What does Veeky Forums think of iron pill/ fascist bodybuilding?
What does Veeky Forums think of iron pill/ fascist bodybuilding?
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I cant believe someone was so autistic that they've been beating this joke dead for the past 5 years
deeply homoerotic
fascism is a beta ideology
hurr look at me I need a leader and a state
nah the point of lifting is self improvement not subservience
any ""pill"" is a joke
read a book and then go outside
fascism is fucking dumb. there's nothing weak about believing in equality.
I think it's a good idea as far as you honor your ancestors. Also someone needs to make more of the comic
anarcho-egoism is the real alpha ideology
closely followed by objectivism
>fascism is a beta ideology
>hurr look at me I need a leader and a state
Truth right here.
I think it's really funny and kind of appealing, no fascist tho
>he hasnt taken the bogpill
I dont think you need to go fascist but being healthy in mind body and spirit is a pretty classical idea going back to grecco-roman days and the Nazi's certainly advocated for it.
just cause Fascists did bad things doesn't mean they also didn't do good things or have some good ideas.
Bet you get pegged nightly
Mah man
I hate the ideology of fascism but if you've ever taken a class on philosophy or critical thinking then you know without a shadow of a doubt that there are at least 30+ ways of attacking the equality argument
>following a another man
Why not forge your own path user? Are you a beta follower?
Real close to Tom of Finland.
Those aren't really good ideas if they just twisted them for their own use.
Of course you would want your population to be stronger, it makes them more useful. Fascists didn't want mentally strong people, that encourages more independent thought.
That kind of stuff is better for the governments reputation. It makes them seem like they care about the population more, but to a fascist the people are a tool and just a tool. It was popular because it seemed good for "the people" but it just ends up being better for political agendas than the average person
>they're not good ideas because I don't like the people that employed them
sounds retarded. In real anarchy you would be a food for crows, bitch boy
this entire red-pill, blue-pill, iron-pill, meme-pill bullshit is getting cringy
I dont even think the nazis were that over the top, they wanted a healthy population because thats a big part of the whole "Ubermenche" master race aryan pseudo religious dogma they had.
Still being fit in body and mind is something we should all strive for.
Ive been well read for a long time, I like to read and study history and Philosophy always hated excising but I have recently gotten into it because I want to embody what the classical thinkers advocated for.
I didn't say they were bad ideas, a lot of classical ideas are great. Fascists just used them for their own reasons instead of actually wanting people to better themselves. They might have wanted them healthier, but that just means more cannon fodder for the inevitable autism outburst
>Nazi's not over the top
Senpai the "Ubermensch" is a Nietzsche concept taken WAY out of context by the Nazis. Don't say you're well read when you say shit like that. That was literally my point, political entities like the Nazis took a lot of older ideas way out of context for their own devices
Did I claim the Nazi's invented the term?
Go to /pol/ and try and start a physical fitness thread those fuckers hate Veeky Forums and talk about how guns are more important and lifting is for vain faggots.
They think muscle mass should come about naturally as if modern men have to option to go chop wood for 12hrs a day
t. never been on /pol/
Honoring your ancestors is fine, but realize that you share the same ancestors with the rest of humanity.
I'm all down with a lot of the Heathen mindset of honoring oaths, respecting your ancestors, keeping your local community strong, protecting the environment. It's just silly to bring race into it.
We were descended from those who survived, we are the pinnacle of a species who scrabbled up from the plains of Africa to have now masted our planet.
Shit like race just disunifies us. We should be exploring the rest of the solar system right now.
Mfw /pol/ made me wanna get for in the first place.
And yet here I am, a /pol/lock who out lifts you.
>Shit like race just disunifies us. We should be exploring the rest of the solar system right now.
Oh shut up, you fucking hippie. Competition among ourselves is what got us into space to begin with. If someone ever walks on Mars, it's going to be because of UN vs Russia/China dick waving.
>Competition among ourselves is what got us into space to begin with.
I agree, and I am glad that the rivalry ended up in the space race rather than in using those rockets to glass the planet.
> If someone ever walks on Mars, it's going to be because of UN vs Russia/China dick waving.
Awesome. Better than fighting a war.
