf, desu senpai

this, you will still be yourself, it's not really a life changing experience

>TFW The first girl you ever loved damaged you and ruined your trust in women

these people think that everything in their life will be perfect once they get a gf and then when they get a gf it's disappointing and ruins the relationship t b h

Not true

>go downtown to bars last night with friends
>run into my first gf from high school
>she somehow has achieved model status
>flirt and catch up, talk of the good times
>notices my muscular physique
>"user you look great..."
>touches my arms and chest
>invites me back to her place
>tfw on cycle
>tfw no libido
>"a-actually my buddy is hungry and we are going to Wendy's soon"
>her face when
>get up to leave, accidentally walk into the kitchen instead of finding the exit
>look like a fucking aspie even more now
>run home crying

You can still be yourself while having sex more regularly and/or with a woman who has learned how to please you.
Also comfort when the feels are too heavy to lift.


are you me?

Why is this a bad thing? Now you know they're all whores in one way or another.

>>tfw don't evne know if these strange chuckles are laughter or cries

holy shit

I know, right?
I'm completely out of tune with my feels, I don't know if I'm angry, sad or just tired, I'm just numb to everything
As strange as it sounds, the only moments when I'm at peace is when I shower. I could take 40 minutes showers just to stop thinking and center myself... Why is that?

>tfw gave so much into your first relationship and it ended poorly so now you feel unable to properly "love"

start meditating I guess. When under shower, you don't have so many stimulus all the time and you have room to focus on yourself.

fuck this world

We are exactly the same. How old are you? Wanna make a discord or something.

Do you have a job? Age?

>tfw you wanna smash bitches but you feel like they all have stds

Working part time

Sorry, I'd rather bitch on user than have direct social interaction. I hope you understand. If you are me as you said, I think you will.

self sabotage, eh?

>having a nice walk with qt
>we run into chad
>qt immediately disregards me and our conversation and starts walking with chad
>i end up having to walk behind them as if im not even there

Is this big man...?
If you just want someone to talk to, I'll be here.


anybody have any experience with pic related?

it sucks

I think this book might be better.

Perfect Health Diet by the Jaminets too.

ayyy lmao my first and only relationship was a decade ago and only lasted 3 weeks. She thought that I still had feelings for an ex girlfriend, because I was a flatline from nerves when we tried to have sex.

>The "ex" was a made up story (my attempt at trying to look like a normie) about a girl I knew in another circle of friends.

>That exact girl just happened to call me one night when I was with my actual first gf. Seeing the girl's name/number flash up fed her paranoia and that was it.

She got pregnant with another guy very shortly after like >tfw the only chance I had in 26 years was when I pretended to be a normie

Stop that.

It's true at this moment, but stop that. It's like you want it to stay that way forever.

i dont feel like i need to wrangle my emotions, i just want to be better at making friends, more outwardly charismatic, less shy about talking to people, that stuff