Can someone redpill me on diet soda?

Can someone redpill me on diet soda?

Other urls found in this thread: Soda/

It's worse for you than water, so essentially, don't drink it!

worse than regular soda.

just stick to water, coffee/tea and juice

i read on that it can give you cancer. anyone know where i can get some dnp or mk-677 btw?

I love me a coke zero. sucralose is proven safe, anyone who thinks otherwise voted for hilary.

It's water and caffeine. Don't sleep with it on your teeth and it's fine.

What is the difference between diet Coke, Coke zero and Coke sugar free

diet coke tastes like donkey piss where as coke zero tastes like coke. Coke zero sugar is apparently a replacement for coke zero that's supposed to taste better, but I haven't seen any around so I couldn't tell you if it is

This is true but not for the reason people think. Aspartame is safe. You'd have to drink about 2000 cans a day to approach dangerous levels. For some people though, artificial sweeteners trigger hunger, which can be counter productive.

The real problem with diet soda is the carbonation. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water creates carbonic acid which slowly erodes your teeth.

Drink water.

diet pepsi doesn't have aspartame in it and I like the taste so I drink it on occasion. just don't drink them all the time and you'll be fine.

And even if you tried to drink yourself to death on diet soda, the water would literally kill you before the sweetener became dangerous. There's a much higher fraction of the LD50 of water in a 12oz can than there is of Aspartame. I did the math once and I think it came out to 70X.

> There is currently no good evidence that diet soda is bad for you (i.e. causes weight gain or health complications). Even the topic of diet soda causing food overconsumption is mixed literature. The worst side-effect of diet soda is potentially poor dental health.

> It does not inhibit fat loss at all, and may actually suppress appetite that could help fat loss (although it does not induce fat loss per se either). Diet soda, in regards to body fat, is a carbonated inert beverage

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go here before asking nutrition/health/supplement questions:

This. My teeth got fucked big time by diet soda. Glad I caught it before it got any worse.

The problem with anything artificially sweetened is that when you drink it, your body senses something sweet going down and releases insulin to prepare for the incoming carbs. When nothing arrives the insulin spike trigger extremely low blood sugar, which makes you feel faint, shaky and like you're starving. As a result, you will likely end up eating more when drinking diet sodas, especially when drinking them between meals. The spike in insulin and crash in blood sugar will also make you irritable, tired, lethargic and weak.

I recommend to stay clear of it completely, and drink a regular soda here and there and factor it into your daily calories as part of a balanced diet.

Everything you've said is false, please read the second link in this post:

strong broscience

I'd say the real problem is the dangerous amount of caffeine

>The problem with anything artificially sweetened is that when you drink it, your body senses something sweet going down and releases insulin to prepare for the incoming carbs.

Most artificial sweeteners do not cause an insulin response. Aspartame and sucralose, off the top of my head, I know do not.

>I recommend to stay clear of it completely, and drink a regular soda

t. corn syrup shill


Does not quote a citation at all. Wow. The website said so. Sure must be true.

please read the "about" section, the third link in the post
also, that link cites six studies in a one page article!
for a more thorough look, see their page on diet sodas: Soda/

It's not even bad for your teeth if you function like a normal human being and clean yours teeth 2 times a day.

Americans on the other side, disgusting as they are..

oh yeah, here's a quote:
>The real problem is that people tend to under-estimate caloric intake. By thinking about the zero calories in the soda, they end up eating an excess of calories, thus increasing fat storage[5]. This makes the well known correlation (relationship) between diet soda and obesity; one does not cause the other, but they tend to co-exist. Drinking diet soda does not make one fat, but people with obesity tend to drink diet soda.

In regards to insulin, diet soda can potentially increase insulin secretion by both an anticipatory response and the artificial sweetener aspartame can (through the amino acid, phenylalanine). However, both of these insulin spikes are too small to matter practically, and the latter mechanism doesn't seem to occur at all with many commonly ingested dosages.

I hadn't considered that. Wiki says the The LD50 of caffeine is 150 to 200 mg/kg. Google says a 12oz can of Pepsi has 37.6mg of caffeine.

>... math...

For a 100kg person that's 399 to 532 cans to reach LD50.

Water's LD50 (in rats) is 90 ml/kg. Which works out to 25 cans for a 100kg person.

>t. corn syrup shill

In what country does soda contain corn syrup?

The United States and Canada. In Mexico you can still get cane sugar sweetened major brands. I don't know what they use in the rest of the world. But who cares? It's literally the same stuff, glucose, fructose, and sucrose (which is just glucose bonded to fructose).

The rest of the world uses glucose, and yes, there is a serious difference between fructose and glucose from a health standpoint.

Nobody uses straight glucose in soft drinks. That would taste awful. Sucrose is stable in solution which is why it tastes different than HFCS, but just as much fructose hits your liver once it starts getting metabolized.

How is it worse than pouring sugar into your body?

It's more palatable so you consume more. If you tried to consume that much sugar without the carbonation and acidity it would be unbearably sweet.

And the acidity is bad for your teeth.

Diet soda rewires your brain to eat more sugar because it tastes something sweet and doesn't get any sugar so it programs you to eat more sweet stuff than you would normally, they have proven this in clinical studies
So people who drink soda to reduce their sugar intake actually on average consume more sugar than if they just drank regular soda