I was being US-centric in my post. I just can't stand racial shit. It's all culture and culture can change.
i kinda agree but america is abomination built on a grave of native culture
i appreciate all the things that make us different, travel to eastern countries was always a journey to me and little differences among western european countries were also greatly appreciated.
blending all the unique components of nations into one pile of shit is for me comparable to the feeling of loss you experience when endangered species dies
Culture IS race
I wouldn't expect an American to understand though
As long as you're not a mgtow faggot
Then why are you here if equality is real?
If I look at the world today, yes people do need a strong leader and you're already subservient in democracy you retard
Nah I don't think we should all blend it man, I agree. I love different cultures. There will never be one world culture. But I sure as hell love being able to hop on down to the city where I can get food from damn near every culture within a mile of each other. I don't think keeping each other out is the right thing to do. Obviously people should assimilate but in the way the Italians and Irish did, they're distinct within a culture but part of it as a subculture.
They're both social constructs. Except one (race) came out of 18th century Europe and the other (culture) is inexorable from language and has existed from the begging of mankind.
The iron pill isn't really fascist. It's definitely in line with an anti-materialist/anti-modern traditionalist stance, which does value a certain level of cultural integrity as a necessary precursor to higher individual virtues. It's worth pointing out that that's something distinct from biological/scientific racism.
Re: fitness, it's a gateway to a lot of reading/ ideas that work well with the pursuit of self-improvement including fitness.
This become someone others follow. Politics is for Cucks
Yeah, but competition between races gets us nowhere.
>race is a social construct because I said so
/Pol/ is obese they just need more excuses to blame the Jews for being NEETs or deeply unhappy
You wagecucks. The one who lifts there is the odd on out.
Your a dyel
Nothing wrong with getting in touch with a lot of the pre-Christian European values. The old Celts, Germans, Greeks, and Romans are worth learning about.
Awesome shit about virtue and what makes a man. Things worth reading and living by.
>not a green fascist
Alright dude, have fun going your own way when acid rains from the sky and you're mainlining GMO soy beans grown in a vat and taking 15 different medications so your body doesn't eat itself due to air pollution and metabolic syndrome
Race is a social construct because race is not a biological thing. The closest you could get is arguing that there are subspecies of human the same as there are subspecies of cat. They're still cats, they still can interbreed, and they share 99.99% of their genome.
Dude, go look at some of the physical anthropology books from the 1890s. It's all grouping induviduals - but not like how a modern biologist does with clades and genomes, but they were using categories they decided existed (mongoloid, negroid, caucasian, Nordic, alpine, etc.) and fit populations into them based on stereotypes. Ah, can't have Irish Catholics in our precious Anglo-Saxon/Germanic Protestant group despite that they all are R1B. Bullshit justification for mistreatment.
>race is not a biological thing
Holy shit
>The closest you could get is arguing that there are subspecies of human the same as there are subspecies of cat.
And that's ''race'' m8. It's semantics.
Agreed. Also doubly agreed about space. For all the going on about it we could have both been to mars and seen what's under Europa's ice
>Your a dyel
Fight me, cuck.
Mate race is not a social construct get over yourself.
There are subspecies of human you'd be retarded to think otherwise. Like dogs and other animals different subspecies are better at certain things based on the environment they evolved in. Negroids didn't have the resources or evolutionary pressures like Caucasoids who had to deal with harsh winters and other bullshit.
Negroids never developed past living in mudhuts and stone age tools while Asians and Europeans advanced and created sprawling empires. And no Ancient Egyptian's don't count they considered Nubian's (aka Black People) an entirely different race and couldn't stand them.
I think that totalitarian dictatorships are necessary for the initial revolution and the seizure of political power from the previous regime. Of course, power structures begin to crystallize and it becomes difficult to switch to a plutocratic form of government.
The state is men working together to govern the people. Together they can accomplish great things, such national healthcare, reformed education, and efficient welfare.
No, that's 'subspecies' m8. It's semantics.
There's Chinese that live in mudhuts and then there's Chinese that pay instagram whores to eat their crap just because they can afford it. Does that mean we have Chinese subspecies?
found the Negro lover, i don't understand the u.s.a. obsession with them, down here we know they are not good thing at all, plain and simple.
>There are subspecies of human you'd be retarded to think otherwise.
No there aren't, and no you wouldn't be
>Homo sapiens (Latin: "wise man") is the binomial nomenclature (also known as the scientific name) for the only extant human species. Homo is the human genus, which also includes Neanderthals and many other extinct species of hominid; H. sapiens is the only surviving species of the genus Homo.
