Is this achievable within 2 years?
Is this achievable within 2 years?
1 year easily. Starting from average, not fat
Gosling is one out of a million, you'd be lucky if you could achieve his body in 10+ years
from which movie is this?
La La Land
Eye Drive
(Serious) The Place Beyond the Pines.
>I can't fucking read
Place beyond the pines
Which is it? Honest question
thumbnail looks like Ellen DeGeneres after a stint in prison
muscle wise? yes
tattoo wise? yes (but why?)
money wise? depends (
Read the filename retard
How to achive?
If you're auschwitz, you can do it in 2
If you're obese, you can get something similar in 2
If you're average, you can do it in 1.
who the fuck put those tats on him? who the fuck would ever get any of that tattooed on them?
it's for a movie character you retard.
he plays a circus adrenaline junkie in the movie
Classic example of being a meathead. He started roiding and probably did some drugs (look at him ffs) and he tatted his shit up
the afterlife
jesus.. i realized gosling actually has a huge head on a small body..
Starting from DYEL 20-25% BF, this would be attainable in 15 weeks natty, easy.
Let me clarifty. Easy = very possible. It would actually require hard work and consistency.
Look at the filename you prong.
OP, it doesn't take two years to become a smarmy douchebag!!!FACT!!!
wot if ur starting from fat how many yares?
real human bean
His character was a motorcycle stuntman and petty/violent criminal. When they came up with the character gosling wanted him to have a shitload of tats. He eventually regretted getting the one under his eye thinking it was too much, but the director didn't let him change it because it was supposed to be a lesson that tied in with the theme of the movie, about how you do shit and it has consequences that you can't take back
You'd have to roid to make in one year nig
Then you have to add time for cutting
You're one fast bastard. Next you're gonna tell me he's not even that handsome.
He's like a 6
The Notebook