Ottermode and Height - When Will Manlets Learn?

Is there even a point in getting built if you're over 6'0"

Daily reminder that height is more important than face, frame, and height >>>>>>>>>> muscle

Daily reminder that if you're a manlet, no matter how rich or muscular you become you won't be desirable to women

Daily reminder that height and compensation are directly correlated to one another

Fucking manlets, when will they learn?

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Lifting weight and getting stronger should just be something you do because you like to do it not compnsating or any of that stupid bull enough with the stupid manlet memes

Amen Brother, preach to the Non-Lifter!

What's that guy's routine on the right?

Can I get that look from a calorie deficit and pushups

the manlet meme is over dude when will you learn

>inb4 manlet
im 6'0

how to achieve this

That dry full look is only achievable on cutting agents like clen. The best natties can do is look like the guy on the left

> Get mild pump
> Get Hollywood lighting
> Spiderman

you must be ugly and have Elliot syndrome

soz you dont get any grills, phaggot

fill a room with 50 men under 6 feet and 50 men 6 feet and over. Both groups have been lifting for 4 years. Tell them to fight to the death. Who comes out a live? hint: the manlets would. Or else lanklets wouldn't feel so threatened HAHA

>implying people over 6' are lanklets
insecure manlet detected

i'm 5'9" and i NEVER had problem with women. I've fucked sluts, i had steady relationships.

additude >>>> everything (of course if you are at least average face/height)


the sub 6 footers have better stamina, lower gravity to earth, are faster/sneakier, easier to get gains, and are harder to throw off balance. Ugly lanklets like OP wouldn't last very long. I actually feel sorry for him since he has to resort to shit posting on Veeky Forums, but this is what happens when lanklets can't live up to their height. Sad.

most are, thats why the insecure ones jump on the juice to be mr tough guy to cover up their lack of game and intelligence, then when they can't live up to their height they come to Veeky Forums to shit post.

McGregor would knock the fuck out of OP so quick he wouldn't even notice

bullshit they look identical.

>When your greatest achievement is your height.
Nice OP, real nice.

>Daily reminder that height and compensation are directly correlated to one another
Yes, we can tell by reading your post.

Toby was a whole lot better, and worked out hard asf to be spiderman

What's your fucking problem? Why do you feel the need to pick of small dudes? What's wrong with you other than your terrible personality? Do you get picked on for being fugly or something.

>inb4 "manlet!" I'm 6'

>low end of salary for my position
Where did I go wrong?

face > frame > height

honest to god, HFF is a useful tool, but height is only 1 component

yes virtually all girls above yoru height are not on your dating radar, however what aobut the ones who are?

a 6'2" who is ugly af, and has no frame has a larger dating pool, but their effectiveness is far lower. getting muscular is useful and will up your ability to traverse the dating/mating pool, but its nothing compared to the natural genetics you are born with (unless surgery)

ugly manlets have it the worst, yes, i concede.

Tall guys have a much larger dating pool, again thats correct.

Beautiful tall guys have it best, again thats not really a question.

however, saying beautiful manlets will never have a good looking girl? Thats stupid if you think girls only care about height.

also yeah im 5'7" but any girl in that dating range gives me more looks than some tall ugly as fuck guy. also manlet is more of a mindset, understanding this will help you maneuver the dating/mating game better.

>beautiful men

jesus christ it is true men are fucking feminized as fuck no wonder ya'll so obsessed with looks sounds like a fucking high school girls bathroom in here

desu you're right, this shit gay af senpai

You must be ugly rofl

So true. I have a friend who has been constantly harrassed by manlets at the gym because he is bigger and taller than them. A lot of juiced up manlets desu


>Daily reminder that if you're a manlet, no matter how rich or muscular you become you won't be desirable to women


>manu rios

>jared leto

>johnny depp

>most modelling agencies height requirement stands between 5'10-6'2

>yet another thread where insecure people try to bait other insecure people

what exactly did manlets do to you that you have such a chip on your shoulder? it's every other fucking thread

6'1 and a half by the way and most of my friends are 5'11 and under

>The short guy. Hands-down.
>5'8" and with a guy who's 5'6" on a good day. Never bothered me.
>Height can be attractive to but it has never bothered me to date a shorter guy. I don't feel less feminine, he doesn't feel less masculine.
>Gaius Baltar and Caprica Six, everybody. Hot.

>I'd say the short, good-looking guy.
I like height on a man, but I'd say I'm bigger on faces than I am on height.

>I've dated both. It depends on personality and intelligence.

>I don't have a short good looking guy to compare to my tall ugly self, but I have been told recently that I'm too tall by a woman I'm dating[1] (who is about 5'6 who always wears at least 4 inch heels). I guess she would go for my short good looking twin.

>I'd go for the good looking short guy assuming all else was equal. I've never really cared about height.

I think Veeky Forums made me hate manlets. I used to not think twice, now when I see them I need to make sure I'm better than them and that they know it.