Spiderman Goal

How to achieve Tom Holland Spiderman body?! i need some diet and workout routine

Full body 4 days a week.
Eat clean surplus TDEE + 500.
Do cardio on off days.

Do 50 pushups and crunches everyday to tone up the muscles and melt away the stomach fat.
You'll be ripped in 3 months.

reverse this

Isn't Peter Parker supposed to be like 16 years old when he discovers his new powers? What the hell is his problem?

how would be that?

You don't need cardio to get to that BF%. Just good lighting, be dry, have a pump and a little bit of mass

do you have a routine for those 4 days?

Push Pull Push Pull. Alternate heavy days with higher volume days.

I find that I can't lose weight by dieting alone. I really need my cardio to lose fat.

Be 20 years old and a former gymnast/professional dancer

stop eating

Spend a solid 3-4 months focusing mostly on cardio and bring your body fat low low low. Then from there, pick a strength routine and eat a little above your TDEE until you're Holland-mode.


genetic mutations made him ripped.

Not possible

Chances are you'll never look like that anyway. Dude's tiny, but he's got some really nice insertions which makes his physique look impressive to normies anyway.

You put anyone with worse insertions at that bf% and muscle level and they'll just look tiny.

Aim to surpass his strength level and then take comfort in the fact that when you put on a t-shirt you'll look like a man whereas he'll look like a babby with 12 inch arms

I alternate between 1 hour and 1/2 hour runs every day. I eat a normal diet and burn fat like a furnace.

Tom Holland has a background as a gymnast and a dancer, so he's super fit.

>Tom Holland
>Not Tom Hardy

bruh but this pic is dripping with lighting enchancements

That's a big observation.

am I the only guy who just wants to get Veeky Forums and build muscle and look good? seems like everyone else on here oogles other dudes bodies and sits and looks at dudes bodies and picks which one they want like theyre choosing a new haircut