>Like dogs and other animals different subspecies are better at certain things based on the environment they evolved in. Negroids didn't have the resources or evolutionary pressures like Caucasoids who had to deal with harsh winters and other bullshit.
Nowhere near the same
Go give your gains to the dyels at your gym.
Oh wait, you probably are one.
Iron pill isn't fascist.
Let's be honest, ''fascist'' has practically lost any meaning and by all contemporary misunderstandings of the word, Iron pill is fascist.
Fascist pill is the only option
>not transcending spooks like culture and race t become a superior being
Fascism is for insecure cucks who have nothing to offer anyone on a mental or physical level. So, in response to this objective truth they cling to spooks like race in order to feel superior to their common man
That's not what Fascism is you fucking retard.
You're thinking of White Nationalists.
Fascists DO NOT think they're on the same team with other Whites just because they're both White.
Basically White Nationalists are the degenerates on Stormfront and such who think if you remove non-whites society will become good and everything will be right in the world, and that Whites are equal.
Fascists are very different in their worldview. While they too are often racist, homophobic, sexist etc that's not what separates the Fascist worldview. It goes a lot beyond that.
Put simply would be that Fascism is Science applied to Humans.
There is no science to back up anything you just claimed. In fact most of that shit is just plain false. "Africans live in mud huts" is a tired meme. Africa is a huge continent and the most culturally diverse landmass on the planet
>He doesn't follow the schools of Evola and Kierkegaard
>most culturally diverse landmass on the planet
That's one way to refer to diseases and parasites
>we wuz philosophers n shit
so fucking fedora lmao. fuck off back to your containment board, /pol/ weenie.
Fascism is gay and heres why.
I do believe in a sort of hierarchy order to societies. Theres no question that some are better than others. But the best way to utalize this is in a liberal meritocracy. If you believe that you are an ubermensch or master race or whatever, then you shouldnt need an all powerful governmental system in order to make sure and consolidate your position in power because it should just be self evident.
Thus, fascist systems only result in bureaucratic messes populated by nothing but jewy sychophants. And most appeals to fascism on here arent even that. Most people here are fascist because they need a daddy figure. They are so imcopatant and useless that they literally want the government to have so much power that it tells them what to do, like a lazy child needing his parents to tell him to finish his homework because they lack any sense of work ethic or self reliance.
Fascism is a refuge of cowards and sniveling worms and theres a reason it got BTFO in the 40s
t. right wing Trump supporting patriot.
>UN vs Russia/China dick waving.
I'd understand if you said India but China sucks when it comes to space. India is way ahead of them
pegging feels good when done right
Then why can't Indians shit in toilets instead of the street?
That is the core of fascism, you fucking retards.
If that is what you believe, then you should be fascists. It is literally the only political position which matches what you're saying.
Fucking hell, I'm not even a fascist.
>I'm not even a fascist.
you say after you gave a really shitty shilling attempt at a meme ideology you dont even grasp.
>ITT: People that have never read any Fascist or National Socialist theory pigeon-hole the entire worldview(s) to be "RACIAL SUPREMACY XDDDDDDD"
Fascism is eternal self improvement because your survival depends on your competence and value to those around you. Those who prove the most competence and value inevitably end up in leadership roles because weak leaders are the death of community.
It is endless self improvement on an individual level to the benefit of the group as a whole.
Read Evola.
And no, you thin skinned faggot, I'm not a fascist because it is wholly unrealistic today. It would take generations to prepare a society for fascism even assuming they couldn't spend all day fapping on the internet.
its a very shallow ideology and all the LARPers themselves ever talk about is the racial aspect.
And anarchism is literally a meme ideology.
>Oh look at me I'm an anarchist, no gubbermint needed here, humans can mutually cooperate!
>Oh what's that I just turned 20 and I'm not a homosexual or otherwise mentally challenged? Fuck it, I guess I'm a democratic capitalist now.
>all the LARPers themselves ever talk about is the racial aspect.
This is honestly the biggest downfall. The amount of times I've asked someone if they read Feder or Rosenberg's "Myth of the Twentieth Century" and they respond "No..." is uncountable.
But I would deny the claim that the ideology is shallow. Basic in it's underlining concepts, yes, but the things that people like Codreanu spoke about can resonate with anyone if they're willing to open their mind up to a rather "distasteful" opinion.
>Fascism is eternal self improvement
No it isnt. This is some gay self help shit emotionally stunted children say to try and legitimatize their juvinale edgyness.
