high bar twink fucking shits BTFO!
High bar twink fucking shits BTFO!
High bar squats + RDLs are superior
>That is what SS fags actually think they look like
lol deluded
Meanwhile pic related doesn't squat
>Unironically using Origin
front squats best squats
Enjoy your undeveloped hamstrings that will fail you as soon as you use them outside the squat.
>not playing mass effect, the greatest video game series of all time
>being an faggit
pick both friendo
Squats do work. 4 month of squatting in the pic. Nearing 3pl8.
Yeah, until we invented the leg curl machine, human beings were notorious for being unable to walk due to insufficiently developed hamstrings.
That's a big package
damn boy u put away that sock after fap
Mirin bulge
That cartoon is misinterpreted.
As a natural you need light and heavy days, where intensity and volume are adjusted.
The guy who just says "squats" is a retarded roided out freak who doesn't know how to fucking train lol. He just ups the dose and grows
rear glute spread pls
take your shit taste back to /v/
name a better series
Didn't quite get the angle right tho.
>Tfw don't a trilogy run with graphics mods
Feels gud
lmao even mount and blade is better than ass effect
What's are good leg exercises to complement squats? I do calf raises but not much else aside from diddies. What else should I be doing?
more squats
front squats
overhead squats
If you have the energy, good mornings, hip thrusts/glutes bridges, lunges, single leg leg press.
If I'm too gassed after squats I just go home. People always think you need a ton of accessories, but if your squat sets are intense enough, that alone is all you really need.
Who the fuck could think this is attractive/manly. Genuinely puzzled here. I mean, when is the last time you heard a grill go "omgee his quads are so big he looks like a literal frog I want him". I mean squats are great and all but can we all agree that visible leg gains are their downside?
>lifting 4 girls
0W0 what's this?
Wrong. Bitches love thicc juicy legs and ass.
any proof?
try talking to a fucking girl lol
lmao not a single girl has ever said this to you
Grills who check out men's butt are disgusting body-positive reddit proto dykes. I wouldn't touch them with my ten foot pole user.
I literally left my last gf because she was starting to get obsessed with my ass and commented on it several times. She was pretty much always a tumblrina type but that was just too dykey for me.
Fucking this. Asses are a woman's attribute. If a girl compliments you on your ass you're basically one of the garlfrands
The fuck are you talking about.
I've had girls comment on my ass/grab it and they were just like any other girl.
You fucking jest? Ex used to compliment how big and hard my legs were and she didn't even lift. Bitches love thicccccccccc legs, my FWB now loves them and my ass. Jelly skelly virgin confirmed.
But they weren't. Since they did that they are dykes. Just give it time bro. I honestly wish I could keep the same upper body and get my pre lifting legs back. But apparently, you can't workout without squatting so now I have to live with these big ass thighs that make me feel like some cheap thicc instagram thot and make my 8 incher look like a babbydick. Also
>tfw thighs are bigger than gf's
is there anything worse?
meant for Also while I'm at it
>letting grills grab your ass
>Not letting girls grab your juicy ass, legs, and arms
lmao you're probably dyel as fuck, why would they want to grab yours?
lmao kys
just accept ur a gay user, pegging is next anyway. being lean is supposed to show the grill that you could do anything you want to her, not send the message that you're a gigolo and that she should play with your ass like men are supposed to play with a woman's ass lmao.
>needing validation so much that your greatest goal is to be a boytoy
mentally not gonna make it
Are you retarded? Girls love a guy with a nice ass. Of course they want to touch it, my ass is nicer than half the sluts I fuck lmao.
Spoken like a true virgin.
Just curious, do these girls also lick/play with your nipples? That's usually what degenerate rave bi-chicks do.
No. I don't like rave girls or raves in general that much.
>I don't like girls that much
FTFY but it's okay user. Gay "boys" will like your butt just as much!
>Projecting this hard
I'm not going to post my amazing ass for you gayboi.
>all of these asslets.
>mfw most of Veeky Forums is actually unironically closeted
feel dumb af. just realized this now after thinking it was a meme for over a year.
Look I'm all for squats but you can't deny those are some joocy fukken legs m8