Do you need to be huge to get girls or simply low bodyfat is enough?

Do you need to be huge to get girls or simply low bodyfat is enough?

not being a skellington helps

so... othermode?

I'm on mobile, but is that baby black?

Good size (not too big but not too small) > definition
You can be a fat shit and girls will like you if you're a fat shit with muscular arms

he's a liberal.
that's the current year.

Its black

Body fat isn't super important as long as it's not really high, as long as you look good in clothes you'll look good. So if you don't have a lot of muscle then don't have a lot of fat either, or have a decent amount of muscle and you can have more fat.
Unless you live somewhere with beaches or you've got easy access to a pool no one is gonna see any of your definition besides your arms and calves till your fucking.

Now you know why no one is really smiling.

Damn, it makes me puke.

Plus no one is dressed wedding-like. And no one touches the bride. God damn, it's fucking sick.

that was the first thing i noticed lmao. a fucking black baby and some nu male husband

>tfw grill getting married is the cutest in the pic
>5/10 manlet (shortest guy int he pic) husband
>wonder how they got together
>see the baby
as a kv, is my only choice to go after used sluts to acquire a qt gf?

Maybe the baby is adopted?

ROll to fuck ur shit

Gonna fuck the wife and give him a little carlos so atleast his baby can be a funny criminal

rolling for 5 because husband won't mind anyway

Yes. And that dude with the beard punched a video camera into the face of a female reporter from the Rebel

rolling for 9

nice try asswipe, that hot mama is mine

girls don't like huge guys, I don't know what world you're living in.

Hot chicks with big tits and asses do