> Those who prove the most competence and value inevitably end up in leadership roles because weak leaders are the death of community.
you mean like all those Fascist leaders who war mongered, an actual aspect of the ideology, which ended up leading all their nations into suicidal total wars?
its a weak ideology for weak people.
>but the things that people like Codreanu spoke about can resonate with anyone if they're willing to open their mind up to a rather "distasteful" opinion.
Its the ramblings of a madman and is essentially proto christian ISIS. Its psychotic and theres a reason even the Romanian government killed off the Iron guard and their autism
Calm down, /leftypol/, your empty rhetoric is just tired talking points propped up by your own subjective opinions.
Beyond that, this thread doesn't even need to be on Veeky Forums.
Stop being a stupid little cunt, the rich stay rich because they breed with other rich, educated people. The poor stay poor because they can only mix with the other underlings and remain exploited. Although both near identical, it comes down to genetics. Why can you not see this?
>if you dont like fascism youre a commie!
wow, good one.
>your empty rhetoric is just tired talking points propped up by your own subjective opinions.
quality sophistry
Stop being upset, /leftypol/. No one wants to join in on your pseudo-socialist, liberal beliefs.
>you mean like all those Fascist leaders who war mongered, an actual aspect of the ideology, which ended up leading all their nations into suicidal total wars?
Yes. Yes, exactly. Their incompetence destroyed the community, exactly as I said. I also said it is wholly unrealistic these days precisely because people do not suffer to the extent necessary to prepare them for fascism.
You're not very good at this.
>This is some gay self help shit emotionally stunted children say to try and legitimatize their juvinale edgyness.
You just didn't know how to reply to that, did you?
Cant you see its the same thing just on a much larger scale? The population of the uk can be considered a breed of dog with they're own tendencies and preferences that cover everything from the food they prefer, the shit they find funny and the values they hold dear.
The way you just double down on pretending Im a communist because I dont like communism and engage in a strawman argument showcases what a mental midget you are and how you dont have an argument.
Good job failing spectacularly as shilling your point fag.
Why are you assuming I'm calling you a commie?
It seems that you're just spouting off more worthless rhetoric and trying to impress a bunch of anonymous weightlifters with opinions that most of them just don't care about.
Beyond that you haven't even saged a single post so it's rather clear you insist on bumping this already off-topic thread. Why don't you just take your opinions and post them on /pol/ or any other political discussion forum? Or better yet, sage and/or ignore this thread?
How about mixing the iron pill and brown pill?
Get your body swol as hell and then leave it behind through astral projection
>Why are you assuming I'm calling you a commie?
because you keep calling me leftypol
>It seems that you're just spouting off more worthless rhetoric and trying to impress a bunch of anonymous weightlifters with opinions that most of them just don't care about.
god tier projecting.
you thought name dropping some meme romanian fascist would impress anyone and it didnt. You got called out immediately after and are now engaging in sophistry. Have fun wasting your 20s trying to promote a dead and universally hated political system with zero chance of ever making a real comeback though.
I don't get why people are so drawn to fascism when they are literally batting .000 for war victories.
>because you keep calling me leftypol
/leftypol/ isn't just commie. It's just a left leaning board in general who has a chronic shit posting habit on Veeky Forums.
>Have fun wasting your 20s trying to promote a dead and universally hated political system with zero chance of ever making a real comeback though.
Won't know until we try.
ironically facisms attitude towards war is partly why they lost. to willing to make enemies.
also the russians have an infinite supply of people
germany did pretty well for taking on the world alone.
its a big daddy figure for lost 20 somethings autist who believe the state will fix everything for them while also fulfilling their special snowflakism
>germany did pretty well for taking on the world alone.
>invade an impoverished Russia with Finland, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, and Slovakia and still lose
I was thinking about it today though, like, ya got whooped, why are there neo-nazis? We're gonna whoop your ass again.
I shouldn't be bringing this up right before I go to bed, cause it's not fair to the 13 yr olds who will want to respond about "blah blah self improvement" and live in denial about how fascism is all about subjugation to a nation under one ruler.
I also wonder how America's right got associated with Neo-Nazis? I'm a libertarian, and I would happily punch a Nazi in the face.
Look at these beta speech patterns.
"I think"
Real capitalist men speak with certainty
>I also wonder how America's right got associated with Neo-Nazis?
